The Deal {part.2-unedited}

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Ziya's POV

"Wakey...wakey," I heard someone call out.

I struggled to open up my eyes, because it felt like it was glued shut; but when I finally cracked them open I was met with my father's smiling face.

"Oh good, I thought you were dead for a minute; that wouldn't be good, especially since I'm so excited for our upcoming game," he mused.

He sat me up, pulling me by my chained hands, and revealed a key. He unlocked my hands and then my feet and helped me stand. Liam then walked over to the dungeon door and unlocked it.

"Go on better get a move on. It's dusk now, in your condition you should make it back to Asgard in 4-5 days," he commented.

"Wait, you're not gonna drop me off at Asgard?," I asked.

"Of course not; where would the fun in that be. No we're gonna make it so that this is a race against time. On the fifth day I expect a letter, when that letter comes it marks the two week training period. You have two weeks to gather up your best, make supplies, and take the necessary precautions. Then the battle begins," he explained.

"And what if I don't make it back in 5 days and you don't get a letter?," I questioned.

"It's pretty simple, I burn Asgard to the ground," he laughed.

"That wasn't apart of the deal," I snapped.

"I know...but it's too late to change my mind now," he smiled. "Another thing, since I don't want this to become too easy for you, you're gonna have to escape from here. I ordered my subordinates to attack on site; I suggest you take out as many as possible," he said.

"I have a broken leg, my heads ringing, and I've been nearly starved to death and you want to me to escape here?," I asked incredulously.

"Yes, you should know by now that a deal with me is akin to a deal with the devil. It's never gonna look like how I promised you," he replied. "Now enough arguing and get to moving," he stepped aside and made room for me to leave.

I was a bit skeptical to walk past him, but I did. I limped to the door and looked left and right and the hallway was empty.

"A little friendly advice before I bid you farewell; the predators in this desert are like some you've never seen. So I highly suggest you find shelter at high grounds. Also...take a left and keep going. I truly wish you the best of luck," he said.

I gave him an unpleasant glance and walked right; my father was a liar through and through and I'll be damned if I let him trick me any further.

I could here him cackling behind me.

"Smart decision, you really are my child," he smirked.

As I hobbled down the dark hallways, I used the wall as a brace; the only thing audible was the rhythmic drip of water on the floor and my heavy breathing. I couldn't even try and control my breathing pattern even if I wanted to. Staying up right was even challenging, but I had to keep my goal in mind. Get the hell up outta here so I could crush my father like the bug he is.

  I tried to conjure up a flame to at least help with the lighting, but go figure the mana blocking crystals were probably still up. Was he really expecting me to escape with no magic? Maybe once I get outside things would be a little different.

  Right, left, left, left, right; I could feel myself just go about every where but the exit. I was lucky enough not to run into anyone so far, but I could start to feel my luck run out. I could hear footsteps off the distance and tried my best to go in the opposite direction.

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