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Dedicated to @MikiMiku, the creator of Mar-Mar... ;)x

The Secret voted. Several declined, but then there was Shikamaru, the ultimate vote, it didn't really matter what anyone said, it was Mar-Mar's (Shikamaru had earned this freaking well-deserved embarrassing nickname for doing one for me too) vote that counted. He stared at the table for the whole voting, taking in everyone's opinions then at last, when everyone's eyes were on him, he sighed.

"I think he can know, as long as he can get more people to search over. There has to be more than one person in the Akatsuki that hasn't lost all his morals completely." He said.

"So that's a yes?" Sasuke asked.

Mar-Mar turned to him and put his arms behind his head. "Sure why not? It's not like he's gonna go telling everyone. And I'm sure he's old enough to know who to trust, such as Tobi or whatever his name is, so why not, still?"

I shrugged with him. "He has a point."

Kiba stood up, annoyed. "This is wrong. I don't want this happening. It's WRONG..."

I shrugged. "I know you hate him, Kiba, it's obvious but don't let that hatred blind your morals-like Shikamaru said. We need him, he's right."

"You don't get it, I don't trust him." Kiba hissed.

"Yeah, we do get that, actually." Ten-Ten retorted.

"But this isn't about you. It's about what's best for the quest." Sai said.

"Well, I agree with Shikamaru." Naruto butt in. "It's Sasuke's brother we're talking about. We know how honest and pure he is by his actions. I don't think he'll ever try to do something stupid as to get his brother in trouble."

Sasuke turned to look at Naruto and gave him a half-smile and a nod of appreciation.

I turned to Ino, she seemed to disagree. "Well, I don't think he's so trustworthy."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Oh, come on. He killed his own family. I bet they trusted him good." She huffed.

I turned to see Sasuke's reaction, his hand in a fist.

"Ino..." I said in a growl. "You know why he did that, why are you bringing it up again. Does your stupid brain not process it well? You make fun of Sakura's forehead but I bet she's got more brains than you ever will. And that's just plain it."

She popped an anime vein. "Well at least I got a flat belly, something you or her will never point out in your fat body."

Choji glared at her and so did almost everyone in the room.

"Well at least I can lose weight for free, you need about ten grand to fix you face!"

Everybody staid quiet before she huffed and stood up. "I didn't come here to get insulted."

I looked down at Sasuke that was still glaring at her with his jaw clenched.

"Then don't come any more. We don't really need you here, Ino." Choji called.

"But if you try to tell anyone about The Secret then I guess we'll have to something about it. Something about you." Suigetsu warned.

She stared at him for a moment, they looked eyes and they seem to be talking mentally or something, Suigetsu was just turning his head to her instead of fully acknowledge her.

"Like I care." She huffed and walked over to the main door to leave.

"You were warned, Superbidisti..." I called.

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