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As I start to open my eyes, I could feel something around my neck, I felt a tight grip around my thighs feeling something connected.
"Finally wake doc?" Asked chen.
".........." I stayed silent and turned my head left and right seeing I'm in my old room.
"Kris thought this would be better." Said chen. As I attempted to sit up, I felt something restricted legs. I breathed out and stopped feeling something move in my hair.
"Angelica, I've already told you it's not possible." I said seeing Angelica come out of my hair and kiss joshs lips. I blink shocked seeing Angelica was a adult abyss tentacle.
"Where is she?" I asked.
"Shes out in the garden talking with alexis." Said Chen.
"I see." I spoke softly before hearing gunshots. Angelica, lily, and abyss nurser freak out squirming around me, I pat both lily and abyss njrser who had been squeezing my thighs. They both whine and grab each of my hands respectively shaking.
"Its just a training exercise, heard they've been doing them since I left." I spoke. Angelica whines and forms a hand placing it on joshs neck.
"Relax, you three, that's normal around here." I spoke. As the door swung open, I closed my eyes softly.
"Come here!" Spoke a stern voice.
I open my  left eye.
"You've been keeping it a secret from me." Said Kris.
"And what's that?" I asked smiling.
"Alexis's mark didn't go away as you said those runes are still proof enough." Said Kris.
"Believe what you want from him, let his lies fester then." I spoke getting up as the needles in my arms and legs pop out. Kris's tentacles grab my shoulders.
"My runes were a part of me from the get go, don't you remember my spells, if you think he's telling you the truth, someone he hates behind belief, be my guest and go home." I said leaving the room. As I walked down the hall, I felt something watching me. I breathed put and felt black ooze from the needle marks excellerating my regeneration, I breathed out cold smoke from my lips.
"Zara." I spoke. Zara appeared in front of me bowing.
"Yes, my young master." Asked Zara.
"Your reversing the effects of cold bite with this substance?" I asked.
"My boys only wish for you to get well young master." Said zara.
"I see, keep an eye on kris, seems your master, alexis seemed to have told her something unwanted." I spoke.
"They called for you on floor 5." Stated Zara.
"The auditorium, haven't touched that room since mom and dad were still with us." I explained.
"Will you go?" Asked Zara.
"Yeah." I spoke.
"Your will, shall be done my lord." Said zara before vanishing. As I walled down the hall, I could feel my wings and tail retract back Into my skin. As I breathed out my magic worked again covering my body, to look normal again as I made it to the gladiatorus door, I saw a adult tentacles hanging from the top of the door. I closed my eyes and felt it press against both sides of my neck, they whined and kissed both sides of my neck. As they returned to their normal positions the door opened. As I walked down the steps, I heard the door slam shut with a loud echo, old lanterns started to light up as I walked past them. I could hear voices down the steps, as I reached the auditorium I saw the king, Queen, fiara, and Nina sitting enjoying the opera singer. I tapped softly against the kings shoulder.
"Josh, we need to talk." Said the king.
"About what?" I asked.
"Your tentacles leaving." Said the king. I sighed and sat down in the chair next to the king. I felt his tentacles hiss at me, I look away nervous, they twitch.
"Boys, it's josh." Said the king.
"I let them, ok!, mine died along time ago, yes!, it still stings, but, I hoped it was for the best." I said panting.
"Josh." Said the Queen.
"Theirs a reason my youngest took a liking to you, to habe him, just leave doesn't make it right to you." Said the Queen.
"No, no it doesn't, but, I wont be selfish and make him stay with me, if he finds someone better, I've stressed that to all of them, and, I always will." I spoke.
"Did they solve the problem?" Asked the Queen.
"Yeah, they did." I spoke softly.
"You still feel a void, don't you?" Asked fiara.
"I always will, a empty promise, like with my parents." I spoke. As I breath out, I get up.
"We done?" I asked.
"Josh wait!" Said the Queen.
I shook my head and left thr auditorium running upstairs and running out to the garden. I breath out and lay down in a patch of grass looking up at thr night sky. I feel something whine and poke my head.
"Hm? Oh I haven't seen you since.....well a long time, where are thr other two?" I asked. The tentacle whines.
"I see your the only little baby left huh." I said. It whined and sniffled.
"I'm only playing, just be yourself and don't rush yourself, you'll find the one." I said sitting up. I see Nina and Kris talking by the green house. As I walk in they stop their conversation and theirs a ton of adults pushing against them hissing. As I walked in the look at me and whine at me.
"What the hell?!" Said Kris and Nina.
"What?" I asked.
"We couldn't even get one of them to like us?!" Both of them shouted.
"These ones don't really like it when people force it, especially thr adolescents, even though I know their parents don't like me encouraging their personalities. Kris and Nina see thr adult tentacles each pull and hug josh each.
"Hehe, hope your taking care of each other." I spoke. The adult tentacles cue at me.
"I'm managing." I said my eyes turned pink, they quell excited. I feel my wings pop put from my head and waist.
"Were all of these close to your mom?" Asked Nina.
"Most of em were children when they knew my parents, I grew up with most of em." I said.
"What of "yours"." Asked kris.
"..........." I stay quiet and all the tentacles glare at Kris.
"Its ok, mine only knew these guys and girls for a short time, but, I can say for definite, they love all of these tentacles." I said smiling as a tear escaped my left eye. I pat each of the tentacles before leaving the greenhouse. As I walked outside, I saw the1 queen waiting. Kris and Nina followed and saw thr queens hair tentacles. Kris's tentacles knew it's mother's pressure well.
"Tell me did you sing her song?" Asked the Queen.
"I did." I said. I glanced seeing the queen's tentacles sway.
"You should rest." Said the Queen as she could see through my spell. I hesitate for a moment and avoid eye contact with the Queen thinking she couldn't possible know.
"Now josh lying to me and mine aren't good, you should know that." Said the queen. I backed up and felt the queens tentacles pick me up leasing against legs.
"How very rude." Said the Queen as her tentacles brushed up against my face. I flinched and felt kris's tentacles grab her. The Queen smiles andher tentacles pull Kris right behind josh as her tentacles were holding him by his legs.
"Hello boys, why did you leave HIM. Asked the Queen. Kris's tentacles shake and try grabbing joshs stomach but the queens tentacles slap them.
"Answer my question NOW!" Shouted the Queen.
"They found someone better, just drop it." I said. The Queen kisses joshs forehead.
"Hm?" I asked looking up at the queen.
"I love you josh, I missed you being around, now, try to get some rest as she handed josh to kris, as she did, kris's tentacles wrap tightly around joshs thighs and puts her hands under his thighs. I feel kris's tentacles lick my neck.
"Aahhh" I said groaning. Kris notices their were burns where her tentacles licked. Kris's tentacles hiss and push into josh mouth sucking on his tongue, I squirm a little. As kris's tentacles pop out of his mouth. I pant.
"What was that for?" I asked panting.
"Your skin, your deception, it won't fool me anymore." Said Kris as she carried Josh back to their room. As kris sets josh on the bed, her eyes turn crimson and starting yelling in pain.
"Kris come here." I said. Kris's eyes look at Josh deeply as the things around joshs room look foggy but him. Kris pants and takes off her heels sitting next to josh on the bed her tentacles grab joshs thighs and pulls him on top of her, her eyes fixed on joshs neck, as she was about to bite him, she hesitates for a moment.
"No, this won't help i-i can.." Said Kris.
"Would you rather have someone else's. I asked. Kris's tentacles wrap tighter around my thighs. Kris can feel her bloodlust and licks joshs neck with her tongue slowly. I pant softly kris glances hearing a bump noise. Kris realizes, it's josh heart, she can see him breathing more deeply.
"Your blood is addicting its especially unique, it's because of you, that I became part vampire, because of you my tentacles can rest in womb without hurting me, because of you that I can see how kind you are." Said Kris as she bit into josh neck. I blushed and felt kris pull me even closer, biting harder, as more blood gushes down my neck, I pant heavily, holding in thr pain as I feel her mark start to reappear. Kris's tentacles notice and push against Kris. Kris stopped for a second I place my hands on the back of her head.
"If you want me, the mark has to be put back on, I'm not claimed Kris anyone can claim me." I said pa ting as tears ran down my face.
"If you don't someone will claim me? And I WILL be theirs by right of noble law." I spoke. Kris pushed me down on my back getting on top of me bitting harder into my neck. I pant heavily, kris's tentacles grab onto my shoulder forming hand against my shoulders. I feel weak from the pain of having her mark placed on me again. I could hear Kris gulping down my blood. As kris continues to drink, I feel the pain sudden sky rocket, I scrram loudly in pain as pink runes cover my body entirely. Kris hears and starts to pull away, I grip the back of her head holding her in place.
AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I scream as the mark finalizes. I pass out with my hair covering my face with my head turned to the side. The door to the room opens the king and queen come in seeing kris's mark upon, Josh's bloodied neck, with blood covering kris's fangs.
"That must of been josh." Said the Queen. She saw something moving under thr sheets of the bed. Kris looks down and lifts the sheets up. Lily, Angelica, and abyss nurser come out. Lily crawls out first, he looks up at Kris, then back at the queen. The Queen and king walk over to Kris and josh. The queen's tentacles come out and pick up lily, lily gulps and looks up at the queen.
"As pretty as a rose, as soft as a nurser, were you the first?" Asked the Queen. Kris hesitates looking back at the queen. Angelica whines. The Queen smiles.
"Such a beautiful abyss tentacles this one acts just as his late father's did." Said the Queen smiling setting lily down at joshs legs.
"I've only ever heard about how he hated his parents." Said Kris wiping her lips.
"They are fakes memories, his parents loved him more than any other, his father used to always take josh with him, his tentacles were often very protective over Josh, even a glare would piss them off to no end." Said thr king. Angelica whined loudly crawling over to joshs head formed a hand turning joshs face towards him. He teared up seeing josh shake in his sleep.
"Zara." Spoke the Queen.
"Yes your majesty." Said zara. As zara walked up he saw Angelica and Angelica began to tear up. Zara's tentacles pat Angelica. Angelica smiles and tries to form needles like zara's did and only managed to make one. Zara smiled.
"Little one, that is for comfort, the pain he is in will need a different one." Said zara. Angelica watches as zara's tentacles ooze a clear liquid from its tentacles formed needles. Angelica tries and makes a purple ooze instead. Zara smiles and pats Angelica and hands Angelica a water bottle.
"No need to rush little one, feed him this for now, the more you do the more you'll be able to make the pain killers as mine do." Spoke Zara happily. Zara thought for a second, Angelica, reminds me of the father's undying love towards Josh, lily, the mother always watching him and comforting him, but, I wonder what this abyss nurser is like, thought zara. The king looks seeing abyss nurser pull joshs hair back exposing his pale white face. Abyss nurser wraps around joshs arm licking joshs neck as smoke comes off joshs neck the holes on his neck start to close up. Abyss nurser pulls Angelica close. Angelica cues and drinks the water bottle. Zara sees Angelica filter thr water through her entire body. Abyss nurser taps joshs face. Zara, king, and queen watch. I open my left eye faintly seeing Angelica looking down at me, I smile breathing heavily. Abyss nurser whines. Angelica pushes into my mouth pouring the water down my mouth fast, I cough hard trying to drink it as fast as I can. Angelica gets upset. Zara taps Angelica.
"Its not like pouring a drink, think of it as watering a flower, you wouldn't just quickly pour the water hard on the flower getting rid of the bloom would you? Can you feel the emotions he feels now?" Askes zara angelica stops and forms a hand pressing it against josh. Angelica feels a overwhelming sense of despair, Raging pain, grief, loss, distrust, and a lack of loving himself. Angelica forms another hand and brings both to joshs face caressing his face. I blush softly panting heavily. Angelica starts to pour the water down joshs throat slowly, I gulp it, breathing lighter. The king and queen lean against each other. Kris's tentacles wrap around joshs hands. As I slowly fall asleep, I feel my runes stop glowing.
Kris's eyes glow crimson red still. Kris gets up, as she does lily goes back I to the covers. Abyss nurser grabs Josh's legs and pulls them under the covers pulls the covers up to his shoulders. Zara glances and sees abyss nurser undress josh. The king smiles and sees the burns and scars and stitches at joshs shoulders. The king and queen walk over to josh and kiss his head each. Angelica pulls out of joshs mouth. Abyss nurser follows suit and goes under the covers. Abyss nurser and lily wrap around joshs thighs and each push a few needles into joshs thighs pushing a substance into him. Angelica yawns and licks joshs face before crawling up to joshs hair and lays in joshs long black hair. Kris's tentacles start to move uneasy around in kris's womb. The Queen walks over to Kris.
"Do they make it easier for your womb?" Asked the Queen.
"Yes, they aren't hurting and thrashing around trying to fit inside like they were before." Said Kris smiling. The king and queen take their leave from the room as does zara. Kris's tentacles settle down. Kris decides to let joshs sleep as she goes about her duties.

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