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As I opened eye I cpuld feel something breathing on top of me, I sat up seeing the pink Amazonian tentacle plant asleep, I could still feel the bandages against my right side, as I put my hand against some of them on my right arm, I felt something, gripy wrist tightly pulling hand away from the bandages, I breath out looking down seeing the nurser under the covers moving.
"............your always a pain aren't you?" I asked. The nurser whined and pushed against lower half. I blushed slightly.
"Cheeky boy, do it to Alexis, I'm not in the mood." I said pushing the covers off me pulling them over Alexis before leaving the room. As I close the door, I see the moon, through the glass windows. I walked through the hall feeling a cold window brush against pale skin. I walk out into the front of the palace sitting down at the steps.
"Love huh? I don't understand it........why love someone, if they are just gonna cheat on you, why does the man have to propose? Why does the man always have to be the one?............I'm so very tired of love, it's a hassle, I'd rather just be alone, so I can just focus on myself, and not worry anyone, it's better that way." I spoke to myself. I felt something behind me, I felt hands against my stomach.
"What do you want, man whore?" I asked irritated.
"Are you still mad over earlier?" Alexis asked.
"I didn't consent it." I spoke.
".....sorry, I just missed you." Spoke Alexis as he pushed his warm boose against the back of cold pale neck.
"Why keep pursuing me?" I asked.
"Why ask such a silly question?" Questioned Alexis.
"Just answer it." I said snippie.
"Do you remember when we were kids, the chirstmas me, you, and elder sister were by ourselves?" Asked Alexis.
"Yeah, it was late when they went to that Christmas party, your sister went off to bed, and I went to study in my room, I remember hearing you cry and yell, whining like such a child back then, I remember walking out and finding in your parents bed." I spoke.
"I was scared!" Said Alexis pouting.
"Yeah, you were always a wimp, even back then you were tall, I had to tell you to come to my room, but I remember very closely, you wouldn't let me study, you kept saying "I'm scared cuddle with me, I'm scared!" You would get so emotional, but cuddling back then, was you always wanting to face me, hugging me." I spoke.
"I just wanted your attention." Said alexis.
"Yeah right, you did that with your sister." I said sarcastically.
"Did not!, besides when I bit you, you didn't get angry or push me, you held me, letting me drink your warm blood, falling asleep on you." Said alexis.
"I just didnt care, all I cared about was making you happy, and I knew back then, when you were upset, my blood made you tired and sleepy." I spoke.
"Rude!, you love me." Said alexis.
"I don't know about that, love is a strong word to use, I'd rather say tolerate." I said.
"Young master?" Spoke a voice behind me.
"What is it chen?" Spoke Alexis.
"You need to get dressed you have a meeting today with the prime minister." Spoke Chen.
"Ugh, it's gonna be boring." Commemted Alexis.
"Just go get ready, later." I said getting up.
"I want to kiss?!" Shouted Alexis. I glared at him.
"Kiss someone else I'm busy." I said before leaving.

As I cooked food at the stove, I cpuld hear, gasp, and moans coming from thr dining room table.
"If your gonna deep throat kiss do it somewhere else." I comment cooking.
"Oh darling pip down." Spoke fiara.
"Shut up and cook!" Spoke a woman's voice.
"Make me cunt." I said cooking.
Before I knew it, I felt some punch me across the face, I smiled as blood dripped down my lips. I looked up seeing Clair.
"Hehe, how typical." I said before getting pushed to the ground getting punched over and over. As Clair finished messing me up, I looked up at the ceiling feeling part of bandages on my right side turn slightly red. As I saw Clair leave with fiara. I heard footsteps near me. I glanced seeing Zara.
"Master, you shouldn't let people do that." Said Zara sitting me up.
"Who cares, besides these bandaged can he replaced, they aren't worth it, I'm just too weak simple as that." I spoke.
"Your not weak, you wouldn't have endured this if you were." Spoke Zara.

Zara instructed me to wait in the infirmary, I sat thinking of my several burn marks on body, I glanced up seeing Alexis with the king and Queen. As the three of them entered I put my hand against the bloody bandages on my right side of body.
"Go ahead." Spoke the king. Alexis looked at Josh worried. As I put hand pulling the bandages off my right side of my face, their were scars along the side of cheek. I started to pull thr bandages off the right side of my neck, their were a few burn marks and stitches along neck, I could see the king amd Queen whispering to other, I hesitated to grab the bandages starting at body.
"Master?" Asked Zara.
"Its nothing." I said gripping thr infirmary sheets pulling the bandages off the rest of right side, showing my horrific burn marks against body.
"What happened?" Asked Alexis.
"What?" I asked. I felt Alexis stand over me.
"I said WHAT HAPPENED?!" Alexis shouted.
"Its nothing, nothing to concern yourself with." I explained Alexis gripped my neck.
"Tell me." Demanded Alexis.
"I did it." I spoke.
"What?!" Said Alexis shocked looking at Josh.
"........" I stayed quiet.
"Stupid." Said alexis before slapping me across the face.
"Just leave me alone." I said.
"Hehehe." I laughed.
"Young Master?" Asked Zara.
"My life has no meaning it never has, your family took everything away from me." I spoke. Alexis looked at Josh panting.
"My parents didn't get to see me grow, you and yours Executed them, to satisfy the unrest among your nobles, I was only spared, because I was a child too stupid to understand, a child who was ignorant of the world, a child never getting to know the lovey mother had, a.....child..........I never even got to feel the protection of my family, cause you ripped them away from me, as you did my hair tentacles." I spoke.
"Then take my life." Spoke the king.
"YOUR MAJESTY?!" Shouted Zara, and shalltear.
"Silence." Said the king, Alexis amd fiara looked at their father in shock.
"Your life means nothing to me, your majesty, I hate you and the Queen equally, you took everything away from me, even now, a servant of your son, is starting to show hatred towards me." I spoke panting. Alexis looks at shalltear infuriated.
"Why would I expect servants to care, maybe I did once, but ever since I came back, I've seen glares, hatred, and sadness, I don't belong here." I smoking getting up yanking the bandages from zara's hand wrapping them around the right side of my body and face.
"Stop this, I beg you." Said the Queen looking at me. I glanced back at her.
"........." I stayed quiet glaring at her.
"Why do you hold this grudge upon your soul, doesn't it hurt to push people away?" Questioned the Queen.
"Did it feel good seeing two innocent parents lives disappear in front of your eyes?" I asked.
"Josh!!" Shouted Alexis. I glare at Alexis.
"I don't give a shit Alexis, your a piece of trash always using others to justice your selfishness, tell me was it fun watching me lose consciousness, as your doctors ripped my hair tentacles from my skull?" I asked. Alexis looked at Josh tearing up.
"I thought......you were my love." Said alexis. I looked away.
"Find someone else, I'm going back to my room to work on documents." I spoke.
"Master?" Asked shalltear.
"Save it, don't ever come near me again." I said slamming the door shut behind me. I walled down the hall, feeling the breeze from the windows. I felt a ache in my soul, it was hard to quell, I reached room, as I opened the door I saw pink Amazonian tentacle plant sitting on my pillow breathing looking at me as I enter.
"As I sit down at desk, I lean back in my chair reading through documents.

"Page 2034 document: death
Death is scary, always hanging around looming to kill me, of every second of everyday, all I want is to stay alive and drink virgins blood, have sex, and kill worthless humans, they are nothing but livestock to me, beneath me, like a fly you swat away. But I know death isn't something we elves or dark elves think about too much, this might be my old age but......love can really soothe, the soul, after all death is a part of life, how I ramble in this old age of mine."

"What a old fool, that wasn't wasn't life, that was a prison of your own making, you didn't make anything just eat, sleep and isolated yourself, nothing but a parasite, all he did was think of himself." I spoke finish reading the document before setting the book down on my desk. As I did I heard my door open.
"Reading old tales?" Asked a voice.
"Just a old philosopher book from the 1300's, why the sudden visit alexis." I spoke annoyed.
"I wanted to make sure your alright." Asked Alexis.
"Worry about yourself, you got to habe kids of your own, a wife, and a decent life, or it'll be meaningless." I spoke.
"You sounded like my father." Commented Alexis.
"Hmph." I said.
"Dinners ready, mother and father told me to come get you." Spoke Alexis.
"I'll pass, I have things to write up." I spoke.
"I'll pass it on" Said alexis before leaving.

As I sat at that desk, writing, all day and night, by the time I finished writing, I couldnt feel my hands. The next morning had already came. As I was gonna get up, I fell down onto the floor, I laid looking up at the ceiling, a few seconds passed and I felt the pink Amazonian tentacle plant whine at me.
"Yeah yeah." I said sitting up. I heard my door open.
"Can you stop barging in?" I said looking seeing Alexis. As I was about to get up, I felt Alexis pick me up by my thighs, I smelled strong alcohol on him.
"Jesus christ, is that dragon tongue?!" I said cautiously.
"I'm fine." Said alexis as his face was bright red.
"Yeah my ass." I said rolling eyes.
"Shut up." Said alexis setting me down on my bed before falling on top of me, I quickly pushed my hands on his face pushing him off me. I sighed, before yawning.
"Those drinks are meant for lamia, not elves, dumbass." I said before I got into my bed, I got poked in the face by the pink Amazonian tentacle plant. I pushed it back a little.
"Go taste someone else." I said before yawning.
"Why are you cruel to them?" Asked Alexis.
"Shut up, I'm tired." I said closing my left eye, as I heard the door close, I breathed out relieved.
"You only get five minutes." I said. As I opened mouth, I felt the pink Amazonian tentacle plant, wrap around my waist and suckle my tongue, I squirmed a little gripping my toes into the bed, panting heavily through my nose, as I tried to stop moving, I felt the tentacle plant wrap around thighs holding me down, as it pulled off tongue, I panted heavily as drool cpuld be seen as it pulled away.
"That was ten minutes you greedy, bastard." I said bobbing my head back and forth.
"Fuck, did you breath your fucking musk in me?" I asked the tentacle plant nodded and laid on me.
"God I Hate your kind." I said before passing out.

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