Training {part.2}

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Japanese Denim-Daniel Caesar


I woke up from my nap just in time to see the sunset, rolling over I shielded myself from the rays of light. I got out of bed still groggy and made my way to the dining hall. I ate my dinner by myself and walked around the castle with a guard of course.

"Your majesty, do you have a moment," Declan asked.

From a distance you could see the fiery red head making a slow jog towards me. The guard reached for his sword at the waist of his belt, but I stopped him.

"Don't worry, he's a trainee," I said quietly.

The guard didn't look convinced, but moved his hand away from the sword anyway. When Declan came closer I could see the cuts and bruises on his face.

"Can I talk to you for a second," he asked. I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking, he followed. "Your majesty I just want to start off with the fact that I am sorry. I didn't mean to come off as arrogant, it's just that I have never lost a fight before so I guess coming here I thought things would be a piece of cake. I guess I was wrong," he chuckled. "Truth is when I found out I was fighting you I kinda got scared, I mean I've heard stories about you for the past 10 years. You're practically a legend where I'm from, the one who saved our people," he sounded dazed." You are probably the best fighter I've ever met, and I want it to be known that I respect you," he said that last part quietly.

"Declan it's fine, you know these things happen all the time. It's all apart of the learning experience, it is whats going to make you a great warrior. And you're not that bad a fighter either, it's just that you let your emotions control you," I said. He looked over at me and asked me to elaborate. "Well many fighters enter the field reeling with their emotions and they are the first to die. It's because they don't think clearly, their mind is clouded. Declan you can let your emotions drive you, but don't let it run you over," I said.

He nodded his head and silently mulled over my words. We continued to walk in comfortable silence until we had walked the entire castle.

"Goodnight my Queen and thank you for the advice," he said sincerely.

"Any time Declan," I said.

I went into my room and looked around. I've never been more happy to see a bed in my entire life. My body was aching every where not to mention I haven't taken a bath yet either. Walking to the bathroom I ran the bath and filled the tub up with water and my favorite bubble soap that smelled like peaches. I slipped out of my dress and stepped into the warm water and relaxed. The bubbles in the water kept my body hidden, and though I was alone I was still conscious. I detangled my hair and put it in a pineapple so that my hair can retain is curls. I reluctantly left the tub upon realizing that my fingers were starting to look like raisins. I put lotion on and fell into a heap on the bed, I was so tired. I crawled under the sheets and slept.


"I don't understand what the tattoo even means, it showed up on my back last night," I said frantically.

"My Queen please calm down, we'll figure this out soon, but it will help no one if you running around stressing," the head council member Boomy said.

I took deep breaths and attempted to relax myself. I mean who wouldn't freak out if a random tattoo shows up on your back.

"I've got it," Boomy said behind his mountain of books. "Imperium. The Latin word for power. Says it they have complete control over the elements, only one was ever recorded and that was the very first Queen of Asgard. Or your many great grandmother," he said intrigued.

"Is that all the information on them, or me," I asked.

"Yeah I guess, they usually get that same tattoo on the day they become an adult or at least in your case, your eighteenth birthday," he said.

That was the day after I saw the tattoo I immediately ran to him for help. He and my mother became best friends once she married my father. Boomy played the crazy grandpa in my life, over the years I'm guessing he lost a few screws in his machinery.

I don't know why I had to have these powers, I didn't even know what they fully were. But I tried not to dwell on it too much, I already have enough stress as it is.


Nice short easy chapter hope you like it and I will try to update regularly. Love you 😘.

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