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All look at sidharth with wide open eyes,.

Veer - what do mean by that?

Sidharth look at sana nd say...

Sid - by using this cure, you being human again.....

It comes a shock for all of them, none of them thought that there's something like this exist there.... How can a vampire again turned to be a human....

Taking a pause sidharth says...

Sid - but there's only one cure..... Out of all vampires only one can be the human again......

There's a complete silence in the room for sometime, it's very hard for them to digest this new thing.... Misha look at sidharth nd asked.....

Misha - how did you come to know about all these?.

He look at sana nd say...

Sid - sana made this cure in our past life..

Veer hold his head nd say..

Veer - it's very confusing , can you please elaborate the things sidharth....

Sana come near sidharth nd tell them everything about the past life, how she made the cure for herself, how someone killed sidharth nd she also died with him... But the cure is still safe on that place where she hide it... ...

And the man is back again, he's the one who made sidharth vampire.....

Everyone's mouth are wide open in shock, after hearing so many mysteries of past..... None have any words to say... All look at each other nd then sidnaaz...

After sometime veer says...

Veer - i don't need the cure,.....

Sidharth look at him by narrowing his brows....

Sid - why?

Veer - because i like being a vampire, i can live my whole life without any fear of death.... Without growing old... I have my supernatural powers.... Nd i love them....

Why would i want to be a normal human again.... I didn't kill anyone now, i can survive without killing anyone happily with misha....

Misha hold veer's hand nd say

Misha - i also think like him.... As you say there's only one cure, so i don't want to use it.... I want to live the eternity with veer, without growing old.....

Jay - so there's only sid left.... What do you want?

Sidharth look at sana nd say...

Sid - i want to live with my angel.... Nd die with her.....

Taking a deep breath he say..

Sid - yes i want the cure, i loved to be human again.....

Sana smiles nd look at him.. Both look at each other... She knows that, sidharth never want to be a vampire, but it was forced on him...

His whole life he live  in this darkness, he hate to drink blood everyday.. He hates to live his life like this.... Yes, he has the powers but didn't want that...

He wants to live a normal life.....

Sidharth smiles at her, because now he can live his life with her... There's no fear of loosing her... Because he is also growing old with her nd die normally....

Veer - so, let's go find the cure.... Before that person came here  ...

Sid - so what, he is one ne we are four...

Kush nd jay look at him nd say...

Jay & kush - what about us?

Sidharth look at them nd say...

Sid - see, i know you both are very strong nd brave ... But at the end of the day you are normal human being nd the people whom against we going to fight is a monster....

I can't keep your lifes in danger.... So, only we four are going there.. Nd i don't wnat any argument on this....

Sana - yes, if you try to say something then i will lock you guys here in the room....

Veer - yes they are right....

Jay & kush - ohk fine....

Both didn't like the idea but  they know somewhere, sidharth is right... It's  can create more problem for them also...

Veer - where's the place?

Sana look at them nd say....

Sana - tawang arunachal pradesh...

Misha - when will go there?

Sid - we don't have so much time, tomorrow morning.... Get ready guys...

All nodded nd they made some plans to reach there, ... Sana told them ,that for reaching the exact place they need to climb a hill .. Because it's in a cave between the hill...

Nd the hill is inside a jungle, so they can't travel through vechles.... It's not a big deal for others except sana, as she a human....

So, they decided to pack some food items, nd important things that needed to undo the spell...

They also need to prepare for a fight because what if the man reach there.. Sidharth hate him to no extent, because he is the one who killed him before...

Nd again in this life he make is life hell,.. He want to kill him from his own hand... It's very important for him to win this time....

He still remember the name he told, randhir...

But sudden question arrived in his mind, that why some ruthless monster like randhir needed the cure so badly....

That he travelled from centuries to get the cure..... There is questions but no answers....

All decided to meet at veer home in the morning.... Jay nd kush left for house, according to sidharth's order....

He don't want to loose someone now, he have to protect everyone....

Leaving sana on her home, he asked her to take rest nd don't think too much because they have to do so many things from tomorrow....

Nd she needs rest, because for doing a spell she also need so much strength... No matter she is very strong but still she needs rest....

In time of sana he always forget everything, only remembers that he need to protect his angel....

After a good night kiss, sidharth move to his warehouse to taking some necessary things for the mission....

His intuitions tell him that, randhir definitely comes on their ways nd he is very determined to kill him this time.....

In morning veer nd Misha wait for sidnaaz in veer's house.... Veer's parents were died in an accident, so he there is no one in his family.....

Sidharth reach there with his all important things... He take out the blood packets nd give them... Sana told him at night that she will come by herself...

As veer's house is opposite to Sana's... After waiting for some time sidharth call her but she didn't pick it....

He frowned nd all move towards her house, shehra aunty says that she is in her room....

All reach there but she is not there, just then sidharth's eyes fall on a note near the bed.... He groaned in anger by looking at it......

"You lost again....... "


Let's see what happens next!!!

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