A New Opportunity

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I came up behind her and said, "You should join!" She was looking at a poster about the volleyball team. They needed a new manager. She turned around and looked quite startled, "W-what!" 
Y/N pov
I really did wanna join, but I was scared I wouldn't be good at it. "You heard me! You should join!" He said. "I'll think about it." You said. He grabbed your hand gently, "Let's go find Kenma!"  He dragged you along to class 3.
Kenma's pov
I had my head on my desk. Then i suddenly heard, "Kenma!" It was Kuroo, and I quickly sat up. I looked over at him, he was holding Y/N hand . I was a little jealous of him. It seemed like he had noticed and let go of her wrist.
Y/N pov
Kuroo let go of my hand, and we walked over to Kenma's desk. "Kenma, don't you think Y/N would be a great manager!" Kuroo said.
Kenma's pov
"Oh,yeah!" I said. I wasn't just saying that to get close to her, I think she'd be perfect for that.  If she dod join I'd get to be closer to her. "You guys really think I'd do good?" Y/N asked us.  "Yea! You'll do great!" Kuroo said. I just gave a simple nod. I saw her smile, she had such a cute smile, and her eyes I could stare into them all day.
Y/N pov
I got quite happy hearing the others opinions on the matter. "I'll do it!" I said. 
A few minutes had passed, and it was time for us to go back to all our classes. We finished the day, and waited for Kenma to get out so we could walk to the gym.

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