Part 12

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I didn't know what to title this part so don't mind that-

That night you didn't get much sleep you were hoping for Kenma to wake up, and hoped for a call or text from him.
The next day you went to school, tired as ever. Kuroo walked you like always. You didn't really want to talk to him, because you miss Kenma. You kept falling asleep in all your classes, and kept getting in trouble.
After school you walked to the gym. Yamamoto started flirting with you, but quickly realized something was wrong. He gave you a hug, and asked, "What's wrong Y/N? You've been sad all day. You also kept falling asleep in all your classes."
"Yea, I'm fine i guess. I really don't wanna talk about, but thanks for trying." You said.
You wanted to talk to Yaku, but Kuroo scared you. The coach started the practiced and you watched all the boys play, missing the pretty setter you would always admire. Practice had ended, as usual Kuroo walked up to you.
"Do you have a problem with Yamamoto now?" You said
"No, of course not shortie, he flirts with every girl." He said, "What I do have a problem with was yesterday."
"Huh, what happened yesterday?" You asked, did he find out you and Yaku walked together after he said no to?
"What you told Kenma," He said, "That you fucking loved him! You don't! You love me! Your mine!"
"Whatever," You sighed and walked off.
The coach assigned Lev and Yamamoto to clean up.
Kuroo had already left, which gave you the opportunity to talk to Yaku.
"What happened yesterday?" Was the first thing he had asked you.
"I found out Kenma is in a coma..." You said shedding a tear.
"Oh, I'm so sorry.." He said
"It's not your fault, I told him I loved. I know he couldn't hear me, but apparently Kuroo was there and he heard me." You sighed, tearing up
You and Yaku were still outside of the gym, and Yamamoto and Lev came out.
"Y/N, are you ok, beautiful?" Yamamoto asked
"Shit, what'd you do Yaku?" Lev asked.
"I swear I didn't do anything!" Yaku defended himself, "Its just something terrible happened to her crush. He could die..."
"What? That's terrible!" Lev said
Yamamoto has been hugging you, you still had some tears in your eyes.
"Hey, Yamamoto. Can you walk me to the hospital?" You asked, "Then Yaku and Lev can walk together."
"Of course, beautiful!" He said, picking you up.
He had started walking you, and you winked at Yaku
"Uh Yamamoto, can you put me down?" You asked
"sure, but uhh, can I see Kenma with you?" He asked putting you back down on the ground.
"How'd you know?" You asked
"That you liked him? It was kinda obvious Y/N" He said
"Whatever, but yes you can see him with me." you said
You guys had gotten to the hospital, and had led Yamamoto to room 143.
"Holy shit, this looks bad.. What exactly happened?" Yamamoto asked
"He got hit by a car, now he's in a coma." A doctor came in and said
"Oh, was the guy driving the car arrested yet?" He asked
"Yes, he has been identified and arrested." The doctor had said. Then they went out. They seemed to being doing some test.
You grabbed Kenma's hand, wanting to cry again. Just seeing him in this state made you sad. Yamamoto went next to you. He starting rubbing your back, and you bursted into tears. They landed on Kenma's chest, Yamamoto shedding a few too. After a few minutes you couldn't cry anymore.
"I'm sorry, I just miss him so much. I just want him to wake up." You said
"It's ok, I understand this is hard for you. We all want him to wake up. We can't really do much though. All we can do is hope, that he makes it out of here." He said, "You would get your pretty gamer boy back. Was that bad? I'm not good at helping people with this kinda stuff."
"It's fine." You said, looking at Kenma's chest, that was now covered in your tears. Yamamoto gave you another hug.
"Do you want me to leave you here?" He asked
"It's fine if you want to. I'll probably be here for awhile." You said
"Ok, see you tomorrow." Yamamoto had said. He walked out of the room, then Kuroo came in.

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