The Practice

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We finished the school day, and I waited for Kenma to get out so we could walk to the gym. He walked out of the classroom, "hey" I said to him with a smile, "ready to go?"
Kenma's pov
"Yeah" I said to her. Y/N actually waited for me? That means she's trying out for manager. I had a big smile on my face, I was so excited. I would get to see her more often and everything. "Hey, why are you smiling? You like never smile!" Y/N asked. "Oh, I beat my game this morning. Sorry, I'm just really proud of myself." I said. That sounded like a reasonable excuse right? She can't know I like her. "Well then good job!" She said to me.
Y/N pov
I had never seen Kenma smile before. Not gonna lie, his smiles pretty cute.
While walking to the gym we ran into Kuroo, and he walked with us. We made it there, and I had to talk to the coach.
I walked up to the coach, "Coach Nekomata." I said, "I'm here to be team manager, or at least try to be." Kuroo came up behind me, "Come on coach, me and Kenma both want her." Coach Nekomata smiled, "Well if the team captain recommends her, then I'll guess will give it a shot." The coach said, "Now Kuroo, go start your practice!" I smiled and said, "Thank you for the opportunity coach!" I walked towards the net, and as I did another second year came in. It was Yamamoto, his draw dropped when he saw me. "Is this our new manager?" he asked, "She's so gorgeous." He was on his knees, holding one of my hands in his. There also seemed to be tears running down his face. "Give it a rest." I heard Kenma's voice behind me. Kuroo has pulled him away, "Sorry that's our idiot" Kuroo said with a smile.
Kenma's pov
fuck. shit. fuck. I forgot about Yamamoto what do I do? I mean he's not gonna stop flirting with her. I had to shrug it off, and continue to practice.
Y/N pov
I watched all the boys play, and as I did I also had to make sure they were hydrated. They were all sweaty, so I went to fill up the water bottles. I came back and handed everybody one. There was one boy that stood out, he was quite tall. I thought he was a third year, seeing ass he towered over me. I went over to Kuroo and Kenma who seemed to be having a conversation. I waited till they were done to talk. Once their conversation was over Kuroo looked at me, and Kenma looked flustered. I wonder what that could be about "What's up?" Kuroo asked. "Oh, right." I said, "Who's that tall guy?" I pointed at the guy, "Oh that's Lev!" He said with a smile.
Kenma's pov
Now was the worst time Y/N could of came over here. Me and Kuroo were talking about how I could confess to her, but he turned it into something a little lewd. 'Imagine being able to pin her against a wall, and slowly fuck her. Fuck her so hard? she can't stand for a week.' he said. That's when I realized Kuroo likes Y/N too. He finished talking to me, and started talking to Y/N. I saw Y/N make eye contact with me. Did she see me blushing? I panicked. If she did, what was she thinking? I overheard their conversation, "Lev, is good at blocking, not so much receiving and spiking." I said to them. "Oh interesting." Y/N said
Y/N pov
I found it strange that they would have someone here that wasn't good at receives or spiking. Then again, I guess the height comes in handy with this game. I looked at Kenma's face, and his face wasn't as red as it was before. He was cute when he was flustered though.
I didn't realize it at first, but I had feelings for Kenma. What am I gonna do? He doesn't feel the same towards me, does he?
"Alright kids, you can go home! Y/N and Yaku, stay after anf clean this place up!" The coach said. "Yes sir!" Me and Yaku said at the same time. Me and him were on the opposite sides of the gym, I'm not sure how we said it at the same moment. Everyone else had gone home, it was just me and Yaku at that moment. "You know, Kuroo talks about you a lot." Yaku said, "He says, 'Y/N is a really great person' and he tells a lot of stories about you too. Almost like he has a crush!" Yaku told me while we walked to the supply closet. Why would Kuroo have a crush on me? "Oh, no. That can't be true." I said. "Well believe what you want." Yaku said while getting the mop.
Me and Yaku finished cleaning up the gym, and he locked the place up. It was dark out by the time we finished.
"Do you need me to walk you home?" Yaku asked, "There are a lot of creepy men out at night." He wasn't wronged I didn't want anything to happen to me, "sure!"
Yaku walked me home and i thanked him. I told my parents about my day , leaving out all the crush stuff, and ate my dinner, studied, then went to bed .

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