Part 35

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"What could you possibly want, Kenshin?" I asked Kenshin who just needed to show up as soon I realized I was in a relationship with someone I wasn't ready for exactly. The moment couldn't have been any better for him too show up. 

"I just wanted to let you know how I feel, that I do. How you broke my heart with the break up, that you did. What about me wasn't fun?" Kenshin asked and I was shocked about how many words he just used. 

"Well for one, I like the blood on my fingers and you really didn't support it. Yes it was sweet of you to worry over me and yes I liked it. But still, I wanted you too support me when I'm off to ruin a family for their debts. Secondly, you really do like the sit down and be peaceful life with a hit of romance drama, but thats not me. We are fire and water Kenshin, that's really all I didn't like about you." I said realizing I am still not over him. I don't think I ever will be but I need to move on in order to enjoy my life. 

"I'm truly sorry Y/N, that I am. Your a formattable woman, that you are, and that's what I liked about you. I will always be waiting on the steps for you, that I will. Whenever you need me I'll be around for you. I hope you'd remember that, that I do." Kenshin said which Sano chuckled at.

"Dude, your basically saying your gonna wait for her to come back to you. She's going to plenty happy with me, and whatever that steps thing means to you guys, she doesn't need it. After all I will be here." Sano said which I could see Kenshin realizing that me and Sano are.... something.

"None the less, I will be here for you, Y/N, that I will." Kenshin said which I nodded too then he left. Which I sighed to, goddamn it Kenshin, I think he has some super sense that I am not over him at all. Like dude you had to bring up that most romantic thing you did. Damn you Kenshin. 

"Y/N, what was that all about? I swear he just confessed to you and you just stood there in shock. What was that 'steps' thing anyway?" Sano started asking all these questions which I got flustered about. I mean common can't you just ignore him like I am trying too. God getting over him is gonna be harder than I expected. 

"Jesus Sano. Okay first of all I was ignoring him while he talked because he's obviously has no game in the dating world other than... that fake ass bitch. Second of all, the steps thing was just, well, its a story involving you leading me to Kenshin. Rather not bring that back that one." I said letting out a huff and he just stared at me with that 'sure Y/N, whatever you say' face. 

"Alright, well sorry for grilling you on it. He just kind of shocked me, plus seeing you dressed like this is kind of cute." Sano said which I just questioned then looked down at my clothes. I kind of just threw on whatever was near which was just a large shirt that wasn't mine and my undergarments. Whoops

"Oh shut up. I was in a rush to wake up and put on some clothes. After all your a fucking animal in bed and I gotta protect myself some how." I said and he just chuckled at me. Maybe this isn't such a bad change of partners. He is good for me in some way that just feels good. I don't want too loose this for a while at least. 

*Kenshin's POV*

Loosing Y/N has been hard on me to say the least. I don't want to loose her, that I don't, but Sanosuke might have captured her heart already. I have to admit to myself that we were polar opposites, that we are. But she needed to take a break from her dangerous life and see the peace this world is living in, that she does. But she would rather go back to a life full of bloodshed than to be with me. I don't think my heart can recover easily from the blow of seeing her in Sanosuke's clothes and him telling me they were together already. 

"Kenshin! I was worried sick about you." I heard Karou said as I entered the dojo. I forget that I do have Karou here for me when I need her. She helps me lick my wounds but not forget them like Y/N, that she doesn't. 

"I'm sorry to worry you, Karou." I said with a fake smile trying to show her that I'm okay even though my heart feels like it is broken, that it does. 

"Did you go visit her? You know she needs space as much as you do to heal." Karou said considering both sides which I just nodded too. "Come on, I'll make dinner tonight so no need to worry about anything." She said with that happy attitude she has, maybe today will get better after all. 

*Sano's POV*

Fucking Kenshin trying to take Y/N back. Like dude leave her alone she has me, her one and only. After all, Y/N craves fun that involves bloodshed that I can give her. We can go anywhere and not listen to the rules of this unforgiving world. But she can be mine after years of wanting her and watching her. She doesn't need to know that part though... because I don't need to do that for a while. I trust her completely like a good boyfriend should, any good boyfriend, like me, would just love their partner unconditionally, like I do. 

"Hey Sano! I'm hungry, can we eat?" I heard Y/N said from inside as I was staring off into space. God her voice is so cute when she is hungry, she gets a little high pitch and just so adorable. She makes me a happy man. 

"Sure, lemme see if we have anything here to eat. You know, I can actually cook now." I said with a smirk.

"Ah so your finally a chef like you always wanted to be. After all you can't be the leader of that group you were apart in." Y/N joked but it wasn't a pleasant joke that I would laugh at.

"Yeah, lets not bring that up for right now." I said 

"Sorry 'bout that, didn't realize that still hurts you." Y/N said. Already we had our first disagreement, we're already growing so much closer. 

"Well, I can make us eggs... that's it." I said break the ice in this room.

"Damn, and I'm craving meat. Looks like I have to get dressed." Y/N said sighing, trying to get up, which I stopped her.

"I know some meat that's been wanting you all morning." I flirted with her and she smirked at it.

"Oh really, then I guess I might have a taste." She flirted back at me. Well time to get dirty. 

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