New Years Special

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It was December 31st, and you and Kenma were on your way to Yamamoto's house. He had invited a bunch of his friends to a party for new years. You were filled with excitement, because it had felt like years since you've seen Yamamoto, and his dumb ass.

You and Kenma arrived at his house, and greeted Yamamoto with a big hug. A few guest were already there, including his girlfriend, Yaku, and Lev. Kenma had sat on his couch, and pulled out his psp.

Unlike Kenma, you introduced yourself to Yamamoto's girlfriend.
"Hi! I'm Y/N!" You greeted her.
"I'm Aiko." She introduced herself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you!" You said.
"You too!" She smiled, "I need some help preparing the food, can you help me? If it's not too much to ask!"
"Of course!" You said, and you two began cooking.

During this period of time more guest had arrived, including the rest of the Nekoma team, besides Kuroo of course, a bald dude and someone who seemed to be his girlfriend, and someone short with a blonde strand of hair.

You and Aiko had finished making food, and you met some more of the guest you didn't know. You learned the names of the people you didn't know, Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Kiyoko. They all seemed very nice.

Once done introducing yourself, you went to catch up with your old friends . These friends included Fukunaga, Inuoka, and Kai. They all seemed happy. Then you went to see your best friend Yaku, he was talking with Lev.
"Hey guys!" You greeted.
"Y/N!!" Yaku cheered and gave you a big hug.
"Hey Y/N!" Lev said, he gave you a high-five, which required you to jump to reach. Then you noticed a ring on Lev's finger, and looked at Yaku with the biggest grin. His face was completely red.
"You proposed to him and didn't tell me?" You asked.
"Heh, yeah." Yaku mumbled.
"Even I told you when Kenma proposed to me!" You scoffed, "Can't stand these hoes!" You said jokingly.
"Look, I just proposed to him yesterday, and haven't had the guts to tell you." He said.
"It's fine! Don't worry about it!" You smiled, "Congratulations by the way!"
"Thanks!" Yaku and Lev said at the same time.

You, Yaku, and Lev had continued talking. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Yamamoto.
"What's up?" You turned and asked him. He pointed over to where Kenma was sitting, and Aiko was sitting with him.
"What's wrong? They're probably just getting to know eachother!" You had said to try and reassure Yamamoto, but the truth was you were as just as scared as him. Aiko was all over Kenma, hugging his arm, leaning on his shoulder, playing with his hair. You didn't like this.
"Don't." Yamamoto had muttered, "It obvious."
You let out a heavy sigh, "I know, I know."

A minute went by of silence between you and Yamamoto went by. Then an idea popped into your head. You whispered it to Yamamoto, and he agreed. He still seemed sad though.

You texted Kenma that you were going to the store, and be back in a few. He sent back the thumbs up emoji, and you got your keys and left.

You arrived at the store, getting things for Yamamoto. These included, 3 boxes of his favorite candy, a box of chocolate, and more. You drove back, but left the stuff in the car.

You went back in, and wanted to talk to Kenma. You weren't sure how to achieve this, because Aiko was sitting in the only spot next to him. Then an idea popped into your head. You sat on the floor next to Kenma, and had your head on his legs. He smiled, and you watched him play his game.

After an hour or so, Kenma got up to get food. You went with him.
"That Aiko girl is weird."'He said
You nodded, and whispered the same thing you told Yamamoto in his ear. He started grinning, and let out a small nod. Then he got his food, and went back to sit down.

Aiko was still sitting in the same spot, and continued to be all over him when he sat back down. Instead of sitting with them, you sat in the dining room alone.

After about 15 minutes of sitting there, someone stumbled upon you.
"Hey, you ok Y/N?" They asked. It was Kiyoko and Tanaka.
"Yeah, Ill be fine." you sighed.
"You sure?" Tanaka asked
You shook your head, "but it'll be fine."
"Your jealous." Kiyoko said. You looked up at her, "you wish you could be sitting with your man, instead of her." You nodded.
"Yeah, I've barely seen him this whole night." You mumbled.
Tanaka grumbled, "that bitch, she's looking to rumble."
"It'll be fine, me and Yamamoto have a plan." You said.
"Ok, but if you need us let us know." Tanaka said. You nodded, then put your head down.

Another 5 minutes went by, and you heard the chair beside you being pulled out. Then you felt fingers run through your hair. You looked up, and it was Kenma.
"Hey, baby." He said, "I thought you were talking to Yaku, and then I looked around for you in the living room, and couldn't find you." He muttered. He gave your forehead a kiss, and you smiled. You and Kenma talked for a few minutes, but it didn't take long for Aiko to come.

She started flirting with Kenma, and Kenma stayed silent. This went on until 11:55. At that time, everyone was gathered in the living room. Watching the count down.

Happy New Year!

Kenma and you kissed, and so had all the couples. Kenma then gave you a hug, and a kiss on the forehead.
You two then focused on Yamamoto, because the plan had started.
Aiko seemed to be pouting, because Yamamoto didn't give her a kiss. Yamamoto then told her about all the thing he saw her do with Kenma. She tried to give a defense, but it was week, plus everyone at the party knew about her cheating. She stormed out the door, flicking you off. Then slammed the door.

Yamamoto had then apologized to everyone for her behavior. Everyone had accepted, and you all continued partying.

Everyone had ended up wanting to stay the night, well they had no choice but to. Everyone was too drunk to drive. Unluckily Yamamoto had enough space for everyone to sleep. His couch folded out into a bed, and he had two guest rooms. Some people had to sleep on the floor, and they were ok with that. Kenma and you slept in a guest room, with two queen size beds. You and Kenma slept in one, and Lev and Yaku in the other.

In the morning everyone had went home safely. Once home, Kenma gave you a bunch of kisses, to apologize for the action of Aiko.

I procrastinated writing this until December 31st, and haven't had any sleep so I apologize for anything that may not make since.
but i still hope you enjoy.
and yeee, Happy New Year everyone :)

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