Chap1: Lets Be More 'NORMAL'

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________________________let's start...!😁

The world war 3 has finished thanks to our 'heroes' and 'villian'. Acceleartor returns to academy city from russia.

Just when he was expecting a warm wellcome, he gets punched to the face by Yomikawa Aiho, his current guardian. The punch from the spartan female put quite a weight as accelerator falls onto WORST's breasts and just when he tries to growl back at Yomikawa, He gets pulled to a suffocating hug by Yomikawa.

For a moment, he forgot what to do and after short, he snaps back to reality and pulls out from the 'soffocating' hug and growls at yomikawa,

"The hell with you woman? I saved the little brat, probably saved the world and you just straight punched me in the face?!"

Yomikawa just smiles at him. For a moment, he saw water in Yomikawa's eyes like she was desperately trying to hold back her tears. The others didn't notice but accelerator was not 'dumb'.

Several weeks has been passed since they returned. Nothing is out of ordinary. Accelerator sulks at the couch Yomikawa's school-Antiskill-Sleep duty and last orders 'nagging'. Oh a new 'Thing' added to accelerator's list. Misaka WORST's hardcore teasing. Though he ignores the 'Nuisance' and pretends to not to listen.

It was a sunday, Yomikawa has returned from her anti-skill duty and all other members of the household were present. Last order was playing a video game while Accelerator was lying on the couch followed by Misaka WORST teying to lie down beside him. Yoshikawa was sitting on the dining table and was writing something on a paper.

Yomikawa returns from duty and takes a quick refreshment by drinking a soda. Then she proceeds to sit at the couch and was looking at Accelerator and WORST's 'battle over the couch'.

Basically, Accelerator was lying on the couch while WORST's comes in and lies beside him. He is trying to push her off and she is clinging onto his arm. After a little battle, Accelerator starts to ignor WORST like she wasn't even there.

Yomikawa watched this for a while and then speaks,

"Na,Accelerator!Why don't start to go to school?"

Accelerator hears her and stares for a few second before answering,

"The hell you are talking about?does i look like a 'school boy' to you? And besides, i don't need to attend a school. I have learned the highschool stuff at the age of 12."

"Then try to become a normal treanger,enjoy your youth."

Says Yomikawa.

This caught Last Orders attention as she stops the game and comes to Yomikawa.

Then accelerator tells,

"I AM a normal person. Probably more normal than you two."

He tells remembering an 'abnormal' event regarding his two guardians.

Then Last order talks,

"Misaka wants you to be a normanl boy too says Misaka as Misaka thinks it is a great idea."

After that Misaka WORST talks,

"Tou-san?! And normal?! Buhahahaha!! Impossible, just thinking about it makes Misaka laugh."

And she falls from the couch cause accelerator pushed her down.

Then accelerator tells,

"Who the hell cannot become normal?! I already am normal. But what do you mean by normal actually?"

Then Yomikawa tells,

"Normal means like every other teenagers, go out, make friends,enjoy your youth. Though you don't have to go to school."

Then Yoshikawa joins the conversation by saying,

"Accelerator is too Lazy too be a normal kid😊"

after hearing this Accelerator gets up and sits on the couch following by Misaka WORST clinging onto his leg.

Then Accelerator tells to Yoshikawa,

"I am more active than you. You are like a physical embodiment of 'Sloth'.One day i found some of your underware in the fridge."

In answer Yoshikawa just smiles and syas,

"I can't help it since you have to keep them 'fresh'."

Accelerator was going to tell something but got cut off by Last Order.

"That's not important says misaka as misaka tries to uphold the main topic."

"Ha!? What are you talking about?"

says accelerator.

Then last order says,

"Misaka wants you to be a normal boy says misaka as misaka tries to convince you."

"And how actually i am going to be a 'Normal' boy?"

Tells accelerator.

"Try to make friends with everybody around you says misaka as misaka suggests you."

Says last order in a cheerful tone.

"As if someone will befreind me?!"

Says accelerator.

At this statement,the others gets a little surprised.Then Yomikawa tells,

"Have you tried befriending someone before? You can't tell for sure before even trying!"

Then accelerator gets up and walks away. Before entering his room, he says,

"Let's play your little game,i will 'befreind' other if that means to be a normal person."

Then he enters his room and closes the door.

Miska WORST grins and syas,

"It's gonna be fun seeing beansprout trying to make friends."

Accelerators room....

Accelerator is lying on his bed prepairing to placing his battery in charge.

Then  he thinks,

'Making friends huh! I am not interrested in friendship stuff. But a normal life is not so bad. Actually i want a normal life.'

Then he places his battery in charge.

A/N: here is the first chapter. There maybe some spelling mistake considering I am writing on my phone. But please don't mind that. And in this story, accelerator maybe a little OOC somerimes, specially around the clones. ENJOY!

TRYING TO BE 'NORMAL' - a 'Toaru Majutsu No Index' FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now