You can ignore it!

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The world was not created yesterday or a mere 100 years ago.It is believed by the humans the the world was born many billion years ago.After a lot cycles of civilization,today we are here.

Humans have changed from before.After thousands of years,civilization changed.And as it changed,peoples changed.And by peoples changes,new beliefes came forward.Many religions grew,people worshipped many things including objects.

The more human grew,the more curiouse they became.They started to wonder about the truth behind this world and wanted to know about who created it.

There was a common beliefe that there are beings superior than humans.They called them 'gods'.Many civilization have their own mythologies about there gods.

It is true that there were beings powerful than humans.Humanity didn't advanced for nothing.From time to time,many beings that are not human,helped humans to achieve their advamcement.Some of them did for their own purpose,some of them did by someones command.

As human brain got advanced,human learned about many things that are outside of this earth.They became aware of Heaven and Hell,Abyss,the pure world and so many things.

Humans started weilding inhuman powers and started doing miracles.They called it magic.

It is stated that magic was bestowed to humans by the gods if not by the devil.
People advanced,so as magic.Different civilization has different types of magic.

Humans worshipped gods.Well,some of them only worshipped one God and it is stated that he was the one who created everything.Everyone believes that there is at least one being that is above everything.

They started to call him 'The one above all'.

Humans aknowledged the presence of God.
And so his Angels.

Angels are known to be the creation of god,just like humans.But they had no free will unlike humans.They follows God's order and worshipped him.It is told that Angels were the one in general to come to humans from time to time to help them on different occasions.

One thing was common.Angels were pure,and innocent.They were unable to commit sin.So,they were seen as holy.

(Okay that was enough. -_- Now,let's start the actual story)

Magic gods were humans in general.But they studied magic and reached at the peak if it.And by a ritual,they reached godhood,achieving unimaginable powers.

Magic gods stayed at another realm,outside of human understanding.They were so powerful that there mere present would cause danger to earth.They could destroy it anytime.

The magic gods was very powerful,yet they were below the God.They could destroy the universe,but recreating it was a bit difficult.
But the God could do it without any problem if he wanted.He could create another universe with a blink.Afterall,he is the main creator of the universe in the first place.

The magic gods were aware of God.Yet,they couldn't find any sign of his whereabouts.It was beyond them.

But they would come in contact of the angels that followed God's command.
They called them puppets.

Like that,they came in contact of an angel that was something different.It had no shape or size.It was a floating consciouseness or something like that.

It is said that the particualar angel was known as 'The one who weilds the power of God.'

Magic gods took an interest on that being.They would often come in contact with it and that's how they became familiar with it.

It was said that the 'thing' was made for a prticular one to weild it.It was a human and he will be born one day and eventually wield it's power.It was like the 'thing' was the still the unborn human's soul.

(Still don't get it?Okay,i am figuring out too)

Accelerator was meant to be as innocent as an Angel.If things were went okay,then he would eventually weild the title of an angel directly.

Aleister Crowley came to know about beings that are not from earth were on earth.He himslef summoned a being outside from earth named Aiwass.

When he knows about other beings like Aiwass's presence.He started to move forward with his plan.

He took Accelerator in academy city and affected his life for the sake of his plan.

Accelerator was supposed to be the wielder of a great power.
Unlike imagine breaker which chooses it's own owner,Accelerator's power was made for him and him only.

Accelerator's fate was overwritten by Aleister and he awakened as a Demon first rather than an Angel.It helped him though.
But with the presence of imagine breaker,which's properties were to 'purify gods',he eventually achieves his angel form.

With aleisters influence,and different circumstances,accelerator became something more than just another angel.

Aleister includes him inside his Aeons,he was categorised as an Aeon's being.He first manifested as a being of Osiris.But that was deffiniately not his true power.He then becomes someone from Horus.And lastly,he trancsends beyond the Aeons.

The title 'one who weilds the power of God' still stands for him.But with a greater value.
God's power is infinite.And even 1% of infinite is still infinite.


Aiwass is a being from the pure world,just like Imagine breaker And Accelerator.Accelerator was born as a human and later as he weilds the power,he becomes the true him and becomes a being from the pure world.

Beings like them has their own law.With imagine breakers law being 'balance everything',The others has their own law too.
It is unknown of Aiwass and accelerator's law.

To summarise,

The magic gods knew accelerator before he was even born and was familiar with him.

Accelerator's power was from the pure world where Aiwass and Imagine Breaker came from.But as he was borned as a human,he had to go through some steps.

Accelerator would've been directly ascend to an angel.But with aleister interfering,he becomes an angel,but not an abrahamic angel but a scientific angel like Fuse=KAZAKIRI but with a greater standing and position than her.

Unlike Aiwass and Fuse=KAZAKIRI,Accelerator has no core because his body is a human body.

Accelerator's ascend is subconsciouse and would eventually come out when needed.

Because accelerator's esper power is vector control,He still uses this method when in angel form but with a greater value like adding imaginary vectors and controlling them with no need to come in contact.Also,his range increases drastically.

And to use magic,he have to use a grimoire as he is also suited for the grimoires and is unaffected to it's poison.He can't use them in human form though.

A/N: as i said,you can ignore this one.It is not a chapter.I think it would help you to understand this story.

I was hesitating to publish this one.But i did it anyway.

Anyway,you don't have to enjoy it if you don't want.

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