Part 30

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Finally almost to the goddamn 'home' that Kenshin should have already arrived in. I hope he isn't too mad about us tricking him into coming over and talking to the 'mother' of all the killers out here. I mean, how mad can he really be? He wouldn't just come over if they are like 'hey wanna have some tea. We need to know if you can kill... I mean totally just use your name for no reason other than we wanna see powerful.' Like bitch, what am I supposed to do?  I doubt he would be mad knowing him, he wouldn't get mad at someone tricking him. He would get mad if someone he cares for gets hurt or someone threatens him and his loved ones. Something dangerous gets him fired up into that sexy voice I love to hear. 

I can see the doorway to the 'home' I love so goddamn much, can you hear my sarcasm? But I walk up the hill just to get to this door that is too big for a door. I mean do they need giants to fit in here? I've seen some big guys walk in here because they want a job which isn't how you get one but they can try all day to get one. I mean if their most powerful assassins are a tiny little girl that is an orphan and a tiny little boy who doesn't show emotion... I don't think they are looking for applications from big strong men who can punch. I mean common dude bro, just leave already. I am tempted to go up to them and be like, yeah no, you won't even get an interview. But I need to get to the 'mothers' room because I am over-worrying about Kenshin. Like I swear the 'mother' scares me more than anything even though all she wants to do is talk to him but I keep getting this weird girlfriend worry about this talk that drives me crazy. I have never worried about anyone this much mainly cause, you know, I am a cold blooded killer, BUT now I have something I never tried.

Which brings another question that keeps me up at night, did my mother love someone. I mean like actually cared for someone and so had a child together. Just to leave that child because they weren't ready or just don't like children. Maybe she was just knocked up too and doesn't like the thought of abortion. I wouldn't know. But sometimes I question things about me that would be related to my parents. Like I really love killing, I mean REALLY love killing, the rush it gives me makes me feel like I just took drugs. Like the rush I get is so addicting I could go crazy to it. I cannot be like Kenshin who can just give up the feeling of killing and go full 'normal' from a murder. For me it's like I took a smoke and I just need another one. Right, I need to get to Kenshin...

It took me maybe 3 minutes to get to the office because... well... half of our building is gone. I could hear the 'mother' talking to Kenshin, but i couldn't make out much of their conversation. I knocked on the door and I heard a 'come in' from the other side. Well here we go to protect Kenshin from whatever she is planning.   

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