Deep Conflict

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As, the night went smoothly, I suddenly hear loud bombs, and sit up, feeling slightly fatigued, my head hurts, as I get up, I hear explosions from outside the castle.

"What the hell?" I asked as I walked towards the door, I felt a impact send me flying against the wall, and hear several other loud explosions, and the roof above me completely collapses above me.

"Son of a bitch REINFORCE THE FRONT OF THE PALACE NOW?!" shouted the King. As the King ordered his knights, he glanced behind him.
"I know honey, we should get going." Said the King. As the King amd Queen run towards the doctors room, they notice the area of his room, and had been in pieces. Their was burnt wood everywhere.
"Your majestys, the persian princess waits for us let us go." Said the knight.

I panted softly feeling blood drip down on my neck, as a piece of stone had knocked me out for a time. I glanced around the remains of my room, I could only feel a few broken ribs, but if it gets hotter, this heat will kill me. I thought. I was lucky, none of the wood covering me, didn't break any of my bones. I panted heavily, ans coughed up blood against the wood, feeling my left eye getting heavy from the blood lost. Before I blacked out, I felt something, grab me by my leg.

As I opened my left eye, I glanced around me, seeing dark skinned doctors in the dark room. I could feel something around me. I struggled to keep my left eye open, it shakes, as I gripped the hard table. I made a slight noise.
"Go back to sleep." Said I voice. As I tried sitting up, I felt a sharp pain in my ribs, ans was forced back onto my back. I panted heavily feeling something whining against me, but I black out before, I could do anything.

As the days went, by I laid on that hard table not moving, hearing people come in and out, checking my broke ribs, some of the doctors would try to get me to eat, but, I would refuse everytime. The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned to months. But after 2 months I decided to make a change.

As I sat up, I looked at the door gently placing my hands on the hard concrete table.
"2 months huh?" I asked speaking to myself, as I placed my feet down on thr cold floor, I glanced seeing several plant tentacles in the room, I felt a immense headache, panted heavily. I heard footsteps.
"You should be resting, your not better yet." Said Chen.
I looked at her, removing my hand from my head.
"Shut the hell up." I said getting up from the table. As I walked out of thr room, I noticed, I was in a palace, and felt disgusted, feeling somewhat on edge.

"Are you sure, you should be moving around in a royal palace, that you've never seen?" Asked Chen.
"Oh put a sock in it, besides......." I said putting my hand against my side.
"They don't need a broken person." I said before walking off, as I walked through this mysterious palace, I glanced seeing the Queen talking with, one of the guards.
"MY MASTER?!" shouted shalltear bowing. I sighed.
"Wish the explosions would of killed me, so I didn't have to put up with these dogs of, Alexis's, good evening, your majesty." I said bowing my head.
"You seem well, seems the worked on you." Commented the Queen. I look at her seeing a piece of her hair twitching.
"Seems, the nurser is quite irritated at the moment hun." Said the Queen. I sighed.
"I need some fresh air." I said as I was about to walk off, I feel something wrap around my waist. I stop already knowing who it was.
"What do you want now Mr. Grumpy?" I asked. I felt the nurser gripping around my waist making a loud hissing noise.
"Master?" Shalltear said. I breath out, and pull it off me.
"Thank you for helping me get better, but stay away from me." I said walking through the palace, feeling a little on edge. I look thpugh every inch, of this foreign palace, as I about to leave the palace, I'm stopped by the king.
"The Queen wishes to speak with us all Josh." Said the king. I sighed.
"As you wish, my king." I said. As I followed the king into a room, I noticed curved swords and round shields around, some of the persian soldiers. I see the Persian princess sitting alone, the king went to sent next to her, soon after the Queen walked in with, Alexis, chen, Fiara, shalltear, the knight that was always by Alexis side, and Nina. As Alexis sat down at thr table alongside, Nina, and Fiara. As I lean against a nearby stone wall, I can see the persian princess looking at me.
"Move your hair, I wish to see both of your eyes." Demanded the princess.
"Your majesty, the doctor is-" said Alexis before the king stopped him.
As I part my hair from my blinded right eye, I saw pity in her eyes.
"Im so very sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Spoke the Princess. I bowed staying silent.

A Elven Prince and a normal boyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat