𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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"We will run away, resign from these mucked up professions and move far away from all this mess. We start afresh, with different identities, live together. Just you and I. Can you promise me Lali?"

"I...I'm not good with promises."

"That's not the point. We need to be honest with ourselves." He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

I sighed deeply. The way his eyes were locked with mine; not a glint of insincerity in them. He meant every single word and was expecting a promise, not one of those I am capable of.

"Jungkook, you know I like you, don't you?"

"I don't like where this is going...if you hate me just slap it all over my face, instead of playing with our hearts, Lisa. Because in the end, even you know it will hurt you the most."

"No, Jungkook. That's not what I mean to tell you. And sorry to say but I can't agree with your promise, Guk. My life has seen so many ups and downs in the past nearly one year of working with you, my past and my present clashed together. I feel so suffocating from within, I need a gateway for myself, to think if this is really me or the life I've wanted to live. And with the number of distractions in this mission, we can't get lost. Both of us need to put our concentration on this now, yes?"

"Will you at least promise me if you'll ever think about this?"

"I will give a thought about it, promise."

"You go freshen up, after having breakfast we shall go and inform Sehun that you've finally mended ways with Taehyung." He nodded as he turned around and walked away, heavily sighing.

It was very hard to figure out my feelings. Not the question about who I really loved ㅡ because it was certain, I had feelings for both of them. Not to forget the happenings recently, the return of my nightmares, Queen Bee, broken hearts and what not. I wasn't sure if a poor weakling of my heart could even sustain all of this.

Phoenix Headquarters,
The same afternoon.

On the way, Jungkook told me that Sehun was planning on inclusion of Yeri as the third partner in the mission. He wasn't sure too as Sehun never went in details with his plan. Pretty understandable why he'd been persistently calling us for today's important discussion.

"Its highly commendable that despite all odds of the tragic death of your friend Miss Chou, your only way in this mission ㅡ you've managed to claw Taehyung-ssi again. I am definitely impressed by your persistence and hard work." Sehun said in an applauding tone, a smirk painted on his lips.

"That doesn't answer my question to you, Sehun-ssi. What is she doing here?" I asked, pointing at Yeri who was trying her best to flirt with Jungkook, standing way too close with him. My heart almost burned up in pure jealousy, but thankfully Jungkook wasn't giving an ear to all of this and merely rolled his eyes back at her.

"Well yes...we're coming to that. Though your role to honey trap Taehyung was cumbersome and required loads of consistent efforts, I'm happy you got back with him. But we're still in risk of Taehyung dumping you again, putting us back to square one and we can't spend forever in this mission, given that a year is already enough. Also to add, we need someone to keep a close eye on the official contracts of the Vantae Corp regardong the drug, something which you might not have access to."

"So you mean to say-"

"That's right, Miss Lalisa. I'll be working for Taehyung-ssi as his new secretary, replacing Miss Chou. It would be nice  working with you in the same office environment!" Yeri stood there, so satisfied with herself that she let out a taunting glare at me.

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