Chap 30: The beach chapter!

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The members of Yomikawa residence were on a vacation. They were heading to Okinawa beach! Though accelerator first resisted, He tagged along eventually.

They were heading to okinawa via train. The train was pretty luxury. On top of that, as a level 5, Accelerator and his allies gets VIP treatment which was unknown to him.

Academy city was near Tokyo, And okinawa was, pretty far from there. There wasn't any direct train to Okinawa from tokyo, But there was a train from Academy city. Long story short, It's gonna be a long journey.

They were served breakfast, Lite breakfast with accelerator only taking a cup of black coffee.

He was drinking his coffee when he asked,

"Hey Yomikawa, Where'd you get that vacation pass from anyway?"

Yomikawa's eating was finished. She wipes her mouth and answers,

"Actually, It's from the newly formed council that you are chairman of. They were providing vacation passes to all level 5s. But they lacked the willpower and courage to give it directly to you. So they contracted me and gave me this, See, Because i am your Guardian!"

Accelerator looks at her and says,

"Some shady organization gives you a free family vacation pass and you gladly accepted it? You are something else."

Yomikawa laughs awkwardly and says,

"Come on, It's not it is something suspicious, The pass was given to me by one of my students from my school. And also, Others are getting it too."

Accelerator just clicks his tongue and says,

"Tch, Be more cautious. Don't just jump into conclusions. Anyway, As you already accepted it, There is nothing to say. Just be careful."

Yomikawa scrathes her head and says,

"You are not angry that i accepted the pass without your permission?"

Accelerator looks away from her and says,

"If you don't have the authority to decide on my behalf, Then they wouldn't give you the pass on the first hand. Aren't you my Guardian? Be thankful that you get to decide things for me."

Yomikawa just laughs.

Accelerator and company were sitting on their respective seats. Yomikawa and Yoshikawa were reading some sort of newspaper, or books. Last Order and WORST have fallen asleep. Due to their excitement, they weren't able too sleep last night. Same goes for Qliphah puzzle 545 who was half asleep and was leaning on accelerators shoulder.
Noticing them, Accelerator stays silent. After a few moments, The yonger girls falls asleep completely with Last Order and WORST sleeping next to Yoshikawa and Qliphah was sleeping next to Yomikawa and accelerator.

Accelerator gently pushes Qliphah away from his shoulder and stands up. He wants to get some can coffee, Or coffee would be ok. Basically, He was looking for a vending machine inside the train which he thought was normal, for academy city train.

He tells yomikawa to keep a look on the brats and goes to take a stroll inside the train.

He was walking inside the train in search of some coffee. He notices that there weren't any Vending machine, But there was a cafe or resturant type compartment which serves various foods, Including coffee! So, He decides to go there instead.

He goes to the inbuilt cafe and orders a cup of black coffee. He was sitting on a chair with a bored expression. The coffee comes some times after. He was taking small sips from the coffee while looking around the place. Likely ovserving the environment. When he was looking around, He saw a familliar figure. It was that Kamijou guy! Also there was the Hungry nun with him.

TRYING TO BE 'NORMAL' - a 'Toaru Majutsu No Index' FanFicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat