Girl's Night! XOXO <3

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OK so the whole chapter tittle has the XOXO <3 cause Girl's night is supposed to be girly and that so I think that is quite girly already, too girly, maybe..?, (That comes from a girl who ends every chapter with Love ya. <3 Sincerely, Alijoice....) Anyways, enjoy!!! (Con Los TERRORISTAS) Do the HARLEM SHAKE!! P.S. You do know 'Con los terroristas' means 'With the terrorists' right? How is this song even legal? (in the U.S at least)

I woke up to a weird sound behind me. I opened my eyes and saw it there... It was a freaking dove with an owl and squirrel at the edge of my bed. I screamed. “JUGO! GET BAMBI AWAY FROM ME!”

Sasuke jumped up and fell from the bed at my screaming. I turned and heard him groan.

“Are you ok?” I asked in concern and looked down the edge of the bed. “I’m so sorry. Come here...” I said as I offered him my hand.

He looked up and blushed. “No, no, it’s ok.”

I got off the bed helped him up in spite his protest. When he was sitting back on the bed, I grabbed his hand and pointed at the animals. He smiled. “Are you afraid of animals, Maiko Dear?” He asked into my ear, his lips brushing my ear.

I closed my eyes and shuddered. “No.” I said after I composed myself. “But I don’t want them pooping in my room.”

He laughed and stood up and opened the door to a knock and there stood Jugo getting the animals out of my room without making eye-contact with me.

I chuckled at his fear. “Thank you, Jugo.”

Sasuke closed the door after him. “Now...” He turned to me with his heels and smiled.

I laughed at the way he walked to me, kind of lumping but...hipster style?

“Don’t make fun of me, my foot got hurt.” He pouted but there was this playful look in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that...” I admitted.

“It seems like there is always an interesting way you wake up, Maiko-dear.” He said as He kneed beside the bed and tugged a strand of hair beneath my ear.

I smiled and grabbed his hand. “I know.”

He grabbed my chin and kissed me lightly. “Time for breakfast, are you hungry?”

“Yeah, let me just get ready and I’ll cook something.”

He chuckled. “No, I’ll do it.”

“But today’s my turn why would-“

“Because you look beautiful today.” He shrugged and went out the room.

I blushed but then I realized something. “Was I ugly yesterday?” I whispered to myself.

I shrugged then changed into a comfortable t-shirt and shorts. Thought there was no normal clothes in this world? Think again.

I walked down the marble steps with only socks on. Sasuke looked up at me and smiled. “Karin is with Naruto in the TV room, you mind?”

I smiled. “Of course not! Aw...this is so cute!”

He smiled and placed the French toast in the plate.

“I taught you well.” I told him as I saw it. (I’d introduced him to the marvelous French toast. Bless me.)

“Do you want to eat with Karin and Naruto or in the dining room?” He asked.

“With the guys. Come on, I’ll help you.” I said as I took three plates and placed them in the coffee table in the TV room. They were watching some kind of comedy movie I hadn’t watched yet.

Begin Again (Third Book To The Tale of Princess Maiko) (Naruto Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu