Persian Princess?!

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As the week progressed the persian princess, showed up, but, "it" was a week late from the designated date. Hehe the crowned princess, the egypitans had a name for her, they called her "it" princess, how petty those two nations are, hating and fighting each other its like a never ending war. The more things change the more the world stays the same.

As i opened my left eye faintly, I felt something clinging against my neck. I felt the warmth, and smiled softly.
"He's been clinging to you for about a week." Commented the Queen.
"I hate these things so much, why was I born with this gift, my mother cared not me..........I don't want this attachment, I don't want to feel emotions, it hurts, its hurts so very much." I said feeling tears run down my left eye.
"I know, rest a while longer, then come to the main hall, the meeting will begin soon." The queen said getting up from the chair, she was sitting on.
"Tell me do you remember, your mothers speech about "them"?" Asked the Queen.
"The heart is meant to love you,, when your happy, and sad, I'll always love you, even in death, if I one day, have a child love him, as you loved me, he will care for you as i did, and accept all your goods and bads, even if he has hatred in his heart show him the way." I said repeating the lines.
"Sleep well." Said the Queen before leaving.
As I slowly closed my left eye, I felt my heart beating fast, remembering those words, but it always made me feel so bitter, and angry. As i drifted off into my slumber, I felt a strange warmth wrapping around my being, it reminded me of happier was nice.

As the day progressed, I felt something tap me. I opened my left eye slowly. I looked up and saw Zara.
"Young master." Said Zara.
"I told you to stop that." I said sitting up fast.
"Young master take it slow." Zara reiterated.
"Im fine." I said as i did the nurser around my neck hissed at me and gently bit my neck. Zara looked at the nurser surprised.
"Ow, ok ok im sorry." I said, the nurser purred against my neck happily.
"Young master, please be careful today, your still recovering." Zara said.
"I will thanks, take the nurser back to the queen, if you would." I asked.
"The queen insisted that you keep "him" on you." Explained Zara.
"No, take it off now." I said getting irritated. Zara gulped amd pried the nurser from joshs neck and noticed it actually bit into Joshs neck through his bandages. As Zara glanced at joshs neck he noticed his neck was bleeding.
"Young master you should put your bandages on." Said Zara holding the nurser. I got up from the bed and walked over to thr bathroom and began wrapping the bandages around my neck. The nurser Zara is holding is struggling and moving around his hands.
"Keep moving and ill make sure you stay away from me forever." I said getting agitated. The nurser stopped.
"This one is often fond of you young master." Said Zara.
"Go on ill see you at the main hall." I said. As Zara left, I moved my hair over my right eye. I heard a knock at the infirmary door.
"Proceed." I said.
"Ready to go doctor?" Asked Jisa.
"Yeah." I said walking out of the infirmary. As i walked i felt something off about my body, I fell onto my knees only a few steps out of the infirmary.
"What the hell is going on?!" I shouted frustrated. I bit my bottom lip, hard even to make blood drip down and somehow regained my strength, to stand up.
"Doctor your bleeding!?" Said Jisa worried.
"Im fine!" I shouted agitated, as i did i heard someone walking behind me.
I glanced behind me, and saw no one, I gulped and continued to walk towards the main hall, as i opened the door to the main hall, i saw the Majestys eating, at the table of the main hall with a rather dark skinned woman, her skin was like milk chocolate her eyes, were soft, had beads around thr top of her head that went around the back of her hair, it was tied.
"Ah yes finally here, have you made a full recovery?" Asked the King. The Woman sitting next to Queen looked directly at me. I didn't look at her i avoided eye contact looking down at the window.
"No he stumbled getting here, bit his lip just to get himself up, i assume biting his lip gave his blood, and pain receptors a chance to flow, explaining how he was able to make it, at all here." Explained Jisa. The Queen looked at Josh with a rather tense look on her face.
"Sit." Demanded the Queen. I sat down in a chair near thr entrance of the main hall. As blood dripped down my bottom lip, I moved my teeth from my bottom lip, their was a small, indent from my teeth against my bottom lip.
"Seems you have been having a rough time, your majestys, i take it, this man is your royal doctor?" Asked the woman.
"No he's a friend of the royal family." Said the Queen noticing Josh's left eye was shifting, lazily, and exhausted.
"I see, I've heard a woman by the name of "Kris" has proposed quite a fundamental proposal towards this man." Said the woman.
"Yes, she has made her motives clear, she wants him, but he declined due to the fact of the current ruler of Japan, Queen Tohru." Explained the Queen. As they talked, I felt a discomfort feeling, followed by a strong, pounding headache, I panted putting my hand on my head. The woman noticed, looking at me directly, I could feel something strange about her, I was not liking it, reminded me of thr same feeling Queen Tohru gave off.
"Doctor, you alright?" Asked the King. I nodded in agreement, requested My leave. The king shook his head. I leaned the back of my head against the chair.
"This war won't end with my people, and that of the egyptians." Said the Woman.

I listen to them speak, but soon after, I felt my headache worsen, rattling my head to the core. Soon after I collapsed onto the floor falling out of thr chair onto the ground.

Everyone in the main hall freaked out.
"Zara?!" Shouted the Queen. Zara appeared beside her.
"Yes, your majesty." Asked Zara.
"Take Josh to his room, he's not to leave, he's had too much damage done to his body, he needs to recover and stay in bed, or he will soon, be dead." Said the Queen closing her eyes.
"Yes your majesty." Said Zara, as Zara picked up Josh he noticed, their were tears running down his left eye, zara clutched Josh in his arms. The Queen felt one of her children move around in her tentacle hair, she smiled softly.
"Gentle child, follow the one you love." The Queen said gently moving the nurser from her hair. The nurser leaped jumping onto Zara's shoulder. The woman watched at the nurser, and glanced at Josh once more before he was moved out of the main hall, she managed to see the royals crest, where my bandages covered.

"Divorce huh?" Questioned the Woman.
"You have keen eyes, princess Irene, it is well considered with a woman of your prominence." Said the Queen.
"Is it a curse upon the doctors flesh?" Asked Irene.
"............" the Queen stayed silent.
"Punishment?" Probed Irene.
"Fine then........will you still be supporting my cause for peace with the egyptians?" Asked Irene.
"For the time being princess, I only do what I can." Explained the Queen.
"Did Kris get to know, about what afflicts "him"?" Asked Irene.
"No." Responded the Queen.
"I hope its worth it keeping it under wraps, their rumors in the underground, about his role in your kingdom." Said Irene drinking from her tea cup drinking from her soft lips.
"............." the Queen stayed quiet perplexed, by the Question.
"Such a troublesome woman you are." Said a voice followed by a closing of the main hall doors.
"Hm." Said Irene looking at Alexis.
"Your concern is misplaced Irene state your business here or leave, we have more pressing matters." Said Alexis sitting down at the table.
" ____ ___ __ ____ __ _____ ___ _______" said Irene.

As i opened my left eye faintly, I felt something warmth clinging to my neck.
"Young master sleep." Said Zara. I smiled softly.
"I know, sorry ill be asleep for a while, be sure to take care of everyone." I said before falling asleep.

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