39. Selfish or Selfless

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Before we start, just wanted to give Wattpad customer service a round of applause.
Havent been able to access this app since last chapter. We're all good now

Also~ WARNING: we have some serious self reflection in this chapter. I suggest you play these three songs on a loop:
-Unsteady (X Ambassadors)
-Breakeven (The Script)
-It's gotta be you (Isaiah Firebrace)
Play these on the last PRESENT DAY section (right after 72 HOURS AGO)
This was the soundtrack that left me in complete and utter tears. I mean sobbing. Like I don't know why I did what I did.
You'll hate me.
But I still love y'all


48 Hours Ago

Marco POV

I pulled into the strip malls parking lot and shut off the engine. The stores neon lights were shining bright and soft bistro music could be heard from the café at the end of the strip.

I got out and walked in the direction of the run down motel we'd visited just a few hours ago. Even with the coolness of the evening nipping at my skin, the gun at my side was cooler.

After Rosalies never ending revelations, I'd come to the conclusion that I couldn't sleep another night knowing this could be my last chance to get rid of her.

She had enough enemies for me to stay off the suspect list when the three of us would come get her tomorrow and find her dead body. I knew Rosalie better than Cane and Zhara did. Obviously I didn't believe her when she'd claimed to 'give up'. Rosalie has never given up.


We couldn't trust her to uphold her end of the deal so what was the point of giving her another day of life? Knowing her, she'd fuck up whatever part of the plan we asked her to execute. She'd take the opportunity to run.

She claimed she was tired of trying and wasn't planning on running.

My ass.

I wasn't going to give her the chance to do so. And if Zhara knew I planned on killing her, she'd be upset because that would leave her having to scramble with her team for another way to find Sage.

It'd leave me having to uproot my family and practically succeed my Mafia to whoever decided to take over. When we weren't in Italy, my grandparents stayed here to keep the throne filled in our allies eyes— to be the intermediates between us and them. If no one was here, who would represent?

I had it all planned out.

I was going to give the throne to Cane. He wasn't my direct brother, but he still had Fiorentino blood which, with me making a little modification to the laws, would give him permission to hold power. And at this point, after what he'd done for Angelo, as far as I was concerned, he was my brother. I'd move the rest of us back to the states, probably much to grandparents dismay—but it was that or death so they'd get over it.

Cane could fend for himself, plus he'd have the backing and support of all my men— they'd answer to the two of us, but as far as they were concerned what Cane said goes. And I had a feeling Cane wouldn't be so bad at running things. My family would probably fight the transition of power, but the compromise would calm them for the time being until we detained Sage.

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