Practice {part. 3-unedited}

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  "Would you like to tell me why you were crying?," Darius asked.

  "I'm not necessarily compelled to do so," I retorted. I quickly wiped away the rest of my tears and stepped back. "And so help me if you tell others that I have shed tears, I will lie and then send you to an early grave so you can't defend yourself," I said.

  He laughed one of those full belly laughs and nodded. "I won't tell a soul... your secret is safe with me," he promised.

  " we can get started," I said.

  In all honesty, I was dreading this specific lesson. Too many things could go wrong.

  "You never told me what my ability was," he said.

  "Oh—I didn't?," I asked. I know I didn't, I purposely didn't.

  " I must ask, what is it?," he asked.

  "What is what?," I said faking cluelessness.

   He gave me a long hard look, which I returned with an innocent smile. "What are my abilities?," he asked slowly.

  "You possess an extremely rare and an extremely dangerous ability. You would go by many different names in Asgard, but the most commonly used is a Cupid. A descendant of one of Lady Diligitis; to be more specific, you're a descendant of her son. Her son has the abilities of lust and desire. And likewise your abilities mirror his. You have the ability to cause lust and desire within any individual you'd like," I explained.

"I thought you said that that type of magic was forbidden," he interrupted.

  "This is where things get both difficult and confusing. With your abilities, you're not falsifying feelings, you're creating new ones that are very much real. The spells your mother casted creates artificial feelings that can pass, your magic creates permanent feelings. The only people in Asgard that have your degree of abilities is both the Lord and Lady Diligitis. They would be better suited to teach you how to use your powers, but alas they are not here," I said.

  "So I can create emotions? How is that any different from Peter and Taylor's powers? They can both create emotions if I'm not mistaken," he asked.

  "This is the tricky part that I mentioned. Peter and Taylor influence emotions that already exist; by using the surrounding environment and other factors, they enhance existing feelings. You're entirely different, you're creating something that doesn't exist. We've had issues with Cupid's in the past, where they had to be detained, but generally speaking they are a peaceful bunch," I said.

  "Isn't that the same thing as Caspian's ability?," he asked.

  "Not exactly, with Caspian he can only incite desire and lust. You can create love, lust, and desire; which is significantly more powerful. Lust and desire can be temporary, but the love that you can's forever," I explained.

He nodded his head in understanding and then spoke again. "Just curious...I can make someone desire me?," he asked.

  I gave him a pointed look, already knowing that this might not end well if he goes power crazy. "Yes, but you can also create desire between two people other than yourself," I said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get started," he exclaimed.

  "Just a moment...give me your hands," I requested.

  "Why?," he asked.

  "Oh for goodness sake," I sighed.

  I grabbed both of his hands without even thinking. The feeling was instant; it spread from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. The hairs on the back of my neck and arms raised in attention. A warm feeling swirled in the pits of my stomach and I didn't know whether to squirm or throw up. I looked at Darius with wide eyes and noticed things about him that weren't apparent before.

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