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The Invasion of Ba Sing Se, Part Two

"The Earth King and The Council of Five do not trust the Dai Li. They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng. Soon, they will turn on all of you and eliminate you." Azula addressed the Dai Li members standing in front of her, accompanied by her closest friends, Ty Lee, Mai, and Kira. "Seizing power today is a matter of life and death. This coup must be swift and decisive. The Earth King, and each of the five general, must be taken out simultaneously. Long Feng has placed you in my command while we overthrow the government.

"If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all, I will snuff it out." Azula glanced at a Dai Li member. The member's eyes widened as he looked away. It was as if he though Azula's very look could kill him. Though that was possibly true saying as so many thought that. Kira looked around at the members as they all stared straight up at her. Azula. A born leader and the girl destined for Firelord once her father leaves the throne. Kira noted that everyone looked scared. That's good for them, akira supposed. "That is all."

The sounds of the boots clacking down the halls were heard as the Dai Li members left. Turning around, Kira watched Ty Lee begin to pour a steaming cup of tea for the princess. "Nice speech, Azula. It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way." Ty Lee complimented Azula as she handed her the cup of tea with a wide grin on her face. Azula looked pleased by this response, taking the tea gratefully. She took a sip, passing it to Kira to have a try. After all, girlfriends shared, right?

Mai snickered as she crossed her arms, looking at the girls. She was always a fan of Azula's dark speeches that spread fear in the enemies hearts. Well, she was a big fan of anything that could cause anyone to be scared. "Yeah, I thought you were gonna make that one guy pee his pants." Mai smiled at them. That was rare, so that made Azula even more confident as she watched Kira pass the tea back to her. Mai just expanded Azula's already big ego. So did Ty Lee. Kira didn't really feel the need to in front of others though.

Azula hummed as she smirked, watching the steam leave her tea cup. She was proud of her speech. Her friends made her feel confident about it, even though she already was incredibly confident about it. She was happy to hear their words and was excited about it. This made the coup all the sweeter. Still, she had to think realistically. "There are still a few loose ends- the Avatar, my brother, and my uncle." She said, knowing she had a full proof plan to get rid of the three people that irked her the most. Everything was coming together.

Kira looked at the girls with a small grin on her face. Apart of her felt so wrong about what was going on. She didn't want to hurt anyone, ever. Still, she was loyal to Azula, her girlfriend. She pledged to be loyal and she wasn't about to break now. Not when they are so close to doing what will make Azula so happy. "Speaking of your brother and uncle, aren't they supposed to be serving us tea right about now?" She questioned Azula who smirked. "I think we ought to go and provide a family reuinion." Kira offered.

Azula nodded, pleased by the sign of loyalty in Kira. She knew how much Kira adored her uncle and how close she once was to Zuko, but helping her get rid of them was the biggest test in loyalty for Kira. She was passing so far. "You're right, Kira. It is time to see them. It's been way too long. I'm excited to see the look of surprise on their faces when they see me. Let's go, ladies." Placing the tea cup down, she guided the girls into the throne room where they heard Zuko and her Uncle Iroh discussing the King's tardiness to each other.

Azula approached the throne room and commanded the Dai Li to go in first as she heard the confusion in Zuko's voice as he talked. The Dai Li surrounded them, blocking their view as Azula walked in. She looked so smug. It made Kira's stomach flip slightly. "It's tea time." Azula stated with a smirk upon her red painted lips. Ty Lee watched on excitedly while Mai looked at Zuko to see his reaction. Kira, on the other hand, held back a wince. She didn't want to seem disloyal. Kira wasn't disloyal, and she was going to prove it.

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