Part 16

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Kenshin looked at me shell shocked and then came back to earth... what a space cadet. 

"Why?" He asked and I just started a him. I guess it did come out of no where for me to be like 'hey, you know a normal day and I'm like lets fight biotch.' 

"No reason just felt like showing my skills. Me and you barely fought before and I want to show you how strong I am." I said with a fake smile and I think he saw right through me. 

"Don't lie to me Y/N. Whatever it is I can handle it, that I can." He said and I groaned and put away my sword. 

"Forget it Kenshin." I sighed and walked past him and left the Dojo. I saw Karou and I waved. I needed some retail therapy and some food would be nice. 

"Hey Karou. You want to go out to the square and go shopping with some lunch." I said with a smile. Its good to have a girls time

"Sounds great but how about we invite Dr. Gensai, Ayame and Suzume. We can have Kenshin pay for it!" She said and I already liked her idea. Though it wasn't a girls day but who cares. Making Kenshin suffer was fine enough for me, I think I needed to see him suffer instead. 

"Sure. I'll tell Kenshin." I said turning around to see Kenshin clueless like always and I smiled. "Kenshin your treat?" I asked and he just gave me a 'huh'. 

Next thing you know we are all walking down the square going to lunch. It is kinda like the big shopping area. 

"Ah how lucky I am," The old fart started and I just rolled my eyes. Here we go with this old fart needing to give us some wisdom

"Kenshin just insisted on buying us lunch." Karou said and I kinda snapped out of my head. Welp guess I missed the old farts wisdom

"I could go for some beef stew." Then the little girls started jumping up and down saying beef stew. I felt the man wearing pink stopped so I stopped and turned to watch Kenshin watching some young boy. I didn't realize Kenshin was a Pedo but okay. 

"Whatcha looking at?" I said walking over and he just remained silent as we watched the boy steal a wallet. I was ready to stop him but Kenshin put his arm out to stop me as we watched the boy stop, turn around, and give it back. As soon as he walked over Kenshin patted his head and I couldn't help but snicker. 

"Hey! What you think your doing?!" He said and I just rolled my eyes and running back over to Karou who was heading back he just to drag Kenshin by the hair back on the way to lunch. We started to cross over a bridge and I heard someone running behind us. I turned around to see that boy again and this time I was really gonna get him. But then I noticed he was running straight for Kenshin and making him trip sounds great. The boy ran smack into Kenshin taking his wallet and Karou noticed and stopped the bitch.

"Hey ugly let me go!" The boy said pinned to the ground. Karou tried to defend herself and call her the rose of marshal arts but I just rolled my eyes. Then Kenshin had to be his wise self and spout some nonsense. I didn't care to much so I didn't listen until Kenshin's wallet got thrown to his head. I started to laugh as the boy started to spout how 'he is strong and not a child' bullshit. At this point I stopped laughing and stopped caring about what they said and walked over to them. I accidentally bumped into him and he got angry at me.

"Watch where your going ugly!" He yelled and I just rolled my eyes and stood in front of him and glared down at him. He still kept his snarky face on and I just smirked creepily and he got a little shook.

"What did you just call me brat?" I said in a ticked off tone I could Kenshin flops coming up to me and I just pulled out my sword stopping him. The kid started to back off as soon as I pulled out my sword and I walked up to him. "What.Did.You.Call.Me." I repeated myself slowly and clearly and I could the kid regretted calling me ugly. 

"I called you ugly." He said instantly regretting what he said as soon as I pointed my sword at his neck. Other people on the bridge were concerned what was going on and started to whisper. I could Kenshin trying to stop me and I just looked behind me and smiled. 

"Don't worry he won't die from a scratch." I said and I heard the kids teeth clattering then I looked down at him with the same smile. "Now kid. I'm not gonna let this slide the other lady you called ugly. Don't you call me ugly again, got that?" I said and he started nodding and I just sighed and back away then put away my sword. I turned away and walked up to Kenshin and Karou who were both looking at me in shock. "What the kid wouldn't learn otherwise." I said shrugging it off and continued walking. Those 2 caught up to me and Karou started commenting on 'when I have kids your never watching them'  bullshit. 

Now I just want some freaking food in my belly, that beef stew does sound nice. I half listened to them talk about how I handled that kid as we walked to the food place and met up with the old fart and the kids. 

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