Little trouble

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As I slept I could feel something small wrap around my leg through my pants, then I felt weight on the side of me where I was sleeping and turned on my side breathing softly as my hair covered my eyes.

"Hey what are you doing in here?" Asked Alexis.
"Mama Said you had someone I remember in here." Said the child.
"Yeah someone very precious to us all." Said Alexis as he glanced over at Josh pressing his warm hands against Josh's pale skin moving his hair a bit exposing his right eye.
"I wanna see brotha." Whined the child. Alexis picked him up and sat him on his lap holding him as Alexis's hair tentacles intertwined with his younger brothers.
"It''s.........ITS!?" Yelled the child. I stirred in my sleep panting softly.
"Quiet your gonna wake him." Said Alexis patting his younger brothers head.
The child pouted and heard a loud crash of plates and glass smash, sounded like it was coming from the hallway. I stirred a little more in my sleep, as I was starting to wake up, Alexis's tentacles stroked Josh's face gently, I felt something touch me and gently fell back asleep breathing softly.
"Big bwother the "others" won't be happy to see him." Said the child.
"I know little brother I know..........they were told a lie." Explained Alexis feeling guilty.
"Was it to protect him?" Asked the child.
"Uh-huh." Said Alexis hesitated surprised his younger brother knew his affection towards Josh. Alexis smiled and hugged his little brother for setting him down, as his little brother left the room, Alexis's mother walked in.
"M-mother?!" Yelled Alexis.
"Shit?!" He yelled again. I stirred on my side as my shirt fell down exposing my shoulder a little and neck.
"Relax your voice Son, I just came to check on you two, how every romantic of you, Alexis, you haven't woke him up and kisses your lover yet?" Asked the Queen. Alexis gripped the sheets looking away.
"What's wrong my son?" Asked the Queen.
"I-I just don't know if he loves me." Alexis said looking away from his mother.
"Sorry to disturb you two.....but you have a appointment with the nobles young Prince." Said Zara.
".........." Alexis stayed quiet before getting up from the bed as his hair tentacles dressed him, Alexis felt uneasy as he glanced back down at Josh sound asleep he saw innocent Josh's face looked. Alexis looked forward and left the room.
"Your majesty the young lord look-" The Queen interrupter Zara.
"I'm aware, but we will see." Said the Queen before leaving the room. As I heard the door close I slowly opened my eyes rolling on my back, I breathed out and softly pressed my hands on the bed, I heard a soft whine and glanced and saw my plant tentacles in a green pot.
"Young master." Said Zara.
"I'm not your master anymore, how many times do we have to discuss this......Ugh never mind, can you bring me her." I Asked.
Zara picked the tentacle plant up, she started to fidget in Zara hands, and arms.
"Girls settle down or I won't feed you." I Said rubbing my eyes. They quickly stopped and set the plant tentacles near the edge of the bed. I started to zone out, as the plant tentacles crawled it squirmed around my legs wrapping around my legs moving up moving itself wrapping more closely around my thighs, and began to move up my body wrapping its tentacles around my arms pressing them down on the bed.
"Young master?!" Yelled Zara.
"Relax Zara, she gets moody when she can't get her feeding everyday so she gets a little rough." I Explained. I felt her rub against my neck.
"Cheeky little thing aren't you?" I Asked feeling his tentacles rub against my face, I flinched a little when, she did closing one of my eyes, as she pulled away from my face, she whined louder.
I breathed out and stuck my tongue out, she quickly sucked and pulled on my tongue restraining me down on the bed confining me down, as she slurped the saliva from my tongue, sucking on me closely, as she pulled away her grips on me loosened, she gently kissed my neck and swayed happily. I picked her up and placed her on my shoulder she whined against me.
"Hm?......fine go ahead." I Said patting her. The tentacle plant wrapped around my neck gently falling asleep happily purring. As I sat up I saw Zara kneeling down.
"Stand up, stop being so formal." I Said as I got up moving my hair over my right eye. I walked out of the room seeing Alexis talking with several nobles, I smiled and walked down the stairs followed by Zara obviously for some unknown and idiotic reason, as I made it down stairs, I felt something wrap around waist, I stopped in my tracks.
"Hey cutie, your little mark is gone how about we mark you for me?" Asked Fiara. I sighed as I heard Fiara talk big.
"Your brothers gonna get mad if he sees you touching me." I proposed.
"Aw don't be playing hard to get." Fiara Said as her tentacles grazed Josh's neck leaving small kiss marks on his neck, backing up, I heard loud hissing noises behind me and facepalmed.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT OF MY ROOM, AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOUCHING MY FUTURE HUSBAND!?" Yelled Alexis. I breathed out and pulled Fiara's tentacles from my waist.
"I'm fine stop being annoying." I Said waving my hand as I walked out to the garden.
"Ugh......I don't know why I snapped at him for fuck me!?" Said Alexis uneasy.
"I mean if you insist." Said Fiara giggling.
"Stop it!" Said Alexis.
"I should go check on Joshy make sure none of those little ones give him kisses or the boys are gonna get jealous." Said Alexis before leaving to the garden.
"Man he sure needs to calm down." Said Fiara.
"The Young master isn't a easy man, he's very doubtful of himself, and doesn't get why Lord Alexis loves him, in my opinion it has to do with conflicting emotions." Said Zara. As I made it out to the garden I breathed out grabbing my lighter and cigarettes from my pocket lighting them as I pressed it against my lips I felt something against my stomach, I exhaled blowing a grey toxic smoke cloud from my lips.
"Hm what now?" I Asked irritated.
"I'm sorry I yelled I just don't want my siblings touching you." Said Alexis as his tentacles hissed against my neck.
"Hm happy to see you too girls." I Said as Alexis tentacles hissed at me.
"Joshy?" Whined Alexis.
"I just wanna be left alone today ok?" I Asked. Alexis looked at me worried and nodded and walked back into the palace.

As he walked into the palace I walked onto the grass and laid down against the soft grass closing my eyes softly. I heard footsteps very heavy footsteps.
"Young master." Said a voice.
"Ugh I already told Zara not to call me that You shouldn't either Furu." I Explained breathing softly. Furu was a attendant to my parents, she was a maid of the royals mostly towards Fiara.
Guess it didn't really matter she was a rather special one to Fiara in a way I know all to well. Though she did dress like a butler and always seemed to be a man but she's not she's a woman not a man that's society for you. As I breathed softly I heard the grass russle.
"Young master, Mistress Fiara has called for you inside." Said Furu. I sat up and felt my tentacles plant around my neck wake up and yawn. I pat her.
"Sleep well?" I Asked. They whined and licked my ear.
"Later ok?" I Said. They whined and rubbed against my neck and kissed my ear before falling back asleep. As I got up I saw Furu looking at my neck then at my eyes.
I saw her do it and walked inside seeing Fiara waiting with a grin.
"What now Fiara." I Asked slightly irritated.
"Cmon I'll show you." Said Fiara she walked I followed behind her seeing butlers and maid down this hall that she led me to as she opened a old door I saw her brothers and sisters sitting at a table with quite a few nobles as Alexis was talking with them. Fiara smirked and pointed me to go stand against a wall at a distance behind Alexis, I did it as I leaned against the wall I closed my eyes. I could hear the nobles slight whispers about me.
"I thought we got rid of him."
"Ugh he's so ugly."
"The Prince should just marry a woman already." As I heard them I could sense Alexis getting annoyed. As he calmed down and begin to finish his talk with the nobles I heard something uneasy.

"Excuse my rudeness young prince but why is that mongrel in your Majesty's palace?" Asked one of the nobles. I stayed emotionless against the wall not opening my eyes I could hear Alexis heart beating fast, but there was footsteps approaching the door, they were getting louder and louder, then there was knock.
"Come in." Said one of the nobles.
"Y-your Grace w-we weren't expecting you?!" The same noble yelled as he stood up.
"Sit." Said the gentle voice, I knew this tone all so very well, it was the queen. The noble sat down I heard the footsteps getting louder at she approached, I kept my eyes closed, I could my plant tentacles uneasy, I placed my hand upon her, she sucking on my fingers softly.
"Doctor." Said the Queen. I didn't open my eyes and bowed down on one me bowing my head before her.
"Yes, Your Grace?" I Asked in a voice, most humble.
"Me and the King have made our decision upon you." The Queen Said.
I felt my heart racing as the plant tentacle sucking on my fingers stopped and whined against my neck scared.
"You will be OUR doctor, as in you will personally be the Doctor of My son Prince Alexis." Said the Queen. As the nobles were about to reject and talk about stupid that was Alexis tentacles grabbed me by the throat wrapping tightly around my neck.
"No mother I don't want him anymore!" Yelled Alexis.
"If that's what you truly wish." Said the Queen.
As she said that one of the guards walked in and pulled my plant tentacle from my neck and gave it to the Queen yanking me up, and leading me outside.

Later that day they made arrangements for me to go back to my house, as I walked in I saw it was empty that my roommate had moved out, I walked into my room, sat down at my bed and laid down, tears ran down my face gripping the covers, I turned on my side and cried heavily into my pillow slowly drifting off into my sleep, as I did I felt my body had gone numb and cold.

(Sorry took so long hope you enjoy)

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