Flower Fields {unedited}

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  For the next few days the routine remained the same. I'd wake up, change into some comfortable clothing, and then proceed to train all brothers in different time intervals. They all made exceptional progress seeing as how they practiced on their own time as well.

  Peter could make just about any person laugh or smile with his powers. Surprisingly he used his abilities responsibly, he managed to brighten the atmosphere of the entire castle. It was no longer the dreary wasteland that I first arrived to all those days ago. Peter was a joy to be around and reminded me of a lot of my family members back home.

  Caspian was now great at solving the vast labyrinths that I have set up for him. Obviously I make to the level of difficulty that I expect him to face. He is currently building up the skills/experience to do this while awake. The one lesson we did have where we first tried this, I knew immediately in my head. Caspian was both invasive and aggressive. I had to continuously remind him that seduction wasn't meant to be rough, but enticing.

  Taylor successfully managed to calm a raging Fergus down completely, furrowed brows and all. I upped the level of difficulty and had him try and deescalate two people at once. For this part, both Fergus and I were engaged in a physical fight. He managed, but I wouldn't consider it a complete success. Like Caspian, I knew that he was in my mind, which made resist him all the more. But Taylor was persistent and practiced vigorously.

  After having sent a letter back to Asgard, Hayden's customized amulet came not too long after. It was a wolf howling at the moon, which I thought he'd appreciate. With Hayden, I first started out with books. A majority of healers are also scholars, it was important to keep up to date on any and all types of healing spells/rituals. When he wasn't studying, I was teaching him how to hone in on his skills through the amulet. He was a fast learner and soon he was speeding through each lesson with vigor.

  Then there was Darius; within two days of me teaching him techniques, he was already a master. I even considered him to be in the same league as both the Lord and Lady Diligitis. He successfully manages to creep into the mind without a trace and incite new feelings. I haven't necessarily coaxed him into creating love yet, but it wouldn't be long before I did. But with his new found skill came a new way to torture me.

  Since we both had agreed that we should keep our relationship under wraps, he has decided to be affectionate in other ways. During dinners, he'd use his abilities just to spite me. I was flushed and uncomfortable while trying to remain stoic and professional.

  Ever since I learned that we were mates, it seemed that any type of restraint on Darius' part was thrown out the window. He would steal kisses from me during our lessons and hold my hand when no one was looking. On one hand, I loved the affection that he showed. But on the other hand, I feared for both of our safety. If someone were to find out us, there is a strong possibility that one of us would get hurt, in order to get to the other person. But no matter how many times I reminded Darius of this, he wouldn't quite.

It gotten to the point where I had to avoid him. If I saw him coming down the hall, I would turn in the opposite direction. I sat farther away from him during dinner time. And during our lessons, I kept him at an arms length. It went pretty well up until he cornered me one day.

"Why are you avoiding me, my love?," he asked.

"Your recklessness is going to get us caught, at least one of us has to be responsible. And clearly you can't seem to handle that burden, so the task falls upon me," I retorted.

"But I can't help touching you...feeling you....kissing you," he whispered. He moved closer and reached out a hand to grab my waist.

I quickly conjured up a small wind and pushed it towards his face. Since his hair was down, it flew in all sorts of directions.

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