Life Is Like A Boat

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Thank you to csd14ll for being the only one who actually helped me with a song! Why are you always so helpful???! You're lovely! P.S I couldn't find the girl version for it, they didn't look right, they were all instrumental or a cover...

I honestly don't know how the day went on. It was one of those days that just happen to be the most unexpected that you just end up having to mentally plan the next day carefully so it doesn't happen again.

First, I woke in Kakashi's bed. I looked around the room as sat up but still didn't find that piano I had found before. Guess my plan is to wait three years to find it.

I stood, grabbed my bag that was left beside the bed by Kakashi, even he understands that bag shall be with me 24/7 and untouched. I changed in his bathroom.

I walked out of the room to find Kakashi cooking breakfast in the kitchen. It made me feel uneasy to see that he didn't actually need me, I mean I get that he's twenty-seven and never really had a mother or someone to depend on but back then, or I guess it's in three years now, I used to cook for him and he'd let it happen.

"Good morning" He said, cheery. I nodded in response as he placed a bowl of strawberries and cherries in front of me. "Eat up."

I frowned, too cheery perhaps. "Tsunade wants to see me today, doesn't she?" I asked.

"What I can't be good and cheery for one morning?" He asked, poorly slapping the question again.

"Kakashi...what time?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Ten o'clock."

"Okay, thank you." I said, ate my strawberries then went for the door when Kakashi interrupted me.

"Err. I think she wants you a bit more presentful than that." He said.

I sighed. Tsunade has tried to make lay out the bloody kimonos I usually wear from my bag. None of them really it but I like the way they represent something. They represent strength. But for the moment, why push it to Tsunade it wasn't like I was in an actual good mood to fight with her today.

I changed into one of the kimonos that were in the coat room that is supposed to be working as my closet. It was filled with nice, brand new kimonos that have been untouched I choose one randomly, put it on in the bathroom and picked my hair up.

I walked out of the bathroom and Kakashi wasn't there no more, I looked at the clock, it was nine thirty which meant I was going to go in the slowest pace I could.

I went into the village finding the usual glares or frightened looks looked more like approval. So after all this damn time all they needed for them to start to see me like some dangerous monster was clean clothes and a princess-y dress? To act like who I'm really not?

The damn village brainless idiots. More useless than mutts but slightly smarter than one. Just slightly.

I breathed in when I was in front of the Hokage's office. The kimono didn't really let me breathe in right. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." And so I did.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows freely and looked surprised, stunned and shocked to see me in a decent dress. She composed herself then looked slightly the same

Kakashi, Jiraiya and even Iruka where in each wall. As if guarding the Hokage from me. This was going to be bad. Whatever she was going to be telling me is probably going to set a spark inside and everything will burn badly.

"Just get to the point, Lady Tsunade. Spare the kindness. It'll be easier." I said boringly.

"Alright. We've been thinking, prince,-Maiko. And we think that it'll be better if you, for the public eye," That means showing me up like some kind of prize now all the countries want since I'm supposed to be leading them all. "For you to live in your family's mansion."

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