Chap 17: Feelings!

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Yomikawa residence...

Accelerator returned home after yomikawa's call. She told him before going that she has something to discuss with him. So he came back to home after meeting with the number 2.

Accelerator was sitting on the couch while Yomikawa was sitting beside him. WORST has fallen asleep again and Last order was with yoshikawa, out. Few minutes passed but nobody said anything. Then accelerator broke the silence saying,

"Are we playing a staring contest or something? You called me, Now tell what do you want to discuss."

Yomikawa then gets out of her fantasy and says,

"Ahem, uh...Yes I am actually gonna ask you some questions, You should answer honestly-jan."

Accelerator says,

"If it's a question I can answer, then I will. If not then I can't."

Yomikawa came closer to accelerator and asked,

"Did something happen between you and her, WORST-chan, Last night?"

Accelerator gets surprised and says,

"What the hell? What makes you think that something happened between me and her?"

Yomikawa then says,

"What I am trying to say is, ...did you, I mean, did you do something to her?"

"I don't like the way you're saying that, Have some sense of shame woman. What do I look like to you, On what basis are you saying those, Again, what makes you think that?"

said accelerator while looking away from yomikawa.

Yomikawa then grabs his shoulder and says,

"So, did she kissed you then?"

Accelerator didn't say anything at first. Just stayed silent. Then after a few moment, he said,

"I- tch, She didn't do it on purpose, Somehow she thought it was a great idea for her to drink. So she was drunk and was spitting nonsenses."

Yomikawa then sighs and says,

"Actually, Yoshikawa told me that, she was created using, uh... different hormones and stuffs, beside The misakas. Plus, she is like the dumpster of all negative emotions. So she might feel frustrated sometimes. And believe it or not, She is interested in you in one way or another."

Accelerator looks at her and says,

"..... So?"

Then yomikawa says,

"Yoshikawa said that you should spend more time with her because that seems the only times when she feels happy, Throwing aside the negative feelings. And there is a possibility she could lose control and do something stupid if her emotions reached a certain limit. So, You have to do something about it."

Accelerator then says in reply,

"I think she is gonna be okay if she stays with people she knows. It would take some time to adjust, but it'll work. And, Yoshikawa might be right about the thing that she could lose control in too extreme situations. And that is not gonna be okay for me, I will see what I can do. And you don't have to tell me, I spend my time with them, including her."

Then Yomikawa smiles and ruffles his hair. Then she says,

"Well, then it's good I guess. And don't hesitate to go all the way! Well, not All all the way of course. I am a teacher afterall you should refrain yourself from crossing the line Heheh!"

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