Near the cure!!

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Sana - what curse?

Randhir keep walking by holding her from shoulder nd say...

Randhir - a witch,...the most powerful witch of that time, she cursed me...

Sana - why?

Randhir - because i killed a bunch of innocent people that time,  including childrens...

Sana shake her head nd made a disgusting face... She try to yanked her hand but she is failed to do that...

Randhir smirk nd say....

Randhir - you can't come out of my hold until you give me the cure..

Sana - but why you need the cure?

Randhir - because,according to the curse if i died by being a vampire, then i have to face hell....

Sana look at him by narrowing her brows..

Sana - no matter how will you die, you have to face hell.....

Randhir smile sadly nd says...

Randhir - it's not the hell what you thinking of, it's a hell that created for dark supernatural creatures like me....

Sana - what?

Randhir - yes, nd you can't even imagine how unbearable the pain is... Which you have to face there.....

After knowing about the curse I was hell scared, then from somewhere i come to know about cure of vampirism.....

I find out the people who help you to make the cure, after threatened them.. i come to know where you are...

But you, snatched it from me nd hide somewhere... In anger i killed your love, and you also died after that....

I travel so many places, thousands of witches but no one is able to make that cure nor they can find it....

Since centuries i find some way , but nothing comes to my hand.... Spend 500 years is not a joke....

People love to live eternity but it's not possible, nd i can't face that hell... Once i come to know about macasertes, ... Someone tell me that it can help me to find the cure....

I kill twelve witches, vampires nd finally humans... When i saw  sidharth.... I was hell shocked for the first time... But then i think it can be a reincarnation....

Nd if that happens then you are also there... I talked with him, nd come to know that you was not with him that time....

So, i decided to make him a one like me... Because if it's a reincarnation then you will surely find the cure....

And look what happened,..... But somehow i lost sidharth... I didn't able to find him.... In anger nd frustation i killed more people's....

Actually it's fun to suck human blood nd killed them.....

Sana greeted her teeth nd say...

Sana - that's the reason you deserve hell... And i will make sure you reach there safely.....

Randhir - hahhahaa..... Let's see, there is still some things that you don't know....

One day i found about lily, nd reached to her but she denies me for giving your information....

I can't enter inside her house because of the spell, but in anger i throw the dagger towards her nd leave..... ..

I can't able to understand what to do, then i saw you guys outside your house, nd come to know that you guys were planning to going for searching the cure  ...

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