Arrival {part.1}

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Ryd- Steve Lacy


All I could do was stare as we entered the courtyard, even though I wouldn't exactly call it that. It had towering ceilings that ran all the way up, and was connect by windows. The windows had multicolored art that with the little sunlight Afisa had could make rainbow reflections. Even with the front of the castle being covered there was still snow on the ground. Strange. The actual castle had to long double doors that reached the top of the arch. Much like gates in front of the castle.

It was noticeably colder the closer we got and when the carriage stopped in front of the doors I could see my own breath. Jonathan was the first to get off and grab our luggage, Fergus followed after and opened the door for me. He held out his hand to me and I took it thankfully. You would only imagine how clumsy I am when I'm nervous.

Fergus made sure to stay closely near me and I welcomed the extra protection. I put my "I'm a Queen" mask on and held my head up high. No fear. Together we walked up the steps to the front of the door and they snapped open.

A rather tall skinny man was at the door and he met us with a smile. His hair was pearly white and he had the darkest eyes I've ever seen. I returned his smile and he grew flustered. His pale cheeks turning a very lovely shade of pink.

"Hello my lady my name is Finley and I am King Darius's advisor it is my upmost pleasure to meet you," he said regally. His voice did crack at the end a little bit, he was a little too nervous for my liking. When others were nervous it somehow made me nervous.

  "The feeling is mutual, this is my uncle Fergus or Lord Bellum to most," I said.

  I gestured to Fergus hoping that he would take that as a sign to I don't know maybe smile. But of course his face remained in its stoic position and he grunted in response. How childish. I knew I should have taken Rosalind with me.

"Of course, well please come in, I'll show you each to your rooms.
Unfortunately you did come a little later than expected so everyone has retired. But first thing in the morning I will have the pleasure of giving you a tour," Finley said.

When he finally turned his back I took the opportunity to slap Fergus across the chest. Hard.

"Be nice," I whispered.

He glared at me, but grunted nonetheless. We followed Finley and he showed Fergus to his room. A sick feeling grew into the pits of my stomach when I realized that his room was on the east wing, while mine was of the west. Fergus looked as if he was about to protest when he saw Finn lead me out into the hallways. I realized the only way I could get Fergus to listen to me is if I spoke to him. But not out loud.

Fergus don't worry remember I'll be fine.

Ziya I don't like this, it don't feel right at all.

It will be okay and if anything happens I will call for you. I promise.
Okay lassy be safe okay.

Asgard was built on magic, that is our protection, we can do things that most people wouldn't even be able to dream of. And one of them being is mind links, extremely easy to do as long as the bond you and the other person share is strong. If it is not it will be harder to hear them, or you won't hear them at all.

"Excuse me Finley, I would hate to seem ungrateful for your already kind hospitality, but may I ask why my uncle and I's rooms are so far apart," I asked.

  "All the rooms in the east wing are occupied, the Lords and Ladies of Afisa all came to see you," Finley said. "Plus the west wing rooms are meant for the royals," Finley added.

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