Chap 62: Task completed

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"I-index..? What happened? Why are you looking at me like that? Did i, did something wrong?!"

We can see (well, not really) kamijou Touma, with three young ladies inside a park. The ladies were Index Librorum Prohibitorum, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko.

Index was looking at touma with furiouse eyes and she was grinding her teeth like a cutter. The reason was,

Touma along with index was returning from the school. Today, touma took index at school with him because Maika was not at home today. So leaving index alone was not a good choice since she would clean off the fridge from any kind of food. So, yeah. He took her with him and left her with Komoe-sensei, also there was Yomikawa-sensei too.

When they were heading by the park because index wanted to, they encountered mikoto and kuroko, who were waiting there for Saten and Uiharu to come. After meeting them, touma greeted her just as usual and was talking about stuffs, with mikoto being as shy as usual around touma.

Everything was usual,

"You ape! I saw you, you just stared at my onee-sama's chest!"

Kuroko furiousely replied at a moment when mikoto was blushing like mad after hearing that. Touma gets flinched at the girls sudden comment and was trying to deny her claim.

"No no no. I never did!"

"Toumaaaa! You were doing those perverted stuffs right after coming from school?!"

Said index with a heavy tone while looking toward touma. To avoid the bad situation, touma tried to proove his innocence with facts.

"W-why would i look at her chest?! I just came from school. There are plenty girls in school to stare at! I never did stare at them, so why would i? Beside, there is barely anything there, why should i look at that when there are plenty other women passing by, with something on their chest?!"

As usual, his rotten luck did the job. Instead of escaping, he just got himself into a much bigger issue. He just called mikoto flat chested right in front of her. That may have convinced kuroko, but not the other two.

Electric spark was coming from her hair as she was looking down on the ground. Touma then looks toward index who was grinding her teeth.

"Eh? Index....san? Why are you doing that?"

"Toumaa! How can you say that? Do you hate small chest that much?!"

"Eh? When did i ever said that?! Wai-index! Ahhh!"

And index used bite against touma. As usual. Yes, as usual. Everything was usual, like they usually used to be.

Akureyri church, Akureyri, northern iceland...

Inside the church, the priestress was standing. And beside her, was Accelerator!

Yes. In fact, Accelerator was standing inside the church, with the priestress that we saw (well, not really) in the past when the saint was here, praying before heading to academy city.

Now this is interesting right? How things went on? That accelerator was standing inside the church, with the priestress that he never met in the past.


The saint couldn't believe! His sword, which was unbreakable, not only got broken, but got broken after casting the spell that gave it divine properties!

It was not possible. It was beyond unbelievable. Anyone would loose their mind if they heared or saw that. But he is a saint. He cannot loose hope just because he lost his weapon. Though that was no ordinary weapon. But still, he cannot lose hope, because, right in front of him, accelerator was standing wide open, defenseless. This is his chance. He can strike him from this point blank range, there is no way he would be able to dodge it, right?

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