𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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The very next morning
Around 06:30 hours

I descended down the lobby wearing the same black shirt Jungkook advised me to wear attached with the hidden nano cam. Taehyung already waited for me by the stairs.

"Good morning. Ready to go?"

"I am ready. Can't wait to see it, Tae."

On the way to the labs, Taehyung shared with me a number of memories of how him and Jimin used to run around all over Tokyo in search of a suitable spot where they could start their experimentation before they landed onto the outskirts. We talked about the drug for a while before reaching the place, situated with a couple number of small apartments where perhaps the scientists and workers lived in different divisions.

The exterior of the place didn't look exquisite, like a million dollar worth institute. It looked rather like a small and mundane factory, which was quite strategical. For sure, it's weak and boring structure didn't faze the robbers, so it did prevent against intrusion or thefts.

"Here we have reached. I know it doesn't look really fascinating but we have our own intentions, for safety purposes." Taehyung said as he helped me get out of the car.


"It does have a massive amount of space to work inside."

"Really! That's impressive. What are we waiting for then?!"

"Woah,woah you look so enthusiastic Lisa and I like it. It's pretty exciting for me too, let's get in!"

Like Jungkook had predicted, we were heavily scrutinized but luckily they couldn't detect the nano cam at all; we were in.

We walked past a long corridor before we were in front of a huge metal door, prolly the entrance into the main room. Taehyung put his thumb over the fingerprint sensor and swiped the card that hung down the sling around his neck, the doors automatically opened the moment that followed.

"This is our research room, mostly the technical centre where we collect data and statistics about the cancer cases, study and predict the effectiveness of the drug."

"Wow. How do you possibly predict that?"

"By understanding the cuisine and lifestyle around, you see most of the diseases in the recent times are due to the changes in our lifestyle." Taehyung replied.

"Its great! They look so busy around." I pointed around looking at a number of people dressed in laboratory coats, scanning data over giant screens that had geographical data on them. The setup did look very convincing but then again, I couldn't reason my doubt. At least not now.

"They are surely engaged! I must admit, they're the best hardworking team of coworkers in the world right here." Taehyung let out a brief chuff after which we proceeded ahead into an elevator. I could feel Taehyung's eyes on mine as we were pushed to the confined space as he admired me.

"Did I say that you look beautiful in this black shirt, Lisa?"

"You are late today, but....thanks." he chuckled at my reply.

"Off to this way." He guided me once we reached to the basement floor, heading towards a secretive compartment; guarded by equally massive steel bars. It was certain he was trying to protect something very serious here.

I noticed that this time along with the existing fingerprint sensor and ID identification system the doors were also secured by a passcode. So I discreetly went and stood adjacent to Taehyung, trying to flash the code hoping that Jungkook could easily note it down.

The Seductress | taeliskook ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora