A Day Full Of Lovebirds

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"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, on." { A/N Just learned how to say that. ;)x }

Insert a BIG DEEP sigh here. "Sassy ass-duck on."

"Are you ready?" I asked.


"OK, one, fourteen pineapple GO!"

I heard laughter as we jumped in front of the perfume cart.

The girl in front of us got startled and fell over. We both smiled at her, Sasuke and I.

"Hello." We said at the same time.

"H-H-Hello?" She asked, wide-eyed.

"I'm Sasuke, and this is Maiko."

She looked over at me with with wide eyes, stood up and bowed. "Princess."

"Call me that again an-"

Sasuke covered my mouth with his hand. "We wanted to come tell you that Maiko's, the Princess, escort, guard feels quite attracted to you."

She blushed. "J-J-Jugo?"

I got Sasuke's hand off my mouth as hearts formed in my eyes. "OMG! She LIKES HIM TOO!"

Sasuke laughed as she blushed even more.

"How about I fix a date for both of you? This will be like PERFECT."

She looked at the ground. "But...I don't think he-"

"I'll guarantee you. he LIKES you." I said to her.

She nodded. "A date would be lovely."

I shook my hand. "I'll make Jugo ask you that, I'm not a messenger." I said and walked over to the cart. "You have any new ones?"

She nodded. "We got this one." She showed me a perfume that looked like a diamond.

"Isn't that...Cher Lloyd's new perfume? I want it." I said and paid. I had a present for Karin now.

We walked back to the castle with Sasuke holding my hand. "Kakashi said we had a mission today." He said.

I turned to him. "Really?" He nodded.

"And...I think it's dangerous." He murmured, almost to himself.

"You scared?"

"Not for myself." He chuckled in amusement. "I'm more afraid of the damage Sakura can put the team into if she comes along. But...I really would rather you not coming either. Just in case it's too dangerous."

"Sakura can manage alright, Sasuke. She isn't as weak as you give her credit for." I said.

He snorted. "You know she's weak, Maiko, just think about it, she'll slow us down. Can you talk to Kakashi?"

"I will do no such thing. Sakura has been training with Tsunade, give her a chance to demonstrate how toughed up she has turned. But I do need to talk to her to not worry what happens to you only but also about Naruto. Teamwork, right?"

Sasuke scowled. "I don't think she'll do any good if she tags along."

"You'll be surprised." I said before opening the door to say hi to Suigetsu's pouting face.

Itachi was standing in front of him wish a smirk, what the hell did those two do?

"What's up, Onii-san?" I called out.

He shrugged. "I brought lover-boy with me." He directed to the TV room.

My face lightened completely. "AMORE MIO!" I jumped up and down as I let go of Sasuke's hand to go into the TV room.

Begin Again (Third Book To The Tale of Princess Maiko) (Naruto Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt