Part 26

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A/N: So I feel like I've been putting things in chapters that I just do not explain. Like Y/N's and Sano's past together. So for this chapter... let me know if you want more chapters like this one... I am going to put this chapter in that stalker I mentioned a few chapters back point of view. Should clear up everything up that's been feeling off. If stalking is a trigger for you please skip to the end and I'll put a summary of this chapter. We need no one breaking down into tears and going into full anxiety mode. Just all the words until this bold text appears at the end. 

*Stalker's POV*

I've been watching Y/N for a long time and I've learned somethings about her, for one she is an assassin to this day, a previous man-slayer in the war, and the battousai's girlfriend. I've known her since the war when we met because we were supposed to kill each other. We were just kids back then, I wasn't as handsome as I am now. I was shocked about how young this child was fighting like it was no problem with the battousai. But then again I was just a child as well but being only 4 years apart makes no difference. 

(A/N: Just for reference since I do not recall saying this. Kenshin is 28 begging this series and you are 23. Oh and Sanosuke is only 19... what a baby. Hope that helps) 

I was infatuated with her since day 1 and I just couldn't help but keep a close eye on her. She was supposed to erase my squad, i guess you could call it, but for some odd reason she let us live. It could be because we were just kids who couldn't even land a punch on her intimating presence. Or maybe because out army was just a bunch of farmers who were just protesting but she let us live. I can still clearly remember her words on that day. 

*Conversation from the war* 

"I'm hear to destroy your little rebellion against the government. Where is your leader, Sagara Soze?" She said in her 'ready to murder' voice 

"I am the leader you seek. Now I must ask, why destroy us when we just want peace and better life for us farmers?" Sagara, my leader, said. 

"You know I just follow orders I'm given. After all I'm just some 11 year old kid after all." Y/N paused for a second. "If I had to guess why, because you low lives serve no purpose other than to serve the big man on top. After all you were born into the caste you shall always be in." Y/N said with me just understanding we shall always be low lives to her. 

(A/N: I am just assuming this was in the caste system.. I mean this took place in 1800's. If you don't know what the caste system is, google it.) 

"And that is why we are fighting for a change! We shouldn't be stuck being poor even if our parents were poor! It isn't our fault as children of them! We want justice for everyone!" Sagara said 

"Which I really do not care about. Listen, I'm just some orphan who like to see some blood. This political shit is way to much for me." Y/N said scratching her head then turned to me. "Heyyy I see you also have some kids as well." Y/N said walking up to me

"Don't come any closer, or I will shoot!" I yelled at her but she didn't even flinch at my statement and just stopped walking.

"I was just going to ask a question. Do you like to see blood as well. I mean your younger than I am but fighting a loosing fight. Any kid could see that and leave unless they just like the look, the smell, and even the taste of blood." Y/N said and I just looked at her shocked. I had no clue we were loosing until she brought it up. 

"N-no I do not. I just want to help captain Sagara win. I own him that much." I said like a nervous little kid would say.

"Too bad. You know what, I'll let you live for now. Say I couldn't find you or I got caught up. I would like to meet you after a while and see if you say the same thing little boy." Y/N said with a smirk "I'll see you around!" She said walking away. It was weird but that was my first time meeting her and from then on I've had an none stop crush. 

Being her personal hidden body guard it is my duty to make sure no one tries to kill her and be out of her way. Its hard to be hidden when your this tall and this handsome. I mean woman flock to me and at one point I could have sworn I had Y/N's love filled eyes on me. But that all changed when she finally got to meet up with the battousai again. She left me in the dust and that arrogant son of a bitch took her from me. Yeah I might be a stubborn idiot in her eyes but she didn't have to leave my waiting arms for another man. But due to I am so stubborn I will fight for her. She will be mine. 

These days seems to have calmed down her pattern of traveling, killing someone, then sleeping or hiding out somewhere. She seems to have a place she rest safely but sadly that is not where I live. Its close enough for me to stop by and check up on her but I don't get to hold her in my loving arms every night like that battousai can. I wish I wasn't weaker than him or else I would totally kick his ass for my sweet Y/N. But there is one thing I noticed in my current watch of her. She leave in the middle of the night without anyone noticing... well expect me but that's because I'm an expert... I don't know what she does but she leave to the middle of the woods and always just waits there. I know who she is waiting for but he won't show up without you letting him know your code. Our code.

I wait far away from her even though that was our hiding spot as children to just hang out and have fun and it was like that until she left to go on this big battle and never returned until now. We used this spot to get away from the war and the politics but then she never showed up. It was weird how that became our spot because it was my chill spot then she found me in it and just kept showing up. Then we created a code to tell one another we were going to meet there again. But then she stopped using the code and showing up. Like she was chasing something that wasn't going to face her in battle. Sadly, even though I watched her for so long , I cannot seem to understand what she is thinking. She goes to our old meeting spot every night and I know she is waiting for me but she broke my heart by dating some 2 faced bastard. I just gotta wait until she tells me otherwise. 

Just by meeting Kenshin it seems he is very protective over Y/N and everything she does. Like her job as an assassin, he always gets a worried look every time she gets a job. Its weird, its like Y/N is his pet that he never wants to let off his leash. Which in order to keep that leash on he gotta keep switching between his 2 faces. Its confusing me the most about how she finds his darker side attractive. 

"Hey Sano, whatcha staring at." I heard Y/N yell at me. 

"Oh, I was just thinking about the past and how we used to have that hiding spot." I said which she laughed to

"Oh right I forgot all about that. I haven't been there in years, it was just a nice little field in the woods you found and then I just showed up out of the blue. I still don't understand why I didn't kill you back then." Y/N said to which I laughed. 

"Glad you didn't! Or else I wouldn't be able to be your best friend." I said with a smirk which she rolled her eyes to

"Nah your just a friend. One that annoys me the most out of all of them. Oh wait that is just you." Y/N said with a snarky tone. 

"Hey atleast I made it into the list." I said trying not to be hurt from the "just the friend" part. 

"Well I might cut you out of there." She said even meaner

"And put me in boyfriend role?" I said to which I earned a slap to the face.

"Never in a million year. Plus I'm dating my one true love." She said which hurt me but I know one day she will be mine. Even if I have to use my hobby as a way into her heart. 

A/N: Wow that was a long chapter, okay so for those who couldn't read this chapter and need a summary lemme catch you up. In this chapter we are in the stalkers POV and he has know Y/N for a long time. Since the war they were enemies but then became friends because y/n was like "brother in blood is a brother indeed." and just wanted to meet him after the war. But they seemed to run into each other again in the woods and it became there "get away" spot for a long time and they even had a code. Well that was until y/n went DIP and didn't use that spot again. Or so we thought until our stalker character sees her sneaking out in the middle of the night to go to that spot and waiting for him but he is a stubborn prick and will not. Btw this character hates Kenshin. He does a weird analysis on kenshin which isn't important unless you consider "keeping her on a leash" important but then PLOT TWIST we find out Sanosake is the stalker and Y/n and sano just a have a convo about the get away spot and how she forgot. 

I don't think I missed any of the important bits so thanks for reading!

Oh and Btw: drink some water. 

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