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It was cold, so very cold my body wasn't customary to the cold, but I somehow wondered why Alexis didn't anymore if I Said I wanted to believe he needed me I would be lying, but somewhere in my heart I knew he was just using me, people can be very cruel, I wonder if "she" will survive without me, I just hope she moves on, it's better if she does, I don't think I'll live to see her again, as my thoughts got the better of me, I didn't move from my bed, I kept drifting between en limbo and reality back and forth.

"MOTHER I CANT!?" Alexis yelled as he shook holding him as he sat on his bed.
"Son your the one who told me you didn't want him anymore, useless things don't belong here in the palace they belong on the streets to either die or be worthless." The Queen Said.
"I cant move on." Alexis Said as he gently laid down.
"You have to live with it, mistakes are mistakes and sometimes they can never be forgotten." The Queen Said.
"What?" Asked Alexis.
"I should know, me and your father, we had to killed our very one loved ones to keep the royals happy, and they had a smile when they died, can't say the same for their one and only son, he inherited their wills, to help people, but it won't come true like they wanted, who knows maybe he'll be with them soon." Announced the Queen as she left Alexis room.

As I felt myself stabilize in reality I sat up, and put my hand against my face, I looked at the mirror and saw how pale my skin was, and breathed out softly. I glanced and saw I had miss calls, I started to listen to them one by one. They were all the same, but they all read as follows.
"Doctor?! WE NEED A DOCTOR?!"
It was common for the city that those royals, they had doctors, went to best schools, but only cared about how much they were getting paid. My parents always said a life was more important than a paycheck, that life wasn't for a person to play god, it was for the person to live, and experience everything they wanted to: love, affection, sadness, guilt, worry, lust, betrayal, bitterness, and aggression. Elf being, human being, and dark elf beings. All three of our species might be different but we are all horrible, HORRIBLE, being inflicting pain, as we would to anyone who doesn't follow us. I thought of it, then got up, I decided to dress myself in a black long sleeve and black sweatpants, with black converse, a thin silk choker around my neck, and black converse. As I walked outside I noticed civilians were getting sick, horribly sick. They seemed to being have nourishment problems, but with the wages they got in this society it was almost expected. I continued to walk and noticed as I got downtown the monitor the royals used to lay down their laws to the people lit up and the king stood and said with a shakened voice.

"We need the top doctors to come to the palace we need doctors for all of my children to care for them, only the best, you will be paid, highly, but you will be working all day and as your majesty I demand all who call themselves DOCTORS to come immediately to the palace." The monitor turned off I leaned against the nearest wall seeing people that had tentacle hairs infected and getting sick, I glanced at the people, in the small group near the center of downtown, it was around 50 people, they looked weak, their tentacle hairs looked horrible, deteriorated, and infected. Most tentacle hair when elf's, and dark elf's are born as babies as their tentacle plants are the same to them as they age, but over the years I've noticed that they can get infected just as easily as us humans beings can, when they do their infection spreads into them like a sickness killing them, though it was something quite funny about this infection, it was due to low affection. I breathed out lighting a cigarette between my lips exhaling blowing out grey smoke cloud from my lips. The infection to most was called tentacle deterioration, but I always called it THD, tentacle hair disorder, I called it that because most of the elf's and dark elf's didn't show emotion towards their hair tentacles they saw it as weakness, how very funny, but us humans born with our didn't care , we loved them as part of us and will never give up on them, because as the masters we are bond to them forever, even in death they will stay with us, to be honest I always considered them, a link to our hearts cause of how honest they are, oh well the royals will have what's coming to them, they better hope they have find a smart one.

As I thought I felt something wrap around my waist, it was behind me, but I was leaning against a wall.
"What's wrong?" Asked a voice.
"Nothing at all shadow." I Said as I inhaled the cigarette between my lips.
"Your gonna be round sooner or later, why not just show up?" Prompted the shadow. I exhaled blowing grey smoke from my lips as I did I made a heart with the smoke.
"Hm I wonder how long they will live for? Those heartless royals." I Said with a smile.
"What would your parents say if they heard you saying that?" Asked the shadow.
"Their dead, so it means nothing to me, the one I loved damaged me, watched as I screamed in agony, and he pushed me away when I was close in again, that shows you how much worth I have, Fiara." I Said.
"Just be sure "she" doesn't escape, she'll want your lips more so than the last time she got a taste." Said Fiara before vanishing.

I thought about fiara's words and smiled and sat down on the floor, as I did I saw a small dark elf child drop down in the street, his face pale, and ghostly, I got up pulling my cigarette from my lips I kneed down in the street cars honked, I didn't care, I picked the young child up, and carried him to the side walk, I laid him against the wall I was against and put my hands over his eyes and closed them.
"May you pass over to the other world in peace innocent young one." I Said as I saw his body begin to disappear I looked down and noticed my hands were shaking as, my tears got the best of me, as I wiped my tears the child was gone. I got up, and started to walk home, thinking ever so quietly.

It was starting to cripple me, my heart, it was fragile, but when I saw children die young, it hurt me not as a different species, but as a doctor, I was meant to save people not let them die, but I knew it was inevitable, only the humans knew how to fix this disease plaguing the elf's and dark elf's, but their was a very small amount of us left, we were dying off and only a few knew of this.

As I made it home, I sat down on my couch feeling tired before I knew it I was asleep.

(Sorry this one a little short little dark but next chapter will be better I promise)

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