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Short chapter but whatever! I don't think I'll have enough inspiration after that Jugo thing. I was sassy all day the day I wrote that chapter... Enjoy. Love ya. <3 Sincerely, Alijoice

I was sitting on the table, discussing with myself about being here internally. I took a sip my coffee and kept thinking. Tsunade had called me earlier and asked if I could go fill out some papers for her. What a drag...

"I need to stop hanging out with Shikamaru so much..." I murmured lazily to myself as I signed papers and read them and stuff.

I saw my check for the Kumogakure building. I smiled and wrote down a letter inside too. 'Looking forwards to that visit, B...-Maiko.'

I called in an ANBU and sent him over with the letter. Sasuke came in with a plate of rice balls, his face beaming as he bowed at me.

"Hokage-sama." He said playfully.

I smiled and put my head down on the table. "Don't mock me, I'm filing papers."

He sighed and placed the rice balls on the desk and pulled out one with the chopsticks and put it in front of my mouth.

"You are NOT going to feed me." I told him but he took the opportunity to stick the rice ball into my mouth. I rolled my eyes at him and started chewing.

I ate and did papers at the same time until Kakashi came to my rescue. "Sasuke, what the hell are you doing? I called a meeting!"

Sasuke looked at the clock and sighed. "Sorry, I'm gonna need to go." Sasuke whispered at me.

I nodded and shrugged. "It's ok. Go, clean out some farms or something, kid." I said as I gave him a kiss.

He smiled and gave me another peck in the lips. Kakashi cleared his throat. "Are you done snogging each other there?"

I laughed and pushed Sasuke a bit away. "Go, both of you, GO!"

They went out of the office and left me alone with the papers. I filed the whole day which is kind of annoying. At last I read a letter from the Kazekage, Gaara. Yay!

I read the letter over and over again, letting it sink. Just what I needed. Danzo was in there. In his village. Sunagakure.What was I going to with that man?

I couldn't just go let him make Gaara's life impossible while I stayed here and be stupid.

I left the Hokage office, leaving a note on the desk and called on Asami. Missed the little fellow? She was a bit bigger now I do believe she's turned faster. I climbed on her back. "With Gaara."

She rushed and we were there in about three minutes. Like I said, she was faster.

I got off her back and let her to wander. "I want to see Gaara." I told the ninja at the gates.

"Who is looking for Kazekage-sama?"

"Yasuki Maiko." I told him and he escorted me there.

Gaara was having a bit of a discussing inside of his office. Temari and Kankuro were outside; they were kicked out by Gaara himself.

I entered the room, not minding. "What are you doing here, Danzo?"

He turned and his eye filled with hatred. Nevertheless, he bowed down and said, "Princess Maiko."

"I asked you something, Danzo. What are you doing here? This is not your village, therefore, not your business." Then I turned to Gaara. "At least you're telling me you're having economic problems, I can help."

Gaara was looking at me quizzically. I don't think he was noticed who I was... "Aren't you..." He started. Remember that Chuunin Exam encounter we had? There it is; memory processing facial expression...

"I'm not gonna hit a little Genin! That's child abuse!" I said dramatically.

His face filled with recognition and he smirked. "Nice to see you again."

"Thank you, Kazekage." I bowed and turned to Danzo. "Well? I'm waiting for your answer..."

He nodded and said. "I was just explaining to Kazekage-sama the importance of security measures in his village because they seem very low."

I turned to Gaara. "If you have problems with security measures then I can fix that. Danzo," I said, turning to him, "I will need you to give Kazekage-sama a month's worth of security measures since you were the one who oh-so-kindly thought of warning old Gaara here about security measures." I said.

Then I turned back to Gaara. "Do you have the expenses?"

Gaara nodded. "Everything filed and filled out like always. "

I grabbed the papers and looked through them. I smirked as I gave Danzo a paper filled with the greatest amount. It was probably ten times of what a ninja got for three months' payment.

He looked up at me with a glare and I smiled sweetly. "Problem?"

He growled and gave the paper back and stormed out the room. I turned to Gaara.

"I'll see you later?" I asked with a smile.

He nodded. "It was a pleasure to see you again, Princess Maiko."

"Don't call me that, just Maiko."

"Gaara." He stretched his hand. We shook hands.

"I was here the other time..." I told him with a frown. "Did you not recognize me?"

He shook his head. "Your voice is what I recognized."

I nodded. "So now you're telling me to shut up?"

"No, I don't mean that...You can talk all you want..."

"So now you think that since we know each other I'm gonna tell you everything?"

"NO, no you can be quiet if you want too."

"Is my voice that hideous?"

He looked so in distress that I decided to laugh already. "I'm just kidding. I will be as LOUD as I want, quiet as I wish and sing in my hideous voice if I feel like it. ANY time..."

He shook his head and sighed.

"I'll be gone now." I said an dleft the office. Temari was outside the building, making sure Danzo left.

"Marry Shikamaru soon!" I called at her and climbed on Asami before she could go and strangle me.

I went back into the office and made filing duties with the papers. No one had even noticed I'd left for like half an hour. Good.

☺☻♥ ~~Three Hours Later~~♥☻☺

"So Danzo was in Gaara's office...warning him about SECURITY MEASURES?" Suigetsu asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"What do you think he was doing?" Kiba asked.

Shikamaru turned to him with a 'Are you stupid or something?' look. "If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid."

I smiled. "Good boy..."

"Danzo is threatening countries. And he's probably using Maiko as the threat." Sakura said.

"I made him pay Gaara's expenses from security measures anyways." I shrugged.

Shikamaru chuckled. "Other countries are going to start seeing us as a threat them." Said Sai.

Oh, did you forget about him? Well he talks a lot, when not in serious mode and Sakura hangs with him a lot. I'd say they're dating but he still has no feelings. At least not all of them.

We decided to let it drop for later because Sasuke had arrived. When it came to Danzo we did not say a word in front of Sasuke. We shouldn't, we wouldn't. Just not yet at least, he's not strong to defeat him yet.

Just not yet.

Begin Again (Third Book To The Tale of Princess Maiko) (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now