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I walked through the village with a tiring expression. My eyelids couldn't be open anymore. But every time I tried to sleep nightmares haunted my dreams. People looked at me and pointed. I guess words spread but no one smiled or anything most just backed away from me with terrified expressions. Really, am I that ugly?

"Maiko-chan!" A voice called and sighed and turned to the hyperactive blond kid that has been following me around for three days in a row by now.

He grinned at me with his hand scratching the back of his head. "Hi!"

"Hi." I said in a bored voice as people stared at us with wide mouths.

"So, so, so has Sasuke talked to you yet?" He asked just once more.

"No, Naruto, please the emo duck won't talk to me, I knocked him out." I said. "To him it's like saying that his brother is at least four-hundred times better at everything than what he will ever be. Which is true but you don't say stuff like that to his face, right?" I said with a scowl.

Naruto's lightened expression faded. "What did he ever do to you, Maiko-chan? Why are like that to Sasuke?" He demanded.

"You'd be surprised." I said as I kept walking while he froze to his place.

I hummed a song as I passed Sasuke's glaring eyes watching Naruto and me talk. I just brushed his shoulder as I watched him close his eyes and clench his jaw.

I really didn't know where I was going until I found the Konoha Academy. I shook my head and sat on the swing, my feet dangling from the floor. I hate being short. I rested my head on the rope and closed my eyes, trying to have a rest.

This is wrong, I am wrong everything was supposed to be fixed now but it's not. I need to fix myself first. I need to get that strength back, those emotions out, not buried. I need to become what I want Sasuke to become. Someone good and capable.

A tear escaped my eye as I thought of it. I just can't. It's too hard.

"If I die young." I started. If I die young..."let me rot in hell, it'll be better than having to fix this wrecked world from chaos." I said, not singing.

"But if you don't save this wrecked world, Maiko, who will?" I heard a voice asked.

I opened my eyes slowly.

"Naruto can, he wants to be Hokage, and important he wants this, I don't. I don't want to be a princess; I want to just live my old life where I had my mother helping me how to make proper tea without spilling it on the guest. Where I yelled at my father for using me as his killing machine. I want that back, when Naruto was just this book and not this stupid blond boy who follows me around with his hyperactive talking."

Kakashi gave a short laugh. "How about you try to stay alive until you can test that Naruto is capable and strong enough to save the world. Huh? Won't it be the wiser?"

I nodded. "For now." I said and got off the swing and walked pass Kakashi to a hill almost outside the village. It was passing a thick layer of woods and the Uchiha place. It was a place Kakashi and Naruto probably didn't know of and Sasuke wouldn't possibly come by his old home so I guess I was safe and sound and even alone now. Perfect, just what I wanted, the quiet.

I closed my eyes once more and sighed. You'd think I listen to Kakashi a lot but he has no idea what this feels like. Losing it all. In one shot. Losing it all because of one mistake. Mistake after mistake. Can I be any more useless, stupid and selfish? I shook my head to hide the tears.

Calm yourself, you're human you are as fallible as anyone else....

I sighed; I didn't know whether to hear that voice anymore. It seem to just say what I want to hear but it's Edward Cullen, of course he's going to say what you want to hear. I wish I was back in there again, drinking tea with Esme and Edward while I watch Professor Snape practice with Harry.

"Snap to reality, it's no happening, you're not that lucky. I bet they'll stop you before you're able to kill yourself." I said to myself and stood and walked back to Kakashi's house. I've been sleeping in the couch. Apparently he gets a new house when I was in his house the other time.

I need to move out from there soon, I can't be on Kakashi's shoulder forever.

I took a shower and wrapped my arms on my knees as I sat on the couch with my hair all wet and dripping, even wet it couldn't look dark enough. Genetics.

Watching the floor with restless eyes I could feel Kakashi's eyes bare into my shoulders. I stared humming again. 'Vincent' has been my best friend once more.

"Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue and gray; look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul. Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and daffodils, catch the breeze and the winter chills with colors of the snowy linen land."

I lay stiffly on the couch and closed my eyelids in a poor try to sleep. Here we go. I felt a soft blanket over me and a kiss on my forehead as I finally fell asleep.

Two hours later I woke up sweaty and in a gasp. I stood and closed my eyes tightly as I wrapped my arms around my knees once more. I told you it was a poor try. Better off not sleeping at all.

"What hurts the most was being so close, and having so much to say. And watching you walk away, never knowing what could have been. And not seeing that loving you was what I was trying to do." I sang and hugged my never-washed backpack. I've left the backpack untouched, it has all the dirt and blood on it still, and it’s a reminder, a reminder of all the pain.

No not even that song was enough... "Never mind, I'll find someone like you?" I asked myself and laughed, crackling.

"Maybe if you actually tried to get over it, Maiko...” Kakashi suggested.

I turned to him and raised my hands to him. He sat down next to me and I figured I was on the floor and so he hugged me. I hugged him but didn't dare to cry in front of him.

I just looked ahead of me as my only kind of sense of family hugged me tightly. This would be heartbreaking if I had my heart close anywhere now

I seriously want to cry, hey about if you message me, any of you cutie fans of mine on which song should Maiko sing next, you know one that'll let her go through. I'll try to make a fight between Maiko and Tsunade next chapter. I want to see that. Love ya. <3 Sincerely, Alijoice

Begin Again (Third Book To The Tale of Princess Maiko) (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now