A long walk

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When I walked out my friend, Kuroo, was waiting outside. He had his best friend Kenma, I didn't know him very well, but he seemed chill. Kenma was playing on his phone, which he seemed to a lot. "Y/N! Come on! We don't have all day!" Kuroo said. You nodded and ran down to them.
Kenma's Pov
I've had a crush on Y/N for about a year. Kuroo's told me so many great things about her. I told him not to walk her to school, because I wasn't ready to talk to her.
Y/N pov
"Have you gotten shorter or have just gotten taller?" He chuckled. You pouted. "You're cute when you're getting teased" He said, "That's not the point, have you met my friend, Kenma?"  You shrug, "I mean we know of each other." 
Kenma's pov
I looked over, and Kuroo was right. She is cute when getting teased. I was a little jealous, but I shrugged it off. He knew I liked her, probably why she's here right now.
Y/N pov
Kenma didn't say anything, he just looked looked down at his phone. "I see, well maybe you two can become friends!" He said. "Kuroo, you know i'm not good at making friends though." Kenma said
"You'll do fine!" He said, "She's really easy to talk to!" Kenma sighed, "I guess I'll try."  You smiled, Kenma seemed to be thinking, I wasn't the only one who noticed. "So Kenma, whatcha thinking about?"  Kuroo asked
Kenma's pov
"Huh? uh, it's nothing!" I said.
Kuroo's pov
There was obviously something on his mind, maybe he just didn't say because the cutie was around.  I'll just ask him later.
Y/N pov
"Oh, ok then!" I said smiling.  we eventually made it to school. Walking inside we went to our own classes and started a very boring day.

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