Chap 68: His Normal Life

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Our end of the century emperor Hamazura Shiage-kun found himself running an errand again. He was asked, or rather ordered to buy things listed on the list on his hand.

"It's, it's the same as always!!! I haven't managed to improve my lifestyle a bit! Nothing has changed at all!!"

Hamazura was standing inside a store with a shopping cart and a pretty long list in his hand. The look on his face was not so pleasant. He was picking up things while grinding his teeth in anger and frustration. It was clear that his mood was not so good. In fact his mood was pretty bad. So bad that only Takitsubo in a bunny girl costume can lighten up him.

Peoples around him was looking at him from the corner of their eyes and was probably thinking various stuffs regarding his expression and body language. But those didn't bother him at all. In fact, he was cursing himself and his luck so much that it almost rivaled a certain unlucky boy and he didn't even notice the people around him.

Seems like his luck is the same as always. Even after many encounters and experiences, his lifestyle almost remained the same. He remains the same old errand boy, the end of the century emperor Hamazura Shiage.


"That's so mean! How could you do that touma?!"

"What? Come again?"

"How could you eat the remaining foods?! I put it in the fridge so that I could eat it later! Why did you eat it?!"

"But, you already ate just an hour ago! And I haven't eaten since the morning!"

"That was an whole hour ago! Those meats were so tasty, I saved them to eat later! But you are them all. You finished all of it. All. Of. It!!"

"Okay okay sorry sorry, I won't eat the remaining foods anymore. So, please forgive me. Okay?"

"Hmph. Since you are saying so sincerely, I guess I will forgive you."

"Oh! Thank you very much index-Sama! I, this kamijou touma will be very grateful for your mercy. Just don't say that yo-"

"Only if, you buy more of those meats now and cook them. I am hungry!"

"-u are hungry, ........yes?"

"I said I am hungry! Bring me those meats again. A lot of it!"

"............yes. I will go and buy them now."

Kamijou Touma was having another unlucky day. He was about to pay the price for his grave mistake of eating the remaining foods because he was hungry. In order to save himself from index's biti-wrath! he got up and was about to head toward the supermarkets to buy those meats again.

"Damnit. Those are so expensive. Last time I bought them in a sale. It would be so good if there was another sale today too."

"Hahaha. Looks like you are in a little trouble human."

"Little? You call it little? I am in a quite big trouble Othinus! Those meats are expensive as hell! And Index won't stop until I feed her."

"If those are expensive, why don't buy the cheap ones? She won't understand if you cook well enough."

"T-that's, true! Why I haven't thought that until now? If I buy some regular meats and cook them well, index won't notice at all. I can even buy extra ingredients with the money to cover it up as expensive meats! Index eats like there's no tomorrow anyway. Thank you othinus! You saved me!"

"No need to thank me. I am your understander afterall. Just remember to ask my help in times and I'll save you."

"Yes. I will. You must be expert in these kind of scenarios. You saved me a lot of money afterall."

TRYING TO BE 'NORMAL' - a 'Toaru Majutsu No Index' FanFicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant