Karin's Weakness: Perfume

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"And then when the guy came out I got him and slit his throat...with my teeth." Suigetsu finished.

Sasuke stared at him with a brow raised and a totally face palm expression.

"Cool..." I said, not knowing what he was talking about. I have a feeling he started talking and I just started ignoring right there...

It was easy to ignore Suigetsu until he calls up a bloody death.

"You didn't hear what I said did you, Mai-Mai?" He asked.

I smiled at him. "No."

He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I'll teach you a lesson!" He started tickling me like it depended on his life.

"Stop! STOP! NO!" I laughed and tried to push him up but instead he leaned in closer and tickled even more. I didn't even know that was possible...

"Stop." Sasuke's voice ringed. I turned to him in between laughing and he was clenching his jaw with his hands in fists.

Suigetsu turned too and grinned. "Why? You're jealous?"

Oh shit...

Sasuke's eyes turned into Sharingan and I swear I thought he was going to get the Mangekyo Sharingan anytime soon if he kept glaring like that

Suigetsu grinned and had a playful look in his eyes. "Want to play? Let's play, pretty face."

My head snapped to Sasuke's response as he took out a kunai and glared even harder...

"Sasuke. No." I said and started standing up.

Sasuke attacked first and Sui-chan stopped his kunai with his blade and I got in the middle when they tried to strike again. I stopped the Executioner's Blade with my kunai and grabbed Sasuke's hand before his kunai got any closer.

"STOP!" I yelled so hard even Asami screeched in pain.

Sasuke looked at me with his normal eyes, no more glare.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

Sasuke turned away. "I have nothing to explain to you."

I raised my eyebrows and was about to yell when I remembered Sui-chan.

"Suigetsu..." growled and he started shattering fear. “Look, here's the thing. If you two fight, I'll make sure you kill each other; I'm not playing favorites between you two. You hear me?"

"Yes, Mai-Mai." Suigetsu said in a bored tone. I snapped my head to Sasuke.

"Sasuke! Did you hear me, I asked! If you don't like my rules you can jump off Asami, let's see how you get back to Konoha, if it isn't that the Akatsuki get you first."

He looked me over for a minute until he sighed in a frustrated way. "Okay."

"Alright, then. Get your blade out of the way." Suigetsu did as I told.

Suigetsu sat down at the far of Asami's head. I turned to Sasuke.

"Hey..." I said. He looked at me and glared.

"What? I'm not apologizing to him." He snapped, nodding at Sui-chan.

I was told aback, totally rewinded. "I wasn't going to ask you that." I said, softly, almost hurt at the tone he was using.

Memories of him...the other one...flashed and I felt like the air had left from my lungs.

"Maiko..." He started when he noticed.

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