Part 16

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"What is it? Are you and Lev dating yet?" You asked excitingly
"No, not yet!" He responded, "but he did ask me to go to the cafè with him tomorrow."
"So like a date?" you eagerly questioned
"Those words didn't exactly come out of his mouth," He started, "but we could consider it that!"
Yaku had a bright smile on his face when he heard the word "date." It seemed as if he hadn't thought about it that way.
"Good luck then!" You smiled back at him.
"Thank you Y/N!" He responded, "I'm so excited! Wanna help me pick what I should wear?"
You nodded in a response. He had 3 outfits ready. You had ended up choosing a long gray sweatshirt, a black plaid skirt, fishnet tights, and black tennis shoes.

A few hours had went by after that, and you and Yaku were still on the phone. You and Yaku both had no idea what time it was. You ended up checking the time, it was 5:34am.
"Shit," You muttered under your breath
"What Y/N" Yaku had murmured clearly enough for you to hear.
"It's 5 in the morning," You spoke a little more clearly this time, "We have school in like 2 hours."
"It'll be fine, just look on the bright side." He started, "It's Friday! Which means you won't have to see Kuroo for a whole 2days after this!"
You and him both now had a smile on your faces.
"True, but I did report him to the police," You said, "Which means I might not see him for a while."
"If they prove him guilty that is" Yaku stated.
You nodded, "Hopefully he is"
"Yea," He agreed, "Anyways, I must get ready for school, you too. Should I pick you up?"
You shook your head quickly, "Please don't. I don't want Kuroo to try and kill you."
He let out a sigh, "Well see you at school Y/N! Byeee!"
"Byeee!" You said just before hanging up.

You got your school uniform on. Then went to do your hair. You went down stair to get breakfast, then went back up to brush your teeth. Whilst doing so, you found a picture from last year. It was of you and Kenma. You were helping Kenma with the sets in this picture.

You put it in your pocket, clutching it tight. Finally you had finished getting ready.
Kuroo was outside to pick you up, per usual.
"Hey Shortie!" He started
You ran out the door running past him. You made it to the school, seeing Yaku.You were out of breath.
"Yaku, look what I found!" You said reaching in your pocket for the picture.
"What's up Y/N?" He asked
"It's not here!" You panicked, "I had a picture, I put it in my pocket. It's not here!"
"What? Maybe you left it at home!" He suggested
"No, no. I remember putting it in here!" You said, "Just go, Kuroo's gonna be here in a few seconds."

You were right, Kuroo had been there.
"What's this Shorty?" He asked, "It fell out of your pocket"

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