The Ball {part.2}

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   Changes- Charles Bradley


  Returning to my room there really wasn't much I could do, but I knew I absolutely did not want to think about that power breakdown. I laid on my stomach by the green wall and touched the vines, I let red roses grow on the vines as well as blue poppies. Walking into the bathroom I inspected the damage Fergus left behind. A cut ran along my cheek bones, and my hair was in shambles. I looked down at my leg to see the dried blood down my leg, whispering a little spell the wounds began to clean itself. There was no point in fixing my hair so I just left the bathroom. Letting out a loud over exaggerated sigh I jumped on my bed.

  I looked around my room I noticed the blue box, Piper and Jericho gave me. I hadn't open it yet I was too preoccupied to even think about it. I was about to open it when someone knocked on the door.

  In Sierra walked with two other maids flanking behind her. There eyes went wide when they saw me I expected it to be because of my hair. It was in pretty bad shape right now.

  "Hello," I greeted.

The two girls looked down immediately refusing to meet my gaze. They reminded me of Sierra when I first met her, scared.

  "Hello your majesty," they said in unison.

  "We are here to help you get ready for the ball your highness," Sierra said.

  "Oh yes of course, well lead the way I guess," I said.

  I was ushered to the bathroom and stripped down as they filled the bath with warm water and scented oils. I stepped inside and each went to their pre destined spots I guess. Sierra worked on my hair, while the one maid had the task of washing my body, and the last one was shaving my legs. They worked in silence which I hated so I started up a conversation.

  "I find it rude on my behalf that I know Sierra's name, but didn't take the time to get to know yours," I said. "Do you mind giving me your names please," I asked. They hesitated at first but gave them anyway.

  "My name is Lia your majesty and this is Pearl," Lia said.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you two," I said kindly.

  "It is a pleasure to meet you too," Lia said with a smile.

  Pearl I could tell wasn't much of a talker, but she did give me a warm smile as well.

   "Do any of you have a clue what would be at this ball?," I asked.

  "Unfortunately no your majesty, Finley had made it his mission to keep everything a secret," this came from Sierra.

  "That's too bad, but I guess it leaves something to look forward to later," I said. My giddiness must have really shined through because both Lia and Sierra laughed softly and Pearl cracked a smile.

  "You must really like parties your majesty," Lia commented.

  "Oh absolutely my mother would plan the grandest balls and every person in the kingdom was invited. She would have these giant balls of light that would explode into tiny pixie fluorescents," I exclaimed.

  "Giant balls of light?," Lia questioned.

  "Yeah you would pull that from within it's a simple spell really," I explained. Lia still looked confused. "It would be better if I showed you," I said.

  I cupped my hands into a ball and focused my energy into it, my hands grew warmer as the light grew brighter. I let the ball grow to the size of a small basketball, and then lifted it into the air. It floated for a few seconds and then exploded, with out making an explosive noises. Little fairy lights floated in the air changing colors and there they stayed.

His Queen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora