What's In For You After Death?

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My skin crawled as I felt Danzo's explosion over me. It was a bit like a blanket of dark pain wrapping you and trying to crush you over.


I kept my scream in and watched as Obito pulled Sasuke back, as if in protection. He needs him.

I thought, aware of what happened before my mind went blank and I was somehow pulled into a white hole.

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes as you die? It's true. I read a book about it once. When you die, the last part functioning in you is your brain and the last part functioning of your brain is the part that contains your memory.

In another words, I saw something I wouldn't have believed would happen. I found myself intrigued into the New York Times Best-Seller novel-like my life has been.

Seriously, from the time I was born my life was turned into a Broadway drama.

One thing though, that was really called my attention was the last time I talked to Kakashi.

I was trying to do a spell I had found in a scroll behind a secret door on the wall of the castle. Kakashi was helping me out with the chakra control it would need.

I actually had to use the boar, the horse, the snake and all that. I had a picture of those in my iPod somewhere hidden in my trunk at the military base. I should've brought it.

The spell required me to do some kind of sparkled light, I wasn't quite sure what the spell would do it was kind of my responsibility to find out.

The light raised from my palm by itself and went divided itself into three. Two of them went through the window and disappeared. The thrid one went into Kakashi's surprisingly ungloved hand. A pattern of green light was stuck on Kakashi's hand then it started burning his skin, and turned black, a tattoo.

I can understand you don't really know what's happening now, right?  That mark is  an Andorian mark.

A very acient, sacred one. Not everyone has it.

"What the hell was that for?" He complained, going completely off character.

I shook my head. "You don't understand, Kakashi." I said as I stared sternly into his eyes. "You were blessed at birth." I said almost in a gasp.

"How could I be blessed-"

"When the Third died, Jiraiya watched me bless him. If you had been there, you would have remembered. No matter what age you were when you were blessed, you always remember it. There was three of you. Three of you that were meant to fight together. Against Obito..." The last part of that was mostly spoken to myself.

"I'll take care of Madara." I said finally and packed my stuff and put the scroll back from where I'd found it.

Alright, so back to the hole...

It felt like absorbsion. Like what you would think it would feel to go into space and your space suit would rip and you were out of oxygen, or at least what cartoons make it look like. It was like you trying to pass through a two-inch hole. Impossible. It runed your insides out.

I woke up, to my very own surprise, in fresh air. My thoughts raced to what I had seen just before I had completely sucked into that hole. I swear I thought I would go to hell, why am I not burning for eternity?

"Antonette Maiko Hatake Yasuki." A male voice called.

I turned up to see a pale man, tall, a 'Goddammit' tall.

"You..." I said in confusion.

The man in front of me smiled.

"I thought I'd killed you." I said in still confusion.

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