a general?

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As I sat up, I felt bandages over right side of my face and body, I sighed and grabbed a tablet off the table next to me. As I scroll through the files, I hear the door to my room open. I look up seeing shalltear.
"Oh, it's just you." I said continuing to read read scroll through the tablets documents.
"The king and Queen are worried about you master." Spoke shalltear.
"They shouldn't be." I spoke continuing to read.
"Whys that?" Asked shalltear.
"Simple, I'm a regular civilian in London, a common folk, yes, I have half royal blood due to my late father since, his father was a royal, but my mother was a commoner." I explained.
"But master, the king and queen love you." Spoke shalltear. I deeply sighed.
"Its missed placed, they only love me because they feel guilty." I spoke.
"Cause they killed your parents?" Asked shalltear.
"Alexis huh?" I asked looking at shalltear. She wouldn't answer, just staying quiet.
"Get out." I demanded.
"What?" Asked shalltear.
"You heard me." I said glaring at her.
"Master?" Asked shalltear. I breathed out.
"Why did Alexis tell you?" I asked. I heard my door slam open.
"Cause she wants to know." Said alexis.
"Hm, I'm just a simple doctor, theirs nothing special about me." I spoke demoralizing myself.
"Thats a bad habit you know." Questioned Alexis.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked him looking back down at the tablet.
"It was only due to mothers nurser, I am able to walk." Spoke Alexis.
"Hm." I said reading through more of tue documents.
"Josh, he-" I interrupt alexis.
"You take care of him, besides, I'll be leaving tomorrow." I spoke reading.
"Mother and father are calling back a general for you." Spoke Alexis. I sighed.
"Morons, I'm not in need of protection, besides getting sick like this is pretty normal for me, having a weak body, is just the side effect." I spoke. I heard a flex in muscle tension.
"Josh, he wants you." Spoke Alexis.
"Too bad, besides, you can't move if he isn't on you." I said with a smirk on my lips. Alexis shook his head, and pet thr male nurser on his neck, he whined softly.
"Tell your folks, to not have me ever see one of the gens, besides, I don't like them, they are all scum bags, who, use troopers like machines, they disgust me." I say sitting the tablet down between my legs laying down against my bed.
"Is it lonely without him?" Asked Alexis.
"Nope, glad he isn't always clinging to my legs, it's annoying." I explain before I hear my door open again.
"Can you people just leave me alone?!" I say shouting turning on my side irritated.
"You seem rather tipped off, not get enough sleep?" Asked the king.
".....I'm fine, your majesty, you shouldn't worry about me, I can take care of myself." I said
"We worry about you." Said the king patting my head, I blush and yawn softly.
"You should get some sleep." Said the king.
"I'm fine, besides, I don't want any of people near me." I demanded.
"Oh?, you already knew I called one back?" Asked the king.
"Just a hunch, besides none of them liked me and I didn't like them." I spoke, as I did I felt something wrap around waist.
Uh?" I asked.
"Ops." Said the king pulling his hair tentacle away from Josh.
"Father, try not to grab him." Commented Alexis.
"Whats the reason, you won't let me leave?" I asked sitting up.
"Futanari's in the suburbs, have been taking men out of their houses at night." Commented the King.
"Hm, quite unusual unless, they haven't been biting lately." I explain.
"We are worried about your safety." Said the king.
"Good grief, I'll be fine, besides, I was fine when I was alone for those years back then." I comment.
"Its not like back then." Said the king.
As I put my hand against the right side of my head, I panted softly.
"Damm headache." I say closing eye, laying down.
"I'm assuming theirs more?" I asked, seeing Alexis hold my hand away from my head.
"Love." Said alexis.
"I'm fine." I said panting softly feeling Alexis kiss my palm.
"Short stacks have been taking men, women, and furanari's." Said the king.
"Disgusting." Commented shalltear. I giggled softly.
"Love?" Asked Alexis. As I opened my left eye, I sat up slowly.
"Hm, your no different from them shalltear shalltear." I said with a devilish grin on my face.
"Shut up, I'm nothing like them, I might be short like them, but I'm more than they will ever be!" Said shalltear stern.
"Shalltear?!" Shouted Alexis.
"Hm, like I said Alexis, each of them have a certain hate for one certain type of race." I spoke. I looked at shalltear, her sudden outburst must of made her annoyed at me, she seemed guilty for talking to me like that, but I don't really care.
"Anyways, so what if the short stacks have been doing that, they just have a very high sex drive." I spoke. The king sighs.
"Yeah yeah, I hear you, but thats how short stacks are, your majesty, besides they must be short on contact or they wouldn't have been abducting right?" I questioned the king.
"Yeah." Spoke the king.
"Uh, where they'd banned from the city, like the dark elves master?" Asked shalltear looking at me.
"Hm? How should I word this?.....well to put it simply, among all the races, short stacks knew people's hearts better than anyone's, the nation which founded London, knew that dark elfs and short stacks, were quite smart and adept at courting, as it was called back in the day." I explained.
"Courting?" Asked shalltear.
"Its, a old word just referring to romantically relations, and, or, marriage." Explained Alexis.
"Master, what is your opinion on "them"? Asked shalltear.
"They are digusting!" Said Fiara, as she walked Into my room.
"Hm, strong opinion coming from someone who's a cheater." I said lighting a cigarette, I hid behind my pillow, smoking it.
"You never feel anything from other races do you?" Asked fiara.
"Why should i?, why would I feel hatred for a race I dont know, I believe they are doing bad things, but I don't think they are evil.......your majesty, do you know what calm of short stacks, it is?" I asked, blowing grew smoke from my lips.
"Tsuyoi kanjō clan" Said the king.
"A futanari clan huh?" I asked smiling, sitting up.
"You've heard of them?" Asked Alexis.
"Yeah, while I was traveling, apparently, they were once allies of goblins." I spoke.
"Allies of goblins?" Asked shalltear.
"That certain clan is a part of a old goblin clan, their skin color is a bright yellow-green shade, but about 300 years ago, i heard they were isolated by other short stack clans." I explained.
"Whys that?" Asked Alexis.  I looked at him, and smiled.
"Simple, they court a lot, I've heard some of them had multiple spouses." I said.
"Gross." Said fiara.
"Sister, it's rude to judge them." Said alexis.
"Guards!" Shouted fiara, I glanced seeing two guards walk through my door, with a yellow-green short stack goblin in chains, inside of a box, with stone bars, as they set it down on the floor, I could see bruise marks upon her face, and body.
"What do you hope to gain from this?" I asked.
"They are monsters, I'll show you." Said fiara. Fiara ordered one of the guards to bring in someone, I glanced one of the guards bring in a woman, who had a bulging belly.
"Jesus christ." Said the king.
"This is unprecedented." Spoke the king.
I blew out grey smoke from my lips.
"Your pathetic." I spoke.
"What?!" Shouted fiara gripping her fist.
"If this so called "short stack" is dangerous, why is it so quiet?" I asked inhaling the cigarette.
"Its....tired!!....." said fiara.
"Oh really, shalltear give her some water." I demanded.
"Yes master!" Said shalltear, rushing around, as she put a glass of water in the box, the short stack gulped it down panting heavily.
"You!?, I know you, you came to the village 2 years ago." Spoke the short stack.
"I see." I spoke softly.
"How....is........the.....elder....doing?" I asked panting heavily, before someone pushed me down on my back putting a oxygen mask on my face.
"Doc?" Asked chen speaking softly coming in through the door.
"........" I stayed silent breathing through the mask, gulping down saliva.
"She passed away." Spoke the short stack.
"Natural causes, or cancer?" I asked.
"Shot in the head." Spoke the short stack. Everyone in room went silent looking down at me.
"Did she at least keep her ideals to the end?" I asked.
"All the way." Replied the short stack. I giggled softly, pulling the oxygen mask off my face coughing Into my hand sitting up.
"Hey! Lay back down!" Commented the King.
"Dont worry, I'm fine, just a little nasally." I responded.
As I looked at the short stack, I cpuld see the elders eyes in her.
"Has your clan been taking people?" I asked.
"Yes." Said the short stack with bo hesitation.
"Why?" I asked.
"Affection, we very much value connections, relationships, and courting very seriously." Spoke the short stack.
"Why not, just take courting with the dark elfs?" I asked, feeling the nurser against Alexis next press against my face, I pushed it off, flustered, and breathed out.
"........they haven't been.....well.......hm.........most of us don't like them that much, things have changed, we like mostly humans now." Spoke the short stack.
"Your majesty, what do the reports say?" I asked.
"All humans except for you were taken, odd, and most of the humans taken were men." Spoke the king.
"The clan I'm a part of find men easier to court then females.....um?" Said the short stack.
"Its josh." I spoke.
"I'm amy." The short stack reciprocated.
"Well their you go fiara now get out, or ill just get up and leave." I proposed.
"Ha! Yeah right you can't even move from that bed. I smiled amd ripped the it's from my arms and legs and got out of the bed, as I did blood dripped down my arms and legs, the nurser clinging to Alexis jersey, going while twitching rapidly.
"Settle down you, I swear, its just a little blood, besides." I said getting interrupted as Zara appeared putting bandages on my arms and legs where the needles were.
"Its beat not to let filth smell your Bible blood, young master." Zara said.
"Now now, old man, father wouldn't like you talking about "that", besides father was quite ignorant back then about short stacks." I spoke. Zara nodded and bowed.
"Yes, young master." Zara Spoke.
"Now then, I should be taking my leave." I explained as I gripped the door handle, I felt something wrap around my waist.
"Can you not?" I asked looking back at the king.
"Your staying." Said the king.
"Oh? Do pray tell?" I instigated.
"We have injured here, plus we have been taking in dark elfs, short.....uh hem, goblins, and elfs." Explained the king.
"One meal a day, and a room to myself and you got yourself a deal, also no Alexis at room at night." I asked. Alexis hugged Josh from behind.
"Rude, for that I want some blood." Demanded Alexis.
"Ok." Said the king.
"HUH?!" I shouted surprised.
"Like hell, I'm giving you blood, God so help me." I said pushing Alexis away from me, as I sat back down on the bed, gripped my hand around the bandages against right side of body, I felt Alexis grab my hand pulling it off my bandages.
"I already told you to back off!!" I shouted panting.
"Relax!, I'm just trying to help!" Responded Alexis.
"Just leave me alone." I said laying down pulling the covers over me. As I heard footsteps leaving, I heard a chair move.
"Your not worth anything, your expendable." I thought feeling my doubts in my heart carving deep.
"Shut the hell up." I said panting heavily, gripping sides of my body. I felt a cold sweep over body.
"I shouldn't even be alive,my parents deserved it!, not me." I spoke out loud. As I slowly closed my left eye tears ran down my face.

Next morning

As I walked down the halls, nobles in the palace looked at me scared, I stopped walking, they starred at me frightened, I saw a mirror, looking at myself, half my body covered in bandages, with part of my neck showing scars, and some burn marks.
I breathed out softly, before continuing to walk, as I reached the back of the palace, I opened a silver door, I walked through the door, seeing it rain outside before I could take a step outside, I felt someone grab my left arm. I breathed softly.
"Your not going outside, the king and queen made it perfectly clear." Spoke the individual.
"Why did you come back, a palace isn't meant for someone like you? I questioned.
"........." the individual behind me stayed silent.
"Not gonna day anything huh? I'll go to "them" right now, just please promise me one thing?" I asked.
"Dont touch me with your hands again." I spoke turning around not to even look at the individual behind Mr. As I made my way to the main hall, I felt a presence nearby, I glanced to my side seeing Alexis.
"Good morning love." Spoke Alexis. I didn't respond, I just opened the door to the main hall, I walled in seeing the King and Queen with several women and men at the table, as I was gonna sit down on the floor, Alexis's tentacles wrapped around my waist.
"Go sit now." Demanded Alexis. I walked in front of alexis as he followed close behind, I sat across from thr ming and Queen.
"Sleep well?" Asked the Queen. I just put my left arm on my right side of my leg, which was wrapped in white bandages.
"You seem distraught." Spoke the king.
"I-i-its n-nothing." I spoke panting looking down at my arms.
"Bring it in." Spoke one of the women sitting at the table. I glanced at her seeing her white clothing with silver armor pieces at her arm, shoulders, and waist, her eyes were blue, but when she looked at me, they were yellow fierce, and ravage. As looked at the royal guards place a box on the table, I smelt something familiar, very, very familiar.
As the women, got up amd pushed open the box, a adolacent pink Amazonian plant tentacles came out from the box, I fell backwards out of my chair hitting the back of my head against the ground. As i sit up, I see the woman over my head holding the pink tentacle plant placing it on my lap, I gulped hearing my heart beating out of control.
"Its overwhelming isn't it?" The woman asked.
"Clair, knock it off, get that "one" away, it's got too much of a strong feeling to those, it deems as it's master." Spoke the Queen.
"Yui wouldn't approve of how her son turned out, he HAVE to force it." Spoke the woman.
As I breathed panting heavily, I felt the tentacle plant on my lap breathing as I do. As I shakingly place hand on it, I breath softly, as does it. Alexis looks at Josh surprised. The tentacle plant whines at Josh, I look away, I feel the tentacle plant grip around my left leg. I grip my self, crying loudly sniffling, yelling. I grip myself harder panting heavily as tears ran down my neck.
"Josh?!" Shouted Alexis. Clair looks at Josh, seeing the Amazonian around joshs left leg. My body shook as I cried, as I sniffled in pain gripping myself, I felt Alexis pick me up by my thighs the new adolscent tentacle clinging to Joshs leg, moved up to joshs waist wrapping tightly around joshs waist. Alexis stroked joshs face before kissing him, as I opened my left eye, I put arms around him, letting him, as Alexis pulled his lips away, I felt myself pass out on him.

(Cliff hanger but not gonna lie i felt emotional writing this haha)

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