I'm Sorry...

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Short chapter, I know it and I'm sorry myself...no this isn't all that's in the chapter, it's not ME apologizing ok? EMJOY!! Hope you like it! Love ya. <3 Sincerely, Alijoice.

(Hasn't it been a while since I've wrote that? Damn...I need to write that more often now..)

Everyone was asleep now. It made me feel weird to have so many in my castle, and being here over all. I was sitting in the roof. My legs were folded to my chest and arms wrapped around them. I heard a noise in the front door and was alarmed immediately. I looked at the front door and saw someone push a dark-haired boy.

"GO!" A voice said. "Don't waste your time! Tell her you're sorry, teme!" I knew who it was then. Naruto.

Tell her you're sorry?

Sasuke stood and sighed. "Dobe! No, wait don't close the door! I can't-" The door was shut and Sasuke was cut off by the sound of locks being shut.

I chuckled and lay on the roof, closing my eyes and opening them to see the perfect night sky.

"M-M-Maiko?" I heard a faint voice ask. I turned slightly and looked at him there. Really, Sasuke?

"Yes?" I asked. What now? Did he have some other million questions about the 'piano topic'?

"I-I-I just- I just..." He sat on the roof, next to me.


He sighed and turned up to the sky with his eyes closed. He mumbled something to himself then let out a breath and turned back to me.

"You see, Maiko..." He started. "I-I-I love you..." His eyes got watery I stared in shock. "And I-I thought you knew that..." His breath hitched. "When you left me."

His eyes shut close as if the memory, the thought, was too painful. I kept staring at him.

"When you left me, I was broken, hollow, lost... Completely shattered." He continued as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"Sasuke..." I started and tried to wide his tear off but he held out a hand to stop me, wiped his own tear and took in a breath.

"I honestly don't know what it was that made me so grumpy that day. Perhaps I was tired. Or maybe I was just mad to know that when it came down to it, I couldn't protect you the way I wanted. I screwed up, I know. I always do. And I hate myself for it. But...the thing is that I-I want you back...And I know I have no right to be asking you this. But because I love you, and I need you, here, for my selfish needs, I'm here to tell you that no matter if you come back with me or go...with someone else; I love you, and it'll stay like that forever."

He waited for me to respond but I said nothing for a while then I smiled and shook my head.

"You little prick..." I said as I look up at the sky.

He frowned and looked a little hurt.

"I have no idea how you do that, what's in those shining bottomless beautiful eyes of yours that you're so good at getting me back." I said and laughed at myself.

His face filled with hope. "D-D-Does that mean..."

I smiled and poked his forehead the way Itachi used to. He blinked and smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"Come here..." I said as I opened my arms and he hugged me, I rested back and he breathed as his head rested on my stomach. We didn't talk at all. We just lay there with the stars twinkling right back us.

I started to hear Sasuke breathing, through his mouth and I knew he was asleep.

"Thank you." A voice said behind me.


"You could have blown him right off, but you didn't, and I thank you for that." Itachi said.

I shrugged. "No problem, Onii-chan."

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Goodbye for now, Minnie-me." He said and poked my head suggestively.

"Aw...Come on, that was like the perfect touch..." I argued.

He left laughing and I slept on the room with a smile on my face.

Begin Again (Third Book To The Tale of Princess Maiko) (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now