Practice {part.2-unedited}

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Ziya's POV

  Taylor came into the room after Peter and I could just sense that he was nervous. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room waiting for my instructions.

"I'm going to need you to a little closer Taylor,"'I said. He came forward and I offered my hands to him.

His mana came creeping forward from the middle of his chest to meet mine. It was a blush pink, so by Asgardian standards he was below average, yet his power still emitted strongly from his being.

"Okay now let's start on our exercise, you have a natural ability to transmit feelings of peace and calmness into other people. So I am going to introduce you to one of the angriest people I know, give me a minute," I said.

I left the room in search of Fergus and sure enough he was in the war room, beating a wooden dummy.

"I need your help with something," I said.

"What is it?," he asked.

"It's a surprise, now come along," I said.

I walked back to the room Taylor was in with my uncle in tow. "I need you to talk a seat in front of Taylor for me," I said. The look on Fergus' face told me he'd rather sweep the ocean floor before he was sat next to Taylor. "Please," I begged.

He took a reluctant seat a safe distance away, but close enough so that I wouldn't complain.

"Now Fergus I want you to think of all the things that make you angry," I requested.

  I knew he was doing so since his eyebrows furrowed and his face was flushed with red. His hands clenched into fist and honestly he looked like he wanted to murder somebody.

  "The goal of this exercise is to bring him peace," I sat next to Taylor as we both faced a very angry Fergus. "Imagine yourself enveloping Fergus without actually touching him," Taylor looked at me as if I grew a second head.

  "How is that even possible?," he asked.

  "Your powers are simply an extension of you, the goal is to calm him down. So envision arms wrapping themselves around him. And make sure to close your eyes too, it helps with concentration," I said.

  He complied with my wishes and did what he was told. Fergus visibly tensed up and I knew that he felt an encompassing spirit.

  "Normally with your type of power, it's beneficial for you to be able to practice your abilities on someone else and them not to be aware. You don't want the other person to know that you're using magic on them. That makes them all the more susceptible to resist your influence. When you use your powers, it needs to be subtle—an enticing feeling, beckoning them to be calm. Try again," I said.

  Taylor closed his eyes again and let out a breath, he was trying to relax himself. I looked over at Fergus to see that he had visibly eased. Not by a lot seeing as how his brows were still furrowed, but I noticed his shoulders were now relaxed.

  "Good...another day we can practice implanting peaceful thoughts. But for now we continue this exercise until Fergus is completely relaxed. Now Fergus...get mad again," I said.

  The lesson went on like this for the next hour or so. Luckily for me Taylor was a fast learner, he managed to get Fergus to calm down quickly each time. However Fergus' brows still remained furrowed, something that frustrated Taylor to no end. I could tell that he was disappointed in his progress, but before he left I made sure to give him some encouraging words.

  "It is only your first can't expect to get the hang of a power that takes most people a majority of their life, in an hour," I reasoned.

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