Egyptian Prince

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Their was a bang on the door, followed by another bang.

I opened my left eye slowly, and slowly sit up. I stayed quiet breathing not worried in the slightest as my hair was parted on my right eye.
"Doors open." I said. I glanced over at the door with my left eye and saw Chen.
"You seem often calm the Queen request, your presence doc." Spoke Chen. I got up and made a hand motion for her to leave. Chen hesitated then slowly left the room but didnt close the door all the way, looking through a crack in the door.

As i put on my sweats and long sleeve shirt, I pulled of a necklace, and placed it on the bed amd left the room, as i did I saw Chen waiting, and saw Jisa beside the door. Jisa looked at me seeing my ruffled hair.
"You should present yourself more doc." Commented Jisa. I walked in front of Jisa and bowed my head. Jisa sighed and began pushing her hands through my hair straightening it, as she finished she moved a part of my hair over my right eye. I looked up at her.
"I noticed you don't like showing your detective eye doc." Said Jisa. I nodded.
As i left towards the main hall, I saw Alexis speaking with Fiara. As i walked past them, I felt something grab me. Jisa looked at Alexis, she noticed Josh didn't even flinch. Alexis looked at Josh surprised and felt something cold about him, his tentacles hissed and pulled off him quickly.
"Girls?" Alexis asked backing up from Josh. I open the door to the main hall and bow seeing the King and Queen talking with a strange foreigner at the table.
"Good afternoon doc, sleep well." Asked the Queen, I stood quietly not answering.
"Fine then Doctor, we asked for you to be here, to listen to the war, between Egypt and Persia." Said the Queen in a rather hostile tone.
The egytian prince looked at Josh and glared at him.
"Why do you deceive me for not showing me both of your eyes?!" The egyptian Prince shouted. As I place my hand against my hair covering my right eye, I feel something grab me hard, I glance seeing black tentacles, followed by a hand against my left eye.
"The young Master had a accident, he no longer holds sight in his right eye." Said Zara.
"Thank you Zara." The King said. Zara pulled his hand and tentacles from Josh. The egyptian Prince got up from his seat.
"Prince?" Asked the King.
"I want to see for myself." The egyptian Prince demanded as he walked towards  Josh. As the Prince stood in front of me, I could see his brown eyes looking at my light brown one, as he pressed his hand against my face, he parted his lips surprised.
"How cold this one is." The egyptian prince commented before moving Josh hair from his right side exposing his blinded left eye, it was a solid white coloring, as pale as the moon.
"Good I don't like liars, and your face is so smooth, like touching a woman's face." Commented the egyptian prince before going back to his seat.
"Sufficient enough?" Asked the King. "Quite" commented the egyptian Prince.
The King and Queen could telling something was off about Josh.
"Chen take him outside." Said the Queen. Chen felt uneasy as her tentacles swayed hissing at Josh. I looked at the King and Queen and bowed leaving the main hall. As i walked through the hall, I cpuld hear footsteps, they were soft and silent.
"You seem different doc." Said Chen. I stayed silent as i opened the door to the garden, i tripped and fell onto the ground slamming my knees against the concrete, I got up with ease feeling numb all over my body. Chen looked at Josh surprised, but she felt something weird. As i proceeded to walk after getting up, I felt something grip onto my wrist tightly, i glanced seeing a tentacle plant from the grass gripping me. My eyes didn't blink, I felt another grip me  followed by two others they gripped on me and pulled me towards the grass. As they did, i fell onto the grass, breathing softly and calmly.
I could hear them hissing around me, as i closed my left eye. Chen bowed down and looked at the tentacles plant against joshs body.
"Little ones, why are you doing this?" Asked Chen as she did one of the tentacle plants dove into Joshs mouth and gripped onto something and ripped it out, it was a parasite tentacle, as the plant tentacle killed it, with its slime, Joshs body temperature returned to normal, but he was asleep.
"I thought we purged all of them, this one must of been feeding off of him til it could try moving his body, damn that cursed woman Tomo." Chen said the tentacle plants around Josh whined seeing blood run down his lips.
"Son of a?!" Shouted Chen yanking Josh from the tentacle plants, they whined as he was carried away. Chen rushed into the infirmary, and called for the King amd Queen doctors were hooking josh up to its, and water drips.
As the King and Queen walked in, they saw Josh. Chen told them that their was still one of Tomo sick parasites inside before one of the plant tentacles put in the grass yanked it out of him and killed it. The Queen's nurser sound her neck whined and moved around in her hair tentacles, as the Queen stroked it, she moved it onto Josh, it began to wrap around his leg.
"Thats unusual." Commented Chen.
"Yeah the little adolscent was so fond of him, how very strange that one of mine has taken such a loving embrace against the doctor, even after he tried pushing it away." Commented the Queen. The nurser whined at Chen, chen slowly pulled her tentacles off Josh.
"Do what you can." Commented Chen.
The nurser whined against Josh slowly pressing against his lips. I woke up feeling weak and extremely dizzy, i turned my head to the side, feeling my nerves were off.
"Josh let him, he's trying to help." Said the Queen. As i tried to move the nurser wrapped tighter around my leg and kissed my neck before pushing down against my body, i was so numb I couldn't feel the pain, I felt exhausted, felt like I was drained of all my energy. I felt a hand press against my head, my left eye shook heavily trying to stay awake.
"Rest." Said a voice, i glanced up amd before I couldnt see who, it was I blacked out.

The Queen looked at the nurser moving inside of Josh stomach and put her hand on the nurser.
"Clean him entirely all that matters if he lives with minimal damage." Said the Queen before leaving.

Chen sat in a chair in the infirmary watching the nurser dump fluids into Josh and rinsing his organs. Chen watched how the tentacle worked, she was amazed, how extensive, it was. As the nurser slowly pulled out of Josh stomach, it made a pop nose as it pulled from his lips. As the Queen left their stayed the individual looking at Josh.
"You should probably go continue the conversation and listen to what the royals want of the king and queen Young Master." Said Chen.
"..........yeah." said Alexis leaving the infirmary.

"How is he?" Asked Chen looking at the nurser. The nurser shook worried. Chen looked at him.
"A male nurser what are the odds." Said Chem poking it, nudging it with her finger.

The Queen sits down with her husband at the table of the main hall.
"Sorry for my leave something needed my attention." The Queen said.
"Dont worry yourself about it, will you be importing goods still to support my cause?" Asked the Egyptian Prince.
The Queen sighs.
"I wish you and the Persia princess would just let bygones be bygones." Said the Queen.
"Hm i wish, "it" was not so against the marriage between our nations, as your son is part of one with the Japanese." Commented the egyptian prince.
"You know of our affairs, and why do you say "it" when referring to the princess of persia." Asked the Queen.
"Cause the princess is a futanari, its a disgrace to nations" Commented the egyptian prince.
"Thats rather petty don't you think?" Asked the King.
"Im just stating thr facts your majesty." Said the egyptian prince.
"Now I shall take my leave." He announced leaving the palace.

"Can't believe we support those morons?!" Moaned the Queen.
"We do it for their support, in case things get worst for us in our nation my love." Said the King.
"I know i know......just pisses me off." Said the Queen.

(Haha I love cliffhangers especially when im the one doing it oh well hope you enjoyed already working on next chapter since this one was mostly for setting up a average next chapter later boys amd traps XD love your lazyking)

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