Healing {part. 3-unedited}

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Ziya's POV

"What are you talking about?," Lord Hayden asked offended.

  I ignored his question and went back to my medicine back searching for the different herbs I would need.

  "Their mother was Asgardian," I said to Fergus.

  "You're kidding," Fergus said.

  "I wish I was; she was from Diligitis and apparently both the Lord and Lady knew her," I said.

  "Our mother wasn't Asgardian, she was born and raised in Afisa," Peter defended.

  I found the pestle and mortar and began grinding ingredients together. I felt like a chicken whose head had just been cut off. I was reeling from all the new information I got; I was close to finding out the reason why my kingdom was attacked. And the answer seemed to be trapped inside of Julian's mind.

  "The spells she used Fergus...they're all forbidden. She was practicing forbidden magic!," I said incredulously.

  "Mother didn't know how to do magic," Taylor cut in.

  But I wasn't having any of it, I was pissed. Every Asgardian knows the danger of using forbidden magic; they know it kills not only the person they are using it on, but theirselves as well. The only people strong enough to even begin practicing that kind of magic were the royal family. And my mother and even my father were smart enough to stay away.

  "Twenty one years Fergus—twenty one years that woman has been spell casting," I ranted.

  I continued moving fast, ignoring the questions and comments the brothers made. I was just about finished with my concoction when Darius spoke up.

  "ENOUGH!," he shouted.

  A wave of power rippled through the room and pushed my weakened form back. The brothers and my uncle immediately fell to their knees and shuddered in pain. I myself could feel my legs begin to give out on me. I told him that the next time her tried that stunt on me, there would be hell to pay.

I reached my hand out to him and through a connection I could feel the beat of his heart. I could feel the expansion of his lungs as he both inhaled and exhaled. But most importantly, I could feel the blood coursing through the different veins and arteries in his body. And so like a puppeteer, I began to pull the strings on his body, overriding any type of will that he had.

Blood bending frowned upon by most was an advanced technique of water bending that allowed the magician to take hold of and manipulate any living organism. All forms of life contains water and with that I am able to control the fluids within their body. It was a dangerous technique that came into opposition with water bending itself. Instead of the fluid dance like motions that was water bending, mine were now choppy and rigid. As an Imperium, my abilities often supersede even the most powerful Asgardian. I had to learn about the many possibilities of my power through intense study and practice throughout the years.

I made sure to be gentle with Darius, but still forceful enough for a point to be made. I forced his body into a kneeling position his head bowed to me, until I felt his imposed persona leave the room. Once I felt his presence leave, I immediately released my hold on his body. He fell forward a heaping mess, gasping for air. The repercussions of doing extended periods of blood bending on an organism, is damage to their mental state. I am inadvertently cutting off their blood flow to do my bidding.

"I told you the next time you tried that again with me, I would burn this palace down. However, your father is the key to a lot of unanswered questions, so I will spare you," I seethed.

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