13. Power In Family

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Marco POV

I fumbled with my tie as I groggily got dressed. My head was still swimming in whiskey, but I'd mustered enough strength.

"I'll do it," said Rosalie from behind me. She had on a one shoulder, floor length red dress that glided along the floor as she stepped in front of me. Her fingers glided from my shoulders to my neck and finally my tie.

As she let her hands do the work, she looked up at me with her emerald eyes. We made brief eye contact before I looked away again.

I fought her off once, I can do it again.

"You don't have to be distant again. You're drunk," she said before placing a kiss on my cheek. "Next time," she whispered in my ear.

"There won't be a next time Rose. Things went too far," I mumbled as she left a trail of wet kisses on my neck. Her hand glided to the zipper of my pants and I caught her wrist tightly.

She frowned at me and yanked her wrist from my hand. I turned away from her and ran a comb through my hair. Even with the fog in my head, I had realized my mistake before we'd made it to the stairs.

Rejection from me had become habitual to Rosalie so I guess I could say I wasn't surprised when she didn't get upset at my sudden change of heart. I'd told her she could shower first and I proceeded to pour myself four more glasses of whiskey. If the night went on, I truly didn't know if I alone would be able to stop myself. So the extra glasses helped with that.

The only thing going down tonight was my dick; whiskey dick had never been more real than now.

I hiccuped and opened the door for Rosalie as she walked out. We made our way downstairs, her holding onto me for my support rather than hers. She kept this up until we made it down the hall and into the dining room.

"ti ha impiegato abbastanza tempo," Francesca said (T: took you long enough). I didn't have it in me to roll my eyes so I smiled lazily and pulled out my seat; Rosalie sat beside me.

My grandfather, Amico, and my father, Rossi, sat at the heads of the table. The servants came in with the Appetizers and placed them in front of each of us.

"Now can you tell us why you're here," asked Natalia as she took a sip of her lemon water. She was sitting beside her now husband Sergio.

"Were we not supposed to come see our grandchildren," asked Francesca with a tone of annoyance. "And our future grandchild."

Natalia raised her brows and looked away as if to say "sheesh sorry".

My grandmother smiled at Jessica who blushed at the attention.

"How are you feeling, Jess? The days until you pop are getting shorter and shorter," asked my mother.

"I'm feeling good, thank you for asking. I'm feeling the kicks a lot more lately," she replied with a smile. Stephan laid his hand on her stomach and smiled as well.

"I can't wait," he said more to himself than to us.

"I hope you're ready. You've left the immaturity behind, yes," asked my grandfather. Stephan gave him a dirty look and before he responded, my grandmother spoke.

"Is the baby shower all set," she asked.

"I believe so. Natalia planned the whole thing so you'd have to ask her," answered Jessica. Francesca looked at Natalia for the answer.

"Yes, nonna. Everything's ready to go. We've gotten many RSVPs. We're still waiting on a few."

"What few? If anyone wants to be on our good side, they best show up for the celebration of my great grandchild," said my grandfather gruffly. Natalia glanced at me, which I barely missed since I was dozing off.

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