Chap 18: The meeting!

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(A/N:Sorry about it.There was a problem with the chapter so i had to delete it and repost!)

The night passed,the morning came,like usual.But unlike other days,Today was different.Today was the day when the city board are gathering all level 5s together.Accelerator almost forgot about this big event of todays.

It was 11:15,Accelerator was sitting on the couch and messing with the t.v. remote when he remembers todays event.He then quickly looks at the clock and sees it is 15 minutes passed already.He quickly gets up,picks a some can of coffee(because he has priorities!)And calls WORST.She comes and he tells her,
"Get ready.We have a place to go".
WORST didn't said anything,she just goes inside her room to change from her pajamas to her AoDai.Accelerator then calls Last order and tells,
"Listen brat.I am going at a place for work purpose.So don't go outside alone.Okay?!"
Surprisingly,Last order didn't asked any irrelevant question either,She just says,
"Haiiii!Come back early,says misaka as misaka trying to be a good girl.But,But.You have to buy misaka the super rare gekota clip when you return,says misaka as misaka reveals her intension!"
Accelerator clicks his tongue and says,
"Okay okay!Now you better keep your word and stay home.I am taking WORST with me".
Then WORST comes out dressed up and says,
"So,Let's go tou-san.Misaka will acompany you to your destination!".
Accelerator gets up from the couch and heads towards the door with WORST.

Outside the apartment,3rd POV...

WORST was riding a motorcycle with accelerator behind her.As for where she got the bike?She told that somebody gifted her,But that was clearly a lie,So maybe took it from some random thug or people,Or maybe just picked up from a showroom,Who knows and who cares actually!
While driving,WORST says,
"Where are we going tou-san?This location is,kinda far away from the city"
Accelerator then says,
"You will understand once we reach there,Now take a left from here"
After a few moments,They reached their destination.

It was a well 3 story building which looked quite fancy.They headed towards the gate and enters the building.There was an automatic robot constructed in front of the gate,Probably for directional purpose.When accelerator stands in front of the robot,it tells,
"Guest,confirmed,#1,please go to 2nd floor and take left,then enter the 1st room you see,other guests are already here."
Accelerator just follows the direction with WORST behind him.They came in front of  a door and accelerator stopped before opening it.He then switched on his chocker and closed his eyes for a few moment.Then he opens his eyes and tells WORST,
"You should go back,i will call you when the meeting is finished,pick me up"
WORST looks at him and says,
"Why?What happened tou-san?"
Accelerator then says,
"I brought you here from thinking that the other would bring someone with them too.So if there was any problem,You could handel the sidekicks and i could focus on others,But it looks like they all came alone."
WORST looks at surprise and says,
"How could you tell,and who are they anyway?"
Accelerator answers,
"I just used some frecuency to get a rough image of what's inside,Kinda like a bat(I just made that up.Well,i think he can do that).And as for who are they,They are the other level 5s.So if any problem happens,then you couldn't hold your back against them.So,you should go back".
WORST was listening to him and after hearing,a smirk appeared on her face.She then says,
"You just dragged Misaka so far,and now you are telling her to go!Misaka will go if you make compensation for it!"
Accelerator sighs and says,
"We will see it,Now go!"
She doesn't moves an inch and says,
"No,first promise Misaka that you will.Then misaka will tell you what she wants,Then misaka will go"
Accelerator says annoyed,
"Then hurry up and tell!"
She grins and says,
"Then,Promise to take a bath with Misaka!"
"Then,Sleep on the same futon,tonight!"
"Then,at least Give a kiss,Mouth to Mouth!"
"No!damnit No!"
"Come on!at least you can do this much!Okay then,Take misaka somewhere fun!you have to do this or else misaka won't move!"
Accelerator gets pissed and says,
"Okay!Okay!,Now move your ass and go!"
WORST smirks and says while going,
"You can touch misaka's if you want!Hahaha"
Accelerator sighs and made sure that She was gone,Then he opens the door.

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