Chap 16: Fairy Boy!

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Yomikawa residence,3rd POV...

Accelerator was talking to a certain person who he can't stand.It was Misuzu!She called accelerator and now he was talking to her.
"How did you get my number?!"Growled accelerator.
"I don't know,When i checked my contact,i found it!It was saved by the name whitey-kun".
Accelerator greeted his teeth and thought,'Damn you author!'.
Ahem,Accelerator then says,
"So what do you want?"
She then says,
"Actually,i am at district seven and i heared it was close where you live.So when i am here,I wanted to return the money that you gave me.So,If you are free,then we can meet at a place and i will return your money".
Accelerator heared her and says calmly,
"Don't need it.You can keep the money.And i am busy now,so i can't go out and meet you".
Misuzu sounded dissapointed and says,
"Then it can't be helped i guess.I will give back your money the next time we meet then.Ok then bye and don't forget to save my number,save it as Misuzu-chan,Ok?Bye"
Accelerator quickly cuts the phone and sighs.He was trying to avoid her at any cost,because of the railgun.But now she got his number too and knowing the misakas,She is definietly gonna return the money at any cost.He then looks at the number and saves it as Misuzu-Chan!

He was about to sleep again when he heared Yoshikawa say,
"Waah,Accelerator,You got a girlfriend or what?Who was it that wanted to meet you?If it was your girlfriend,then you shouldn't say no!".
Accelerator quickly jumps off from the couch and shouts,
"Shut up.Who the hell is my girlfriend.That was an old hag.A grown ass woman okay!"
Then yoshikawa smile and says,
"Ara~Ara~,I didn't knew you were into older women.Looks like i have to be careful around you hmm!?".
Accelerator's brow twitches and he just leaves the apartment in a rush.

Outside the apartment,3rd POV...

Accelerator left the apartment on a rush,but now what?He has nothing to do,So he decided to just buy some coffee and drink them sitting on top of a random building.With this mindset,He heads towards the vending machine.He puts the money card and orders 5 can of coffee,That's all was left.He then picks up the money card and coffees and when he looked back,He saw That Kamijou guy was looking at him with his mouth wide open.He thinks,
'What's with him and vending machine?Before,we met in front of a vending machine,And now too!'.He then looks at him and says,
"What?You saw a ghost or anything?"
Touma quickly closes him mouth and said,
"You bought all the coffees,All of them!Now what am i gonna drink?"
Accelerator just looks at him and says,
"There are plenty of drinks left.Go ahead!"
Touma just looks at the vending machine and looks back at accelerator and says,
"But there isn't any coffee left.You just bought them all!Couldn't you left at least one?"
Accelerator opens a can and takes a sip.Then he says,
"First come,first serves.Now get lost"
Then touma sighs and says,
"Such misfortune!"
When accelerator was about to leave,He throws a can of coffee at touma.Touma cathes it and looks at accelerator surprised.Accelerator then says,
"Think of it as my thanks for stopping me in russia".
Touma tries to say something but was interrupted by a phone call.He then picks up and starts talking.When his talk was finished,he saw that accelerator has already left.So he just shrugs it off and opens the can to drink the coffee that he got free!

Accelerator was on top of a 'Not so tall' building and was drinking his coffee while olacing the other cans beside him.Suddenly,Someone stands beside him.He looks up to see who it was and he saw it was a familiar figure.It was the number 2.
Accelerator wasn't expecting him to be here,buy he wasn't surprised at all.He just looks in front of him and says,
"So,you are alive,Fairy boy!"
Kakine then looks at him and says,
"What was that deadpan reaction.Be surprised atleast!And what do you think,i will die just from some few punch and kicks?Huh!Dream on!"
(A/N: for the sake of the story,i am making kakine a mentally stable level 5,i mean positive character.Not quite good guy,but won't do anything stupid.And no complete beetles either just some mini spies)
Accelerator says uninterrested,
"Ah,Good for you"
Kakine then sits beside him and says,
"At least be surprised number one!Heh,I have  replaced my organs with dark matter.I bet i can beat you now!"
Accelerator looks at him and says,
"You have replaced your organs with dark matter and you are expecting to beat me?"
Kakine smirks and says,
"That's right.Surprised?Be ready accelerator i am gonn-"
Acceleratoe starts laughing.Kakine looks at him with a surprised face and asks,
"What so funny?"
"You do know that Dark matter is now under my personal reality.I can control dark matter now at my will if i got a source of it.And your whole body is dark matter.How could you expect to beat me?".Says acceleratoe with a sarcastic tone.
Kakine then gets surprised and 'tch's him,then takes a can and opens it to drink.
Accelerator looks at him and says,
"You won't get a free drink,pay for it"
Kakine ignores him and takes a sip from the coffee.Then makes a unidentified face and says,
"Bitter!How could you keep drinking this?"
He then surprisingly brings out a packet of quick sugar cubes and puts them inside the can.Then he shakes it and takes a sip again.
Accelerator just looks at him and says,
"Youre gonna 'pay' for the coffee"

Few moments passed in silence,Then suddenly kakine asks accelerator,
"Did you get the mail from the board?"
Accelerator looks at him and says,
"Yes,and i think others got too"
Accelerator ws about to ask him that too,bit he asked instead,well it's good.Kakine then says,
"Just as i thought,they are gathering the level 5s.How many did you confirmed?"
Accelerator just says,
"Beside you and me,the number 4.And i couldn't contact the others".
Kakine then says,
"I confiemed the number 7s.My spies sent me the confirmation of that that leaves the #3 and #5 and we can say pretty sure that they got it too".
Accelerator then opens his phone and says,
"Did you heared anything about the 'level 5 counsil'?"
Kakine says,
"They told me that there was a council like that.I think that was the context of the message.To attract the level 5s,they mentioned a counsil like that.Just what they want?Even we from the darkside don't know about it".
Accelerator then looks surprised and says,
"I thought you would know somerhing because you were from the darkside.But the darkside is infoless too huh,Just what does those bastards want?"
When they were talking about those,suddenly accelerator asks him,
"Do you know anything about the magic side?"
Kakine looks at him and says,
"Yeah,i know that they exists and is not in good terms with us,why ask?
Accelerator then says,
"Some magicians made a base in academy city and their target was to kill the level 5s.I killed them all though"
Kakine then says,
"Magicians are building base inside the city and we know nothing!?What is going on?"
"I don't think that magicians directly entering the city.They are using some two faced citizens inside the city and trying to make an uproar.But one thing makes me laugh,They thinks that they can kill the level 5s,all of us by themseleves!".
Kakine then looks at the laughing accelerator and says,
"If they are that confident,then it means they have something in their ace.We have to be on guard! I don't care about others but i am not gonna fall in one of their traps.So number one,don't be cocky and stay on guard,live until i kill you".
Accelerator looks at him and says mockingly,
"Same goes for you,Fairy Boy!"
Then accelerators phone rings and he sees that it was from yomikawa.He then looks at kakine and says,
"Looks like i have to go.Then do your best to not die,i will see you at the meeting,and don't ever think of doing anything stupid on the meeting,Fairy Boy! And you are gonna 'pay' for the coffee."
He says and jumps off from the building while switching on his chocker.Then he lands smoothly on the land and starts to walk away.

Kakine saw accelerator go away.Then he mutters to hinself,
"Already took control of dark matter huh?Looks like no matter how hard you try,You just can't surpass someone like him.I looked up to you.That's why i wanted to show you that i can surpass you.By taking the number one spot.But you have beaten me with just half of your strenght".
He then sighs and says again,
"Knowing your limit is wise too.You were right.There is a wall between us.I can't pass the wall,but i can take a peek by it right.I don't care about the rankings anymore.I just want the number one as my rival that's it".
He then opens up his wings and flies away.

A/N: So,alongside with accelerator,kakine's character has grown in this story too.After his defeat against accelerator,his mindset has changed and he has became honest with himself.He is gonna be accelerator's best ally,not 'friend' because accelerator wouldn't admit it neither Kakine.So Enjoy this butchered up Timeline!

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